Title | Pages | Publication | Code | Date | Publisher | System (Setting) |
The S S Horizon | 26-41 | Forgotten Symphony | | Mar 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | At Sea |
S-P-O-N-G-E: Fight the Evil | | S-P-O-N-G-E: Fight the Evil | | 2001 | Self Published | S-P-O-N-G-E: Fight the Evil | |
S. Petersen's Field Guide to Creatures of the Dreamlands | 8-63 | S. Petersen's Field Guide to Creatures of the Dreamlands | CHA5107 | 1989 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Dreamlands) | |
S. Petersen's Field Guide to Cthulhu Monsters | 6-63 | S. Petersen's Field Guide to Cthulhu Monsters | CHA5105 | 1988 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
A Sabbatical in France | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
A Sabbatical In France | Adventure (F) | Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Sabrina Phillips | Ally (F) | Sesqua Valley | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Sack of Uncertainty | Oct 2019 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sacraments of Evil | 69-89 | Sacraments of Evil | CHA2345 | 1993 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | England; Lloigor |
The Sacred Cod | 31 | The Arkham Gazette | 2 | Nov 2013 | Sentinel Hill Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sacred Ewe of the Black Goat | Oct 2022 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Sacred Flame of Bubastis | 117-125 | Worlds of Cthulhu | 4 | Jan 2006 | Pegasus Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sacred Indian Altar | Location (F) | Scooby Doo Set 2 | | Mar 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
Sacred Indian Temple | Location (F) | Scooby Doo Set 2 | | Mar 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
Sacred Waters | 110-113 | Cthulhu Apocalypse | PELGT40 | 2015 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | England; 1936 |
Sacrificial Altar, Of Star-Born Stone | Support (R) | Forbidden Relics | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sacrificial Fire Mini Expansion | | Sacrificial Fire Mini Expansion | | 2019 | Renegade Game Studios | Gates of Delerium | |
Sacrificial Gate | Event (C) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sacrificial Gate | Event (F) | Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sacrificial Gate | Event (F) | Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sacrificial Gate | Event (F) | Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sacrificial Gate | Event (F) | Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sacrificial Offerings | Event (U) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sacrificial Offerings | Event (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Safari Hunter | Character (F) | Ancient Horrors | CT17 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Safe House | Support (F) | The Cacophony | CT39 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Safe House, Dark | 2014 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Safe Space | 2020 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Safe Space | | Safe Space | | Nov 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Arkham |
The Safe World | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Safe World | Adventure (F) | Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Safely Behind Bars | | Tales of Terror (II) | PAG2102 | 1996 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Saffron Book | 5 | The Unspeakable Oath | 22 | Jan 2013 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Saga of Abdul Alhazred | 383-415 | The Necronomicon | CHA6034 | 2002 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sage Advice | | Chaosium Digest | v18n07 | Feb 1997 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sage Advice | 43-44 | Tales of Terror (III) | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sage Advice | 1997 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sages | B:12-13 | Call of Cthulhu | CHA2301-X | 1983 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sages | 106-107 | Call of Cthulhu | CHA2317-H | 1986 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sages for the Game | B:89 | Call of Cthulhu | CHA2009-X | 1981 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sailing on the Sellen River | 62-73 | Dreams of the Yellow King | PZO90111 | 2016 | Paizo Publishing | Pathfinder | |
Sailing Stormy Seas | | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Sailing to the Moon | 27-33 | The Dreaming Stone | CHA2368 | 1997 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Dreamlands) | Dreamlands |
Saint Bartholomew's Abbey | 3-21 | The Abbey | CHA0088 | 2004 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Dark Ages) | |
Saint Vincents' Hospital | Location (F) | Rosemary's Baby | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Saint's Peak | | Saint's Peak | | Dec 2023 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Spain; 1926; Azathoth |
Salem 1692 | 13-23 | Devil's Children | PAG1001 | 1993 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [1692] | Massachusetts; May; 1692 |
Salem 1692 | 13-26 | Devil's Children | | 2004 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Now), Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [1692] | Massachusetts; 1692; May |
Sally Pearson's Bungalow | Location (F) | Sesqua Valley | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Salo's Glory | | Salo's Glory | FXC-11 | 2020 | Stygian Fox | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [Future] | Deep Space |
A Salt On Cop House | 2020 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Washington |
The Saltwater Inheritance | | The Saltwater Inheritance | | Jun 2019 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | England; 1925 |
Salvatore Neri | Character (F) | Terror in Venice | CT61 | 2013 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Salve, Citizens! | 7-14 | The 7th Edition Guide to Cthulhu Invictus | GGP1801 | 2018 | Golden Goblin Press | Call of Cthulhu (Invictus) | |
Sam Archer | Character (F) | The Wailer Below | CT37 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sam Spade | Ally (C) | Serena's Dojo | | 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
Sam Stingey's Cabin | Location (F) | Scooby Doo Set 3 | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Samantha "Siren" Kane | | Villains for Modern Horror - Book 3 | | Sep 2023 | RPG Gamer | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Samantha Grace | Character (F) | The Thing from the Shore | CT23 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Samantha Heidrichs | 77-83 | Utatti Asfet | CHA2360 | 1996 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Germany; 1991 |
Sample Adventure: The Dark Heist | 38-48 | Dark Mirror | CHA0338 | 2007 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | 1920s |
Sample Fire-Arms and Explosives | | Keeper's Kit | CHA5110 | 1992 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sample Gear and Prices | 216-221 | Call of Cthulhu | CHA2336 | 1992 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sample Mythos and Supernatural Entities | 84-91 | Harlem Unbound | 1 | 2017 | Darker Hue Studios | Cthulhu Confidential, Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sample Non-Player Characters and Creatures * | 59-60 | Madness and Mayhem | GSP02004 | 2015 | Game Soapbox Productions | Madness and Mayhem | |
Sample Scenario | 64-79 | Codex Alchemica | | May 2024 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Samuel "Sam" Walker | | Sidekicks for Modern Horror - Book 1 | | Sep 2023 | RPG Gamer | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Samuel Winsor | Ally (F) | Unlimited | CAO1306-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Samurai - Firearms and Bestiary | | Samurai Firearms and Bestiary | | Jun 2018 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [Sengoku Period] | |
Samurai - Weapons of Feudal Japan | | Samurai - Weapons of Feudal Japan | | Mar 2018 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [Sengoku Period] | |
Samurai: A Monograph | | Samurai: A Monograph | | Mar 2018 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [Sengoku Period] | |
San Francisco Chronicle | Location (R) | Serena's Dojo | | 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
San Francisco City Hall | Location (C) | Serena's Dojo | | 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
San Giorgio on Alga | Support (F) | Terror in Venice | CT61 | 2013 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
San Marco Basilica | Support (F) | Terror in Venice | CT61 | 2013 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
San Rafael | 193-208 | Down Darker Trails | CHA23151 | 2017 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Darker Trails) | |
San Servolo | Support (F) | Terror in Venice | CT61 | 2013 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Sanatorium | 70-88 | Mansions of Madness | CHA2327 | 1990 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New England |
The Sanatorium | 72-89 | Mansions of Madness | CHA23110 | 2007 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New England |
Sanctify the Stone | Event (U) | Forbidden Relics | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sanctum | 74-75 | Mortal Remains | WDF23002 | 2009 | WildFire Games | CthulhuTech | |
Sanctum of Twilight | | Sanctum of Twilight | MAD26 | 2018 | Fantasy Flight Games | Mansions of Madness | |
Sand Dwellers | Monster (C) | Legends of the Necronomicon | CAO1303-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Sandgrown | 38-48 | The Dead White World | PELGT19 | 2011 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | England; 1936 |
Sandgrown | 101-109 | Cthulhu Apocalypse | PELGT40 | 2015 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | England; 1936 |
Sands of Time | 30-36 | The Fungi From Yuggoth | CHA2305 | 1984 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Egypt; 1929 |
The Sands of Time | 77-84 | Day of the Beast | CHA2374 | 1998 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Egypt; 1929 |
Sands of Time | 50-56 | Curse of Cthulhu | CHA3306 | 1990 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Egypt; 1929 |
Sandy | | Hastur Rising | | 2022 | Petersen Games | Cthulhu Wars | |
Sandy Duncan | Ally (F) | Scooby Doo Set 1 | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Sandy Petersen | Ally (C) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Sandy Petersen's Rules of Game Design | | Ye Booke of Tentacles | 4 | 2003 | The Chaos Society | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Sanguine Watcher | Character (F) | Shadow of the Monolith | CT52 | 2012 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sanguis Omnia Vincet | C:165-202 | Horror on the Orient Express | CHA23130 | 2014 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Invictus) | Turkey |
Sanguis Omnia Vincet | B:137-166 | Horror on the Orient Express | CHA23130-SET | 2020 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Invictus) | Turkey |
Sanity | 64-70 | Cthulhu Dark Ages | CHA23143 | 2015 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Dark Ages) | |
Sanity | A:26-31 | Call of Cthulhu | CHA2301-X | 1983 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sanity | 28-36 | Call of Cthulhu | CHA2317-H | 1986 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sanity | 154-169 | Keeper Rulebook | CHA23135 | 2015 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sanity | B:23-27 | Call of Cthulhu | CHA2009-X | 1981 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sanity | B:16-17 | Call of Cthulhu Starter Set | CHA23158-X | 2018 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sanity | 78-89 | APOCTHULHU | cr6100 | 2020 | Cthulhu Reborn | APOCTHULHU | |
Sanity | 64-75 | Agents Handbook | APU8107 | 2016 | Arc Dream Publishing | Delta Green | |
Sanity | 75-76 | Keeper Tips | CHA5120 | 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sanity | 46-57 | Call of Cthulhu d20 | 886440000 | 2002 | Wizards of the Coast | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sanity and Insanity | 68-74 | The Laundry | CB71200 | 2010 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (Laundry) | |
Sanity and Insanity | 68-79 | Call of Cthulhu | CHA2386 | 1999 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sanity and Insanity | 75-87 | Call of Cthulhu | CHA23106 | 2005 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sanity and Insanity | 46-52 | Call of Cthulhu | CHA2336 | 1992 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sanity and More Sanity | | Chaosium Digest | v02n06 | May 1993 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sanity and Sorcery | | Sanity and Sorcery | | 2018 | Self Published | Lasers and Feelings (Sanity and Sorcery) | |
Sanity and Spells | | Chaosium Digest | v02n05 | May 1993 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sanity Check | | Sanity Check | | 2019 | Steve Jackson Games | Munchkin | |
Sanity Check Promo Card | | Sanity Check Promo Card | | Feb 2020 | Steve Jackson Games | Munchkin | |
Sanity Flowchart | 1 | Sanity Flowchart | | Dec 2023 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sanity Point Costs | 116-117 | Bayt al Azif | 3 | Nov 2020 | Bayt al Azif Inc | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sanity Rules | | Chaosium Digest | v01n09 | Mar 1993 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sanity Tracker | | Sanity Tracker | | May 2019 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sanity, Insanity and Roleplaying the Investigator | 20-32 | Taint of Madness | CHA2354 | 1995 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Santa | | Santa | | Dec 2019 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Santa Claus | Dec 2022 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Santa Fe, NM | 14 | Hometown Horrors Volume Two | | Oct 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
The Sap Keeps Running, Part 1 | 39-42 | The Primal State | CHA0344 | 2007 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Vermont |
The Sap Keeps Running, Part 2 | 43-46 | The Primal State | CHA0344 | 2007 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Vermont |
The Sap Keeps Running, Part 3 | 70-72 | The Primal State | CHA0344 | 2007 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Vermont |
The Sap Keeps Running, Part 4 | 108-124 | The Primal State | CHA0344 | 2007 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Vermont |
Sara Connors | | Mists of the Aeons | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Saracenic Rituals | Support (C) | Forbidden Relics | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sarah | Ally (F) | Sesqua Valley | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Sarah Hardcastle | 68-74 | The Black Seal | 4 | Aut 2023 | Sixtystone Press | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Sarah Miller | | Sidekicks for Modern Horror - Book 5 | | Sep 2023 | RPG Gamer | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Sarah Van Shaw | Character (F) | Words of Power | CT54 | 2012 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sarah's Friends | 5-19 | Protodimension | 6 | Aut 2010 | Kinstaff Media | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | London; January; Zombie |
The Sarcophagus | 210-217 | Chthonian Stars | WDF25020 | 2011 | WildFire Games | Traveller (Chthonian Stars) | Solar System |
Sarkomand | 30-46 | The Sense of the Sleight of Hand Man | APU8001 | 2013 | Arc Dream Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Dreamlands) | Dreamlands |
Sarkomand | Location (C) | Dreamlands | CAO1307-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Sarnath | 228-247 | The Sense of the Sleight of Hand Man | APU8001 | 2013 | Arc Dream Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Dreamlands) | Dreamlands |
Sarnath | Support (F) | Denizens of the Underworld | CT62 | 2014 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sarnath Sigil | Spell (C) | Cthulhu Rising | CAO1302-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Satanists on the Graeg | 41 | The Black Seal | 1 | Nov 2001 | Brichester University Press | Call of Cthulhu (Now), Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Wales |
Satchel of the Void | Support (F) | Initiations of the Favored | CT42 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Saturday the 14th | 4-15 | Saturday the 14th | | Aug 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Maine; June; 1980 |
Saturnalia | Event (R) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Saturnalia * | 2022 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Alaska |
Saturnian Wine | Support (R) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Saturnince Calice | | Cthulhu Maps - Dead Light and Other Dark Turns | | Jun 2023 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Saucer Attack 1928!: The Dunwich 'Horror' | 4-5 | The Unspeakable Oath | 21 | Jul 2012 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Atomic) | |
SaucerWatch | 112-125 | Delta Green | PAG1005 | 1997 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Savage Dream | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Savage Dream | Adventure (F) | Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Savage Lands | 170-193 | Secrets of Kenya | CHA23109 | 2007 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Kenya; Formless Spawn of Tsathoggua |
The Savage Practice of War | 96-114 | Investigator's Guide to the Secret War | MPS01031CS | 2013 | Modiphius Entertainment | Savage Worlds (Achtung!), Call of Cthulhu (Achtung!) | |
Savannah | 04:00 | Eternal Lies Suite | PELGT17 | 2010 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | |
Savannah, Georgia | 51-80 | Eternal Lies | PELGT34 | 2013 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | Georgia state; 1930s |
Save Innsmouth | 1-8 | Save Innsmouth | | 2016 | Just Crunch Games | The Cthulhu Hack | Innsmouth |
Save the Planet | Adventure (F) | Eric Johnson Mythos Collection | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Save the Whales! | 89-91 | Worlds of Cthulhu | 4 | Jan 2006 | Pegasus Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Save the World Deck | | Thastygliax's Vault | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Save the World! | Adventure (C) | Legends of the Necronomicon | CAO1303-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Save the World! | | Chaosium Digest | v21n04 | Aug 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Save the World! | | A Web Page from a Friend | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Save the World! Deck | | Robo's Mythos CCG Web Page | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Savio Corvi | Character (F) | Terror in Venice | CT61 | 2013 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sawbucks | 6 | The Unspeakable Oath | 19 | Mar 2011 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
"Say a Little Prayer For Me" | 2021 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Massachusetts |
The Scales of Time | | The Scales of Time | | Dec 2017 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Tennessee |
Scales, What Scales? | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Scales, What Scales? | Adventure (F) | Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Scalethorn Asylum | Support (F) | The Path to Y'ha-nthlei | CT24 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Scalpel | Support (F) | The Gleaming Spiral | CT44 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Scandal | Event (F) | The Gleaming Spiral | CT44 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Scanlon's Daughter | 223-241 | Down Darker Trails | CHA23151 | 2017 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Darker Trails) | Texas; 1870; Yig |
Scarabs of Sekhmet | | Terror of Octobernomicon | GGP2201 | 2022 | Golden Goblin Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Egypt |
The Scarecrow | 398-404 | 40 Adventures for Call of Cthulhu | | 2002 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | New Hampshire; 1990s |
The Scarecrow | 1-7 | The Scarecrow | | 1991 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | New Hampshire; 1990s |
The Scarecrow | 7-14 | Opifex Bimonthly | 13 | May 1998 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | New Hampshire; 1990s |
The Scarecrow | | Tales of Terror (II) | PAG2102 | 1996 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New Hampshire; 1990s |
The Scarecrow | | The Scarecrow | | May 2018 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New Hampshire; 1990s |
Scarlet Fever | 6 | The Unspeakable Oath | 5 | May 1992 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Scarlet Fever | 8 | Tales of Terror (III) | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Scarlet Fever | 1992 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Scarlett Hayes | | Scarlett Hayes | | 2019 | CMON Limited | Cthulhu: Death May Die | |
Scary Monsters and Super Creeps | 18-22 | Different Worlds | 44 | Nov 1986 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now), Call of Cthulhu (Atomic) | |
Scary Tales | 177-184 | Horror Companion | | 2023 | Pinnacle Entertainment Group | Savage Worlds | |
Scavenging | Event (C) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Scenario | 81-91 | Mysteries of the Raj | CHA0391 | 2010 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | India |
Scenario Background | 10-16 | Sun Spots | 4 | 2017 | Weird 8 | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Scenario Hooks | 93-99 | Harlem Unbound | 1 | 2017 | Darker Hue Studios | Call of Cthulhu (Classic), Cthulhu Confidential | |
Scenario Seeds | 108-113 | Reign of Terror | CHA23149 | 2017 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) | |
Scenario Spines | 79-88 | The Armitage Files | PELGT10 | 2010 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | |
Scenario Suggestions | 64-70 | Cthulhu by Gaslight | CHA3303 | 1988 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | |
Scenario Suggestions | A:50-55 | Cthulhu by Gaslight | CHA2314-X | 1986 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | |
Scenario Upgrade Pack: In the Shadows | | Scenario Upgrade Pack: In the Shadows | cr1001 | 2015 | Cthulhu Reborn | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Scenario Upgrade Pack: The Stars Are Right! | | Scenario Upgrade Pack: The Stars Are Right! | cr1002 | 2017 | Cthulhu Reborn | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Scene Four - Return to the Marshes | 35-44 | The Pennywell Hangmen | | 2008 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New York; December; 1923 |
Scene of the Crime | 42-43 | Dark Passions | WDF23200 | 2008 | WildFire Games | CthulhuTech | |
Scene One - Hotel Algonquin | 11-18 | The Pennywell Hangmen | | 2008 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New York; December; 1923 |
Scene Three - Hedges Cottage | 27-34 | The Pennywell Hangmen | | 2008 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New York; 1923; December |
Scene Two - The Pennywell Barracks | 19-26 | The Pennywell Hangmen | | 2008 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New York; December; 1923 |
A Scheme of Byakhees | Character (F) | The Mark of Madness | CT66 | 2015 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Schism | 256-325 | Handler's Guide | APU8113 | 2018 | Arc Dream Publishing | Delta Green | |
Schitzophrenia | Event (C) | Cthulhu Rising | CAO1302-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Schizophrenia | Event (U) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Schizophrenia | Event (F) | Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Scholar from Yith | Character (F) | The Key and the Gate | CT60 | 2013 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Scholar's Mistress | Tome (C) | Serena's Dojo | | 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
Scholarly Plagiarist | Character (F) | The Horror Beneath the Surface | CT20 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The School of Night | | Ken Writes About Stuff | v2n7 | Sep 2014 | Pelgrane Press | None | |
The Schoolmarm's Ghost | 7-33 | The Schoolmarm's Ghost | | Apr 2024 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Oregon; 1877 |
Schrodinger's Dilemma * | 2005 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Science and Technology | Jan 2001 | wtimmins.tripod.com | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (End Time) | |
Science Fiction Double Feature | 1-4 | Science Fiction Double Feature | | 2011 | Gratis Games | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Scientific Text | Support (F) | Secrets of Arkham | CT32 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Scientist from Yith | Character (F) | The Key and the Gate | CT60 | 2013 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Scion of Vulcan | 67-96 | The Legacy of Arrius Lurco | MRP0009 | 2011 | Miskatonic River Press | Call of Cthulhu (Invictus) | Greece |
Scions of the Forgotten | 14-47 | Ancient Enemies | WDF23100 | 2010 | WildFire Games | CthulhuTech | |
Scooby Dee | Ally (F) | Scooby Doo Set 3 | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Scooby Doo | Ally (F) | Scooby Doo Set 2 | | Mar 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
Scooby Doo and a Mummy Too | Adventure (F) | Scooby Doo Adventures | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Scooby Dooby Doo! | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Scooby Dooby Doo! | Adventure (F) | Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Scooby Dum | Ally (F) | Scooby Doo Set 3 | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Scooby Snacks | Artifact (F) | Scooby Doo Set 1 | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Scope of Magic | 8-12 | White Wolf | 29 | Oct 1992 | White Wolf Games | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Scotland | | www.skinner.demon.co.uk/aidan/common/ | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Scotophobia | Event (C) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Scotophobia | Event (R) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Scotophobia | Event (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Scouring the Earth | Event (R) | Masks of Nyarlathotep | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Scrabble | Artifact (F) | Rosemary's Baby | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Scramble for Buranda | 83-102 | Unconventional Diplomacy | CB71208 | 2014 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (Laundry) | Sub-Saharan Africa |
Scream in the Dark: Vampires | 509-510 | Stardate | v3n6 | Jan 1987 | Reluctant Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Scream of the Mandrake | | The Scream of the Mandrake | | Jun 2021 | Type40 | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | England |
The Screaming Horror of Creech Hill | 1-7 | The Screaming Horror of Creech Hill | | 2006 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | England |
Screaming of the Spheres | Event (R) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Scriabin's Ninth Sonata | Event (C) | Serena's Dojo | | 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Scribe Vampires of the Monkey Head Nebula (NGC 2174) | Feb 2021 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Scritch Scratch | 4-21 | Scritch Scratch | CHA23157 | 2018 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | England |
Scrolls of Dimension | Tome (F) | Rosemary's Baby | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Sculptor of Time and Space | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Scurrying Rat-Thing | Character (R) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Scuttling | 90-107 | Sacraments of Evil | CHA2345 | 1993 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | Atlantic Ocean; 1890s |
Scylla's Well | Support (F) | Into Tartarus | CT51 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sea Change | Event (U) | Masks of Nyarlathotep | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sea Circle | | More Tales of Terror | PAG2105 | 2000 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sea Devil | Character (U) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sea Food | 405-442 | 40 Adventures for Call of Cthulhu | | 2002 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Maine; 1996; Deep One |
Sea Food | 1-38 | Sea Food | | 1996 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Maine; 1996; Deep One |
Sea Food | 5-37 | Opifex Bimonthly | 3 | 1996 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Maine; 1996; Deep One |
Sea Mythos and Monsters | Tome (F) | Scooby Doo Set 3 | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Sea of Dreams | 6-7 | The Whisperer | 4 | Spr 2001 | Severn Valley Press | Call of Cthulhu (Dreamlands) | Dreamlands |
A Sea of Sand and Stone | 11-23 | Guide to North Africa | MUH01052CS | 2014 | Modiphius Entertainment | Savage Worlds (Achtung!), Call of Cthulhu (Achtung!) | |
Sea Travel | 43 | Green and Pleasant Land | CHA2320 | 1987 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sea Worms | Character (F) | Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Seal of Isis | Artifact (C) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Seal of Isis | Event (U) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Seal the Soul | Event (F) | The Order of the Silver Twilight | CT33 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Seals of Cthulhu | | The Seals of Cthulhu | | 2020 | Thing 12 Games | The Seals of Cthulhu | |
Seams of Peril | | Seams of Peril | cr3005g | 2017 | Cthulhu Reborn | Call of Cthulhu (Convicts) | Australia |
The Séance | 2001 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Seaplane | Event (R) | Cthulhu Rising | CAO1302-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Search and Seizure | Event (C) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Search for Atlantis | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Search For Atlantis | Adventure (F) | Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Search for Kadath | | The Search for Kadath | AHC39 | 2019 | Fantasy Flight Games | Arkham Horror: The Card Game | |
The Search for the Forbidden Door | 4-24 | The Search for the Forbidden Door | | Nov 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Hawaii; Autumn; 1926 |
Search For the Lost City | 40-41 | Games Master International | 13 | Aug 1991 | Newsfield | Shadowrun | |
Search For the Lost City | 40-41 | Games Master International | 14 | Sep 1991 | Newsfield | Shadowrun | |
Search Warrant | Event (R) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Search/What Now? | 4:24 | Horror on the Orient Express Music | AOCD7004 | 2005 | A O Music | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Searching for Cthulhu in Nightmare House | 35 | Space Gamer | 71 | Nov 1984 | Steve Jackson Games | Call of Cthulhu (Classic), Nightmare House | |
Searching For Laban Shrewsbury | Adventure (F) | Unlimited | CAO1306-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Searching for the Lost | Adventure (C) | Serena's Dojo | | 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
Searching the Reserves | Event (F) | Murmurs of Evil | CT35 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Seaside Attraction | 2022 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Wales; 1943 |
Season 2 Expansion | | Season 2 Expansion | DMD002 | 2019 | CMON Limited | Cthulhu: Death May Die | |
Season 4 Expansion | | Season 4 Expansion | | 2023 | CMON Limited | Cthulhu: Death May Die | |
Season of Growth | | Season of Growth | | Dec 2023 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | 1990s |
Season of the Witch | 192-203 | H.P. Lovecraft's Dreamlands | CHA2394 | 2004 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Dreamlands) | Arkham; Dreamlands |
Season of the Witch | 77-87 | H.P. Lovecraft's Dreamlands | CHA3302 | 1988 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Dreamlands) | Arkham; Dreamlands |
Season of the Witch | B:38-49 | H.P. Lovecraft's Dreamlands | CHA2315-X | 1986 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Dreamlands) | Arkham; Dreamlands |
Season of the Witch | | Season of the Witch | MAD02 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Mansions of Madness | |
Season's Greetings | 31-38 | Serendipity's Circle | 6 | Win 1995 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now), Bureau 13 | 1990s |
Seattle Drivers | 222-223 | CthulhuTech | WDF23000 | 2007 | WildFire Games | CthulhuTech | |
Sebastion Blake | Character (F) | Denizens of the Underworld | CT62 | 2014 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sebek's Chosen One | Character (C) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Second Chancers | Character (F) | The Breathing Jungle | CT49 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Second Circle | | Tales of Terror (I) | | 1990 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Second Circle | 16-17 | Tales of Terror (III) | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Second Circle | 1990 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Second Circle | | RPG Archive | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Second Coming | | Second Coming | cr5208 | Nov 2023 | Cthulhu Reborn | Cthulhu Eternal | New Orleans; 1920s |
Second Death | | Goat Mother | CHA6060 | 2015 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Second Dragon | Story (F) | The Shifting Sands | CT47 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Second Edition Suggestions | | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Second Era | 78-79 | Once Men | CHA0356 | 2008 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Once Men) | |
Second Psychiatric Hospital | Location (U) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Second Saga | 35-51 | The Ravenar Sagas | CHA0348 | 2008 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Dark Ages) | Iceland |
