Title | Pages | Publication | Code | Date | Publisher | System (Setting) |
Y'Golonac | Character (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Y'Golonac, The Obscenity | Character (R) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Y'ha- Nthlei | Location (R) | Cthulhu Rising | CAO1302-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Y'ha-nthlei | 140-149 | Escape from Innsmouth | CHA2338 | 1992 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Innsmouth; February; 1928; Deep One |
Y'ha-nthlei | 139-145 | Escape from Innsmouth | CHA2371 | 1997 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Innsmouth; February; 1928; Deep One |
Y'ha-nthlei Statue | Support (F) | Aspirations of Ascension | CT43 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Y'ha-Nthlei, Home of the Deep Ones | Support (R) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Ya-te-veo | Character (F) | The Unspeakable Pages | CT57 | 2012 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Yacht Shock | 24-25 | R'lyehwatch | | 2023 | Third Chair Games | R'lyehwatch | California |
Yahtzee: Cthulhu | | Yahtzee: Cthulhu | USOYZ056414 | 2016 | The Op | Yahtzee | |
Yak | Event (U) | Dreamlands | CAO1307-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Yakobi Island Artifact | 24 | Protodimension | 20 | Sum 2014 | Kinstaff Media | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Yamaha Motorcycle | Event (F) | Rosemary's Baby | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Yankee Stadium | Location (F) | Rosemary's Baby | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Yar Ali | Ally (U) | Serena's Dojo | | 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
Yara-ma-yha-who | Oct 2020 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Yath-Lhi | Monster (F) | Ends of the Earth | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Ye Book of Comunicacions with ye Angel Dzyon | 212-214 | The Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion (Limited) | 60-MONC-08 | 2016 | Sixtystone Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Ye Book of Comunicacions with ye Angel Dzyon | 196-198 | The Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion (Unlimited) | 60-MONC-03 (?) | 2016 | Sixtystone Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Ye Booke of Monstres Index | | Chaosium Digest | v06n11 | Jun 1994 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Ye Liveliest Awfulness | 19-36 | Unconventional Diplomacy | CB71208 | 2014 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (Laundry) | England |
Yeah, But What Does it Look Like? | 21 | The Unspeakable Oath | 2 | May 1991 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Yeah, But What Does it Look Like? | | Courting Madness | 3 | 1992 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Year of the Serpent | | Year of the Serpent | | Dec 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New York; February; 1917 |
Yeb | Character (F) | The Thousand Young | CT65 | 2015 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Yello Eyed in Kingsport | | Cthulhu's Domain | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Yellow (Document #8421) | 1999 | delta-green.com | | | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
A Yellow and Unpleasant Land | 242-289 | APOCTHULHU | cr6100 | 2020 | Cthulhu Reborn | APOCTHULHU | England; 1890s |
A Yellow and Unpleasant Land | | A Yellow and Unpleasant Land Resource Pack | | 2020 | Self Published | APOCTHULHU | |
Yellow Baboon / Sacred Animal of Ancient Gods | Oct 2023 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Yellow Box Podcast | 2022 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Indiana; 2022; December |
The Yellow Death | | The Yellow Death | | Feb 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | 1927 |
The Yellow Miasma | Oct 2022 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Yellow Muse | Character (R) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Yellow Muse | Character (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Yellow Sign | Event (F) | The Spoken Covenant | CT36 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Yellow Sign | | The Yellow Sign | MAD07 | 2012 | Fantasy Flight Games | Mansions of Madness | |
The Yellow Sign | 38-53 | The Hastur Cycle | CHA6020 | 1993 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Yellow Sign | 42-59 | The Hastur Cycle | CHA6001 | 1993 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Yg'bh | Mar 2022 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Yggdrasil | 114-132 | The Sevenfold Path | CHA0403 | 2011 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Iceland |
Yian, Across the Seven Oceans | Support (R) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Yig | Character (F) | Screams from Within | CT38 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Yig Promo Card | | Yig Promo Card | | 2012 | Fantasy Flight Games | Arkham Horror | |
Yig's Teeth | | Yig's Teeth | | Dec 2020 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Darker Trails) | |
Yig, Father of Snakes | Character (R) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Yithian | Monster (F) | Unlimited | CAO1306-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Yithian Mental Contact | Event (U) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Yithian Mental Contact | 12 | Starry Wisdom | 2 | Spr 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Yithian Psychic Possession | Event (R) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Yithian Rifle | Support (C) | Masks of Nyarlathotep | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Yithian Scout | Character (F) | The Key and the Gate | CT60 | 2013 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Yithian Soldier | Yithian (Y) | Yithian Deck | | 2006 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Yll Virus | | Chaosium Digest | v37n08 | Apr 2003 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Yog Sothoth | Monster (R) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Yog-Sock'thoth | Oct 2023 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Yog-Sothoth | Character (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Yog-Sothoth | Character (F) | The Key and the Gate | CT60 | 2013 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Yog-Sothoth | Character (F) | Screams from Within | CT38 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Yog-Sothoth | | Yog-Sothoth | DMD004 | 2019 | CMON Limited | Cthulhu: Death May Die | |
