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End Time

Softback End Time (CHA0086) 2004, 1st Printing 50 copies. Card cover and tape binding
Softback End Time (CHA0305) 2004, Card cover and tape binding
Softback End Time (CHA0305) 2006, Glossy cover

Publisher: Chaosium

Systems: Call of Cthulhu (End Time)

Authors: Michael C LaBossiere


Background Key Points in the Future History3-10Michael C LaBossiereCall of Cthulhu (End Time)
Background Planetary Information11-17Michael C LaBossiereCall of Cthulhu (End Time)
Background Colony Information18-24Michael C LaBossiereCall of Cthulhu (End Time)
Background Denizens of Mars25-27Michael C LaBossiereCall of Cthulhu (End Time)
Rules End Time Sanity and Insanity Rules28-49Michael C LaBossiereCall of Cthulhu (End Time)
Background Keepers Lore50-54Michael C LaBossiereCall of Cthulhu (End Time)
Background Colony Government55-61Michael C LaBossiereCall of Cthulhu (End Time)
Background Belief and Madness on Mars62-69Michael C LaBossiereCall of Cthulhu (End Time)
Background Martian Dreamlands70-75Michael C LaBossiereCall of Cthulhu (End Time)
Rules End Time Mars Investigators, Skills and Occupations76-89Michael C LaBossiereCall of Cthulhu (End Time)
Rules Equipment and Vehicles90-95Michael C LaBossiereCall of Cthulhu (End Time)

Links: Call of Cthulhu Collector's List Call of Cthulhu Collector's List (p6), Drive Thru RPG Drive Thru RPG, RPG Geek RPG Geek,, Yog-Sothoth Yog-Sothoth