A Second Theseus | 97-128 | The Legacy of Arrius Lurco | MRP0009 | 2011 | Miskatonic River Press | Call of Cthulhu (Invictus) | Greece; Greater Race |
The Second Wave | | Chaosium Digest | v22n06 | Oct 1997 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Second Wave | 1997 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Secondary Infection | 27-47 | The Unspeakable Oath | 25 | Jul 2018 | Pagan Publishing | Delta Green | New York |
Secondary Locations | 80-82 | Whispers of the Dead | 3 | May 2022 | Staggered Amusement Machine | Delta Green | |
Secret Agendas | 79-100 | Black Bag Jobs | CB71202 | 2011 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (Laundry) | Arkham; 2000s |
Secret and Occult Societies | 60-110 | Keeper's Guide to the Secret War | MPS01032CS | 2013 | Modiphius Entertainment | Call of Cthulhu (Achtung!), Savage Worlds (Achtung!) | |
A Secret Bunker | | Cthulhu Maps - A Secret Bunker | 036 | 2022 | Lovemaps | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Secret Cthulhu | | Secret Cthulhu | | 2019 | Self Published | Secret Cthulhu | |
Secret Cults | 102-120 | The Keeper's Companion Vol 1 | CHA2388 | 2000 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Secret Cults | 35-52 | Keeper's Compendium | CHA2344 | 1993 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Secret Doctrine | 24-27 | Polaris | 1 | Sum 1987 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Secret File | Support (R) | Forbidden Relics | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Secret Genealogies | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Secret Handshake | Event (F) | The Order of the Silver Twilight | CT33 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Secret Histories | 39-138 | Cthulhu Live: Lost Souls | 0005 | 2000 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
A Secret Lab | | Cthulhu Maps - A Secret Lab | 046 | 2022 | Lovemaps | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Secret Motivations in Call of Cthulhu, Or, Why Curiosity Killed the Cat | | Chaosium Digest | v27n08 | Feb 1999 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Secret Murders | Support (R) | Masks of Nyarlathotep | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Secret Name | | The Secret Name | AHC30 | 2019 | Fantasy Flight Games | Arkham Horror: The Card Game | |
The Secret Name | | Goat Mother | CHA6060 | 2015 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Secret of Black Rock | | Mists of the Aeons | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Arkham; August; 1922; Mi-Go |
The Secret of Castronegro | 128-141 | Cthulhu Classics | CHA3301 | 1989 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New Mexico; October |
The Secret of Castronegro | 46-59 | Cthulhu Companion | CHA2304 | 1983 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New Mexico; October |
The Secret of Castronegro | 166-179 | Call of Cthulhu | CHA2317-H | 1986 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New Mexico; October |
The Secret of Knossos | 6-29 | Worlds of Cthulhu | 1 | Aug 2004 | Pegasus Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Crete |
The Secret of Marseilles | 31-57 | King of Chicago | CHA2348 | 1994 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | France; Chicago; Deep One |
The Secret of Power and Glory is Yours! | Adventure (U) | Expeditions of Miskatonic University | CAO1301-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Secret of Rolthin Abbey | 23-53 | Strange Tales of Dread & Wonder #1 | CHA0329 | 2006 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Serpentman |
The Secret of Sebek | 110-124 | Mysteries of the Worm | CHA6037 | 2009 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Secret of Silcestre | | The Secret of Silcestre | | May 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Dark Ages) | England; 1002 |
The Secret of the North Woods | Story (F) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Secret of the North Woods | Story (F) | Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Secret of the North Woods | Story (F) | Secrets of Arkham | CT32 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Secret of the Tomb | 2-8 | Mysteries of the Worm | CHA6037 | 2009 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Secret Passageway | Event (C) | Serena's Dojo | | 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
Secret Research | Support (F) | Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Secret Santa | 6-33 | Secret Santa | | Nov 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | England; December; 1919 |
Secret Santa | | Albion's Ruin Vol 1 | | Nov 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | England; December; 1919 |
Secret Service Agent | Character (F) | Aspirations of Ascension | CT43 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Secret Shopper * | 36-38 | The Unspeakable Oath | 24 | Jul 2014 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Secret Shopper * | 2013 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | November |
Secret Societies | 108-120 | Secrets of Kenya | CHA23109 | 2007 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Secret Societies | 54-58 | Mysteries of Morocco | CHA0306 | 2004 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Secret Societies | 42-43 | Mysteries of Ireland | CHA0408 | 2012 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Secret Societies for CoC | | Chaosium Digest | v12n10 | Jan 1996 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Secret Song of Lake Billings | | The Secret Song of Lake Billings | | Nov 2023 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Virginia; Summer |
Secret Stiletto | Support (F) | The Antediluvian Dreams | CT21 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Secret War | | The Secret War | | 2016 | Modiphius Entertainment | The Secret War | |
Secret War Documents | | Secret War Documents | MPS01044G | 2014 | Modiphius Entertainment | [None Listed] | |
The Secret War in North Africa | 19-34 | The Serpent and the Sands | MUH0010330 | 2023 | Modiphius Entertainment | Achtung! Cthulhu | |
Secretive Zoog | Character (F) | In Memory of Day | CT27 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Secrets | 186-197 | Chthonian Stars | WDF25020 | 2011 | WildFire Games | Traveller (Chthonian Stars) | |
Secrets and Lies | 24-29 | Guide to North Africa | MUH01052CS | 2014 | Modiphius Entertainment | Call of Cthulhu (Achtung!), Savage Worlds (Achtung!) | |
Secrets and Spies | 46-57 | Zero Point, Part 3 - Code of Honour | MUH051257 | 2017 | Modiphius Entertainment | Call of Cthulhu (Achtung!), Savage Worlds (Achtung!) | |
The Secrets No One Knows (1968) | | Tales from Failed Anatomies | ARCTFFASC | | Arc Dream Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
The Secrets of Arkham | Story (F) | Secrets of Arkham | CT32 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Secrets of Bubastis | Event (R) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Secrets of Dunwich | 22-27 | Return to Dunwich | CHA2330 | 1991 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Secrets of Dunwich | 37-63 | H.P. Lovecraft's Dunwich | CHA8802 | 2002 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Secrets of Milton Keynes | | The Blasphemous Tome | 4.5 | Jun 2019 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Secrets of Milton Keynes | | The Blasphemous Tome | 5.5 | Aug 2020 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Secrets of the Glen | 4-21 | Secrets of the Glen | | May 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Scotland |
Secrets of the Kremlin | 38-61 | Glozel Est Authentique! | T-5 | 1984 | Theatre of the Mind Enterprises | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Russia; February; 1931; Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath |
Secrets of the Kurlies | 85-97 | Walker in the Wastes | PAG1002 | 1994 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Japan; 1929 |
Secrets of the Lost Tomb | | Secrets of the Lost Tomb | | 2015 | Everything Epic Games | Secrets of the Lost Tomb | |
Secrets of the Order | | Secrets of the Order | | 2021 | Fantasy Flight Games | Arkham Horror | |
Secrets of the Silver Twilight | Adventure (U) | Legends of the Necronomicon | CAO1303-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Secrets of the Watchers | | Valkyrie | 14 | 1996 | Partizan Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | England |
Secrets Out of Time | 78-95 | Virtual Lore | 2 | 1993 | The Cabil | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Mexico |
Secrets, Mysteries, Legends, and Rumors | 123-125 | Return to Dunwich | CHA2330 | 1991 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Security Best Practice Guide | 149-156 | The Laundry | CB71200 | 2010 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (Laundry) | |
Sedanette | Support (U) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sedanette | Support (F) | Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sedated | Support (C) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sedated | Support (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Seduction of the Tombs | Event (C) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
See No Evil | 113-127 | The Unspeakable Oath | 16/17 | Mar 2001 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | New York |
See No Evil, Speak No Evil | | See No Evil, Speak No Evil | | Sep 2024 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Norway; 2023 |
Seeds | Support (U) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Seeds of Corruption | 3-10 | Punktown | | 2018 | Miskatonic River Press | Call of Cthulhu (Cyberpunk) | |
Seeing the Light | Event (U) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Seeker of Mysteries | Character (U) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Seeker of Mysteries | Character (F) | Secrets of Arkham | CT32 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Seeker of the Profane | Character (F) | Conspiracies of Chaos | | 2006 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Seeker of the Profane | Character (F) | Conspiracies of Chaos | CT14e | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Seeker of the Songlines | Character (F) | Shadow of the Monolith | CT52 | 2012 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Seeking Eternity in Innsmouth | | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Seeking Everlasting Life I | Adventure (U) | Legends of the Necronomicon | CAO1303-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Seeking Everlasting Life II | Adventure (U) | Legends of the Necronomicon | CAO1303-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Seer | Oct 2015 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Seer of the Gate | Character (F) | The Mark of Madness | CT66 | 2015 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sefton Asylum | Location (U) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Sehkheferu, the Forgotten Pharoah | 4-5 | A Grimoire of Terror! | MUH0010322 | 2022 | Modiphius Entertainment | Achtung! Cthulhu | |
Seized by Sugar | | Seized by Sugar | | Oct 2024 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Halloween |
Seizing the Tablets | 181-192 | Walker in the Wastes | PAG1002 | 1994 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Turkey; 1931 |
Seizure | | Chaosium Digest | v35n07 | Jan 2002 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Atomic) | Arkham; 1962 |
Seizure | 1-10 | Seizure | | 2005 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [1962] | Arkham; 1962 |
Seizure | | RPG Archive | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Atomic) | Arkham; 1962 |
Selections from the Livre d'Ivon | 156-158 | The Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion (Limited) | 60-MONC-08 | 2016 | Sixtystone Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Selections from the Livre d'Ivon | 141-143 | The Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion (Unlimited) | 60-MONC-03 (?) | 2016 | Sixtystone Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
SELF PRESERVATION | 2016 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | 1990s |
The Self-Actualizing Man * | 101 | Taint of Madness | CHA2354 | 1995 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New York; 1990s |
Self-Guiding Bullets? | 77-81 | Protodimension | 13 | Aut 2012 | Kinstaff Media | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Self-Slaughter | Event (C) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sell Yourself | | Sell Yourself | | Apr 2024 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | New York; July; 2008 |
The Semelparites | Oct 2021 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Senator Nathaniel Rhodes | Character (F) | The Order of the Silver Twilight | CT33 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Send in the Clones Deck | | Thastygliax's Vault | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Send in the Marines! | 388-406 | The Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion (Unlimited) | 60-MONC-03 (?) | 2016 | Sixtystone Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Send in the Marines! | 502-521 | The Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion (Limited) | 60-MONC-08 | 2016 | Sixtystone Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Senior Associate | Character (U) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Senior Project | 98-136 | Ramblings of a Twisted Muse | CHA0314 | 2005 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Arkham; 1933; Dimensional Shambler |
A Sense About Things | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Sense No. 6 | | Dagon | 12 | Apr 1986 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man | 5-37 | Worlds of Cthulhu | 6 | Jan 2009 | Pegasus Press | Call of Cthulhu (Dreamlands) | Dreamlands; 1925 |
Sensitive Cases Division | 3-7 | Sensitive Cases Division | | Aug 2023 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sensitivity | 31-32 | Keeper Tips | CHA5120 | 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sent Through Time and Hell | Adventure (F) | Rosemary's Baby | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Sentence Served | Nov 2009 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sentinel Hill | Location (U) | Expeditions of Miskatonic University | CAO1301-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Sentinel Hill | Support (F) | Dunwich Denizens | | 2006 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sentinel Hill | Support (F) | Dunwich Denizens | CT15e | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Sentinels | | Darkspace | | 2023 | Kabuki Kaiser | Cthulhu Dark | |
Separation Anxiety | 7-12 | Fear's Sharp Little Needles | 3005 | 2018 | Stygian Fox | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Ohio |
Seplophobia | Event (F) | Rosemary's Baby | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Sepulchral Shoggoth | Sep 2020 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sepulchral Shoggoths | | Sepulchral Shoggoths | | Aug 2021 | Last Mile Game Logistics | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sequence | 2018 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Sequence of Play | 56-93 | Skirmish: Commander's Set | MUH050454 | 2016 | Modiphius Entertainment | Savage Worlds (Achtung!), Call of Cthulhu (Achtung!) | |
The Seraphim Club | | The Seraphim Club | | Nov 2023 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Serena Whateley | Ally (R) | Serena's Dojo | | 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
Serendipity | 6-7 | Minions | CHA2365 | 1997 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Serendipity | 268 | Eldritch Skies | BPI7500 | 2012 | Battlefield Press | Eldritch Skies | |
Serene and Primal | | RPG Archive | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Great Race of Yith |
Sergeant Donnelly | Character (F) | Words of Power | CT54 | 2012 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Serial Killer | Event (C) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Serifos, Greece | 25 | Hometown Horrors Volume Two | | Oct 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Sermon Grant, antiquarian, occultist and gentleman adventurer | 4-6 | The Black Seal | 1 | Nov 2001 | Brichester University Press | Call of Cthulhu (Now), Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Sermon of Sludge | | Sermon of Sludge | | Aug 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [1973] | Los Angeles; Summer; 1973 |
Serpent Folk | | Ken Writes About Stuff | v2n4 | Jun 2014 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | |
Serpent from Yoth | Character (C) | Masks of Nyarlathotep | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Serpent from Yoth | Character (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Serpent People | Monster (C) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Serpent People | Monster (C) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Serpent People | | Chaosium Digest | v19n10 | Jun 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Serpent People (and Their Penguins) Have Invaded New York!!! | | Robo's Mythos CCG Web Page | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Serpent People (and Their Penguins) Have Invaded New York!!! | | A Web Page from a Friend | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Serpent People and their Penguins | | Chaosium Digest | v21n07 | Sep 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Serpent People are Everywhere!! | | Chaosium Digest | v20n11 | Aug 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Serpent People Are Everywhere!!! | | Robo's Mythos CCG Web Page | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Serpent People Are Everywhere!!! | | A Web Page from a Friend | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Serpent People with Guns! Mythos Deck | | Chaosium Digest | v20n06 | Jul 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Serpopards | Jan 2022 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Serranian | Location (C) | Dreamlands | CAO1307-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Servant from Out of Time | Character (R) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Servant from Out of Time | Character (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Servant of Glaaki | Monster (F) | Unlimited | CAO1306-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Servant of Glaaki | Character (F) | Aspirations of Ascension | CT43 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Servant of God | 91-110 | Tales of the Caribbean | GGP1603 | 2016 | Golden Goblin Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Cuba |
Servant of Nodens | Character (F) | Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Servant of Nodens | Character (C) | Forbidden Relics | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Servant of Nodens | Character (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Servant of the Black Stone | Monster (C) | Serena's Dojo | | 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
Servant of the Key | Character (U) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Servant of the Night | | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Servant of the Oath | Character (U) | Forbidden Relics | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Servant to the Elder Things | Character (F) | Lost Rites | CT56 | 2012 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Servants of the Lake | 56-75 | Doors to Darkness | CHA23148 | 2015 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Kingsport; 1920s; Glaaki |
Servants of the Lake | | Cthulhu Maps - Servants of the Lake | | Jun 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Servants of the Silver Twilight | Monster (C) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Servants of Zen Tuo | Monster (F) | Scooby Doo Set 1 | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Served Cold | 144-167 | Mythos Expeditions | PELGT37 | 2014 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | Greenland |
Service Notice | Support (R) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Servitor of the Outer Gods | Monster (F) | Unlimited | CAO1306-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Servitors of the Spider-God, Atlach-Nacha | Nov 2002 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Set a Trap | Event (F) | Scooby Doo Set 2 | | Mar 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
Seth Bishop Ruins | Location (R) | Expeditions of Miskatonic University | CAO1301-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Setting | 18-33 | Chthonian Stars | WDF25020 | 2011 | WildFire Games | Traveller (Chthonian Stars) | |
Setting Creation | 322-371 | Raiders of R'lyeh Gamemaster's Guide and Complete Rules | | 2017 | Cipher Bureau | Raiders of R'lyeh | |
Setting Cthulhu in the Wild West | | Chaosium Digest | v02n03 | Apr 1993 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Darker Trails) | |
Setting Lore | 20-28 | The Promethean Highway | | Feb 2024 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [2902] | |
Setting Rules | 37-56 | Horror Companion | | 2023 | Pinnacle Entertainment Group | Savage Worlds | |
Setting Specific Backgrounds | 5 | The Promethean Highway | | Feb 2024 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [2902] | |
Setting Specific Items, Armor, Weapons | 7 | The Promethean Highway | | Feb 2024 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [2902] | |
The Setting Sun | Support (F) | Twilight Horror | CT26 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Setting the Scene | 75-92 | Five Points | MYL30301 | 2016 | Mystic Throne Entertainment | Dark Streets | |
Setting the Stage | 121-133 | Cthulhu Live | 0004 | 1999 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Setting the Stage | 95-105 | Cthulhu Live | CHA6502 | 1997 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Setting the Standard: Corrupt Power | | Chaosium Digest | v27n01 | Dec 1998 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Settings | 244-259 | Call of Cthulhu d20 | 886440000 | 2002 | Wizards of the Coast | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Settler's Wall | 16-36 | The Necronomicon | CHA6012 | 1996 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Settler's Wall | 25-53 | The Necronomicon | CHA6034 | 2002 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Settling in Triumph | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
A Settling of Snow | 1-8 | A Settling of Snow | | Sep 2023 | The Black Fortress | A Settling of Snow | |
Seven Cryptical Books of H'san (Chinese) | Tome (R) | Legends of the Necronomicon | CAO1303-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Seven Cryptical Books of H'san (English) | Tome (U) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Seven Cryptical Books of Hsaan | Support (F) | The Sleeper Below | CT63 | 2014 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan | 429-435 | The Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion (Unlimited) | 60-MONC-03 (?) | 2016 | Sixtystone Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan | 556-562 | The Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion (Limited) | 60-MONC-08 | 2016 | Sixtystone Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan, Lost Masterpiece | Support (R) | Masks of Nyarlathotep | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Seven Geases | 9-33 | The Tsathoggua Cycle | CHA6029 | 2003 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Seven Grinches Grinching | Dec 2001 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | December |
The Seven Hundred Steps | Support (F) | In Memory of Day | CT27 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Seven is Darker | | Delta Green Anomalies | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Japan |
Seven Sister Hills | | Seven Sister Hills | | Jul 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Midwest |
Seven Woodcut Blocks | 2006 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | United Kingdom |
The Seventh Circle | 3-52 | The Seventh Circle | PELG014 | 2014 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu, Fear Itself | |
The Seventh Gate | Story (F) | The Shifting Sands | CT47 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Seventh Gateway of the Mirage | 16 | The Unspeakable Oath | 12 | Jun 1995 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Seventh Gateway of the Mirage | | Unknown | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Seventh House On The Left | Location (F) | Unlimited | CAO1306-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Seventh House On The Left | Support (F) | Kingsport Dreams | | 2006 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Seventh House On The Left | Support (F) | Kingsport Dreams | CT13e | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Seventh Turn | 15-36 | The Legacy of Arrius Lurco | MRP0009 | 2011 | Miskatonic River Press | Call of Cthulhu (Invictus) | Rome |
Seventh-Innings Slaughter | | Behind Enemy Lines | | 2022 | Modiphius Entertainment | Achtung! Cthulhu | Illinois; July; 1942 |
The Seventy Steps | Support (F) | In Memory of Day | CT27 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Severn Bank Giant | 35-44 | Demonground | 11 | Mar 2001 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | England |
The Severn Valley | | Valkyrie | 16 | 1998 | Partizan Press | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Sex Worker | 112-113 | Ancient Enemies | WDF23100 | 2010 | WildFire Games | CthulhuTech | |
Sgt Logan Terry | Character (F) | For the Greater Good | CT64 | 2015 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Shaawanoki | Oct 2015 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shades of Golgotha | | Ruins of Golgotha | | 2006 | ADP Systems | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Dreamlands |
Shades of Gray | 130-131 | Vade Mecum | WDF23001 | 2008 | WildFire Games | CthulhuTech | |
Shades of Tomorrow Lost | 6-29 | More Adventures in Arkham Country | MRP0007 | 2010 | Miskatonic River Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Kingsport; Vulthoom |
Shadow | Monster (F) | Rosemary's Baby | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Shadow and Illusion | 3-14 | Shadow and Illusion | | Apr 2024 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Chicago; 1920s |
Shadow Company | Character (F) | The Thing from the Shore | CT23 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Shadow Eater | Character (F) | Aspirations of Ascension | CT43 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Shadow Eater | 4-5 | Sanctum Secorum | 36b | Jun 2018 | Sanctum Media | Dungeon Crawl Classics | |
A Shadow From the Past | Adventure (F) | Eric Johnson Mythos Collection | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Shadow from the Steeple | 198-216 | Mysteries of the Worm | CHA6037 | 2009 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Shadow Harvest | 30-49 | Tails of Valor | GGP1911 | 2019 | Golden Goblin Press | Call of Cthulhu (Cathulhu), Call of Cthulhu (Catthulhu) | Egypt; 25th Century BC |
Shadow Hunters | | Shadow Hunters | | 2017 | Devil Pig Games | Shadows Over Normandie | |
The Shadow in the Tree | | Cthulhu Hardboiled Campaign | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Los Angeles; 1928; January |
The Shadow in the Tree | | The Shadow in the Tree | | 2003 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Los Angeles; January; 1928 |
Shadow Kingdoms | 1-23 | Shadow Kingdoms | | 2006 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Dark Ages) | England; February; 2010 |
The Shadow of a Dark God | | The Shadow of a Dark God | | 2001 | Warp Spawn Games | The Shadow of a Dark God | |
The Shadow of Krampus | 1-5 | The Shadow of Krampus | | 2012 | Spectrum Games | Macabre Tales | |
The Shadow of Mahogany Row | 62-70 | As Above, So Below | CB71209 | 2015 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (Laundry) | |
Shadow of Miskatonic | | Shadow of Miskatonic | | 2020 | Self Published | Shadow of Miskatonic | |
Shadow of the Alamo | 9-16 | The Shadow Over the Sierra Madre | | Oct 2024 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Darker Trails) | Texas |
Shadow of the Crawling Chaos | 4-28 | Shadow of the Crawling Chaos | MUH0010337 | Aug 2024 | Modiphius Entertainment | Achtung! Cthulhu | Caribbean; 1941; Winter |
Shadow of the Elder Gods | | Shadow of the Elder Gods | LGL300 | 2015 | Laboratory Games | Shadow of the Elder Gods | |
The Shadow of the Fleshless Ones | 8-10 | Protodimension | 21 | Aut 2014 | Kinstaff Media | Dark Conspiracy, Conspiracy Rules | |
Shadow of the Irminsul | 5-24 | Shadow of the Irminsul | | Jun 2023 | Twin Engine Publishing | Cthulhu Eternal | Germany; 1920s |
Shadow of the Past | 45-74 | The Strange Cases of Rudolph Pearson | CHA6042 | 2007 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shadow of the Sleeping God | 85-100 | The Tsathoggua Cycle | CHA6029 | 2003 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Shadow on the Sea | M1-M8 | Different Worlds | 47 | Aut 1987 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Atlantic Ocean; 1920s; Deep One; Dagon |
Shadow on the Sea | | Shadow on the Sea | | Nov 2020 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | England; 1920s |
The Shadow out of Time | Story (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Shadow over Cairo | Event (P) | Eldritch Edition Promo | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shadow Over Cancun | 281-282 | CthulhuTech | WDF23000 | 2007 | WildFire Games | CthulhuTech | Mexico |
The Shadow Over Darkbank | 65-74 | Green and Pleasant Land | CHA2320 | 1987 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | England |
The Shadow Over Holywood | 160-168 | Secrets of Los Angeles | CHA23111 | 2007 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Los Angeles; July; 1928; Deep One |
The Shadow Over Innsmouth | 15-23 | Escape from Innsmouth | CHA2338 | 1992 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shadow Over Innsmouth | 15-20 | Escape from Innsmouth | CHA2371 | 1997 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Shadow Over Innsmouth | 34-87 | The Innsmouth Cycle | CHA6017 | 2006 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Shadow Over Innsmouth | | The Shadow Over Innsmouth | | Feb 2023 | Steve Jackson Games | Choose Cthulhu | Innsmouth |
The Shadow Over Kafiristan | 43-58 | Black Bag Jobs | CB71202 | 2011 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (Laundry) | Afghanistan; 2000s |
The Shadow Over Providence | | The Shadow Over Providence | CHA23163 | 2019 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Providence; August; 1928 |
The Shadow Over Providence | | The Shadow Over Providence | CHA23183 | Sep 2023 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Providence; August; 1928 |
The Shadow Over Sidmouth | 19-22 | Dagon | 14 | Sep 1986 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | England; 1920s |
Shadow Over Stockton | 12-19 | Vortext | 1 | Spr 1991 | Vortex Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Missouri; 1988 |
The Shadow Over Washington | 4-36 | The Shadow Over Washington | PELGOC07D | 2018 | Pelgrane Press | Cthulhu Confidential | Washington DC; Great Race of Yith |
The Shadow People | Oct 2014 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shadow Shades | Oct 2014 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shadow Sorceress | Character (F) | The Terror of the Tides | CT22 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Shadow Team | Character (F) | Spawn of Madness | | 2006 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shadow Team | Character (F) | Spawn of Madness | CT12e | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Shadow War | Conspiracy (F) | Touched by the Abyss | CT58 | 2012 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Shadow-spawned Hunting Horror | Character (R) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shadow-spawned Hunting Horror | Character (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Shadowbox | Oct 2015 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shadowed Reef | Support (U) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shadowed Reef | Support (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Shadowed Woods | Support (U) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shadowed Woods | Support (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Shadowfist | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Shadowfist | Adventure (F) | Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Shadows and Reflections | Support (U) | Forbidden Relics | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shadows by the Fireside | 14-17 | Book of Dark Wisdom | 2 | Win 2003 | Elder Sign Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shadows Fall | Support (C) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shadows Melt Away | Support (C) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Shadows of Frog's Yoghurt | 4-8 | The Black Sun | 1.7 | Spr 1985 | Games Workshop | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Fantasy World |
Shadows of Leningrad | 2-35 | Age of Cthulhu Vol. III: Shadows of Leningrad | 7003 | 2010 | Goodman Games | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Russia; Winter; 1927 |
Shadows of Nephren-Ka | Story (F) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shadows of Nephren-Ka | Story (F) | Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shadows of Polynesia | 5-8 | The Arkham Gazette | 2 | Nov 2013 | Sentinel Hill Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shadows of the Old Subway | 1-23 | Shadows of the Old Subway | | Dec 2023 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic), GURPS (Horror) | New York; 1918 |
Shadows of Tomorrow | 62-99 | Interface 19.40 | MUH050027AC | 2015 | Modiphius Entertainment | Interface Zero, Savage Worlds (Achtung!), Call of Cthulhu (Achtung!) | Germany; 1941; 2090; Mi-Go |
Shadows