Yog-Sothoth Promo Card | | Yog-Sothoth Promo Card | | 2013 | Fantasy Flight Games | Elder Sign | |
Yog-Sothoth, In Whom the Spheres Meet | Character (R) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Yog-Sothoth, The Key and the Gate | Character (R) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Yog-Sothoth, The Opener of the Way | Character (R) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Yog-Sothothery | | Yog-Sothothery | 8-BIT-ATTACK-1 | 2020 | Petersen Games | 8-Bit Attack | |
Yohualtepoztli | Oct 2021 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Yomping | 2019 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Scotland |
The Yonaguni Monuments | 284-292 | Secrets of Japan | CHA2392 | 2005 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Japan |
The Yonaguni Monuments | 10-24 | Secrets of Japan | CHA2392 | 2005 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
York, North Youkshire | 22 | Hometown Horrors Volume Two | | Oct 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
The Yorkshire Horrors | 71-116 | Cthulhu by Gaslight | CHA3303 | 1988 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | England; 1890s |
The Yorkshire Horrors | B:1-47 | Cthulhu by Gaslight | CHA2314-X | 1986 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | England; 1890s |
You and Me: Taint of Shub-Niggurath | Oct 2015 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
You are Cordially Invited | 33-37 | The Unspeakable Oath | 3 | Aug 1991 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
You are Cordially Invited | | Courting Madness | 3 | 1992 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
You are What You Eat | 14-22 | Plan 09 From Halloween | CHA0379 | 2009 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Nightgaunt |
You in Your Small Corner | 4-7 | The Whisperer | 5 | Aut 2003 | Severn Valley Press | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | 1920s |
You in Your Small Corner | 18-21 | Dagon | 20 | Nov 1987 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | 1920s |
You Know Too Much | Event (F) | The Order of the Silver Twilight | CT33 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
You Saw What Over Your House? | 1999 | The Dark Gulf of N'kai | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
You'll Soon Be Better | | Dagon | 5 | Jan 1985 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
You'll Soon Be Better | 19-20 | Fantasy Chronicles | 5 | Nov 1986 | Fantastic Publications | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
You're Outta Here! | Event (F) | That Which Consumes | CT45 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
You're the Shan Now, Dog | 2021 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | United Kingdom; Insect from Shaggai |
Young Deep One | Character (C) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Young Deep One | Character (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Young Initiate | Character (F) | The Order of the Silver Twilight | CT33 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Your Country Needs You! | 48-85 | Investigator's Guide to the Secret War | MPS01031CS | 2013 | Modiphius Entertainment | Savage Worlds (Achtung!), Call of Cthulhu (Achtung!) | |
Your First Big Story | Adventure (C) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Your First Big Story-In the Dreamlands | | Chaosium Digest | v21n04 | Aug 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Your First Decks | | Robo's Mythos CCG Web Page | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Your First Mythos Decks | | A Web Page from a Friend | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Your GNN News Broadcast | 264-265 | CthulhuTech | WDF23000 | 2007 | WildFire Games | CthulhuTech | |
Your Investigation | 4-33 | Cthulhu Confidential | PELGOC01 | 2016 | Pelgrane Press | Cthulhu Confidential | |
Your Passport, please: British Edition | Aug 2023 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Your Passport, please: Chinese Edition | Jun 2023 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Your Passport, please: French Edition | Jun 2023 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Your Passport, please: Hong Kong Edition | Jun 2023 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Your Passport, please: Indian Edition | Jun 2023 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Your Passport, please: Nazi Edition | Jun 2023 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Your Passport, please: US Edition | Jun 2023 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Your Passport, please: USSR Edition | Aug 2023 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Your Passport, please: Weimar Republic Edition | Jun 2023 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Ys | Support (F) | The Key and the Gate | CT60 | 2013 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Yucatan | 04:04 | Eternal Lies Suite | PELGT17 | 2010 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | |
Yucatan | 307-342 | Eternal Lies | PELGT34 | 2013 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | Mexico; 1930s |
Yucca Mountain Project | Location (R) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Yuggoth | Location (R) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Yuggoth | | More Tales of Terror | PAG2105 | 2000 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Yuggoth Attacks! | Adventure (R) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Yuggoth Contract | Support (F) | Whispers in the Dark | CT34 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Yuggoth Deck | | Thastygliax's Vault | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Yuggoth Map | | Yuggoth Map | CW-M03 | 2015 | Petersen Games | Cthulhu Wars | |
Yummy Yummy in my Tummy * | 2018 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Germany; 2018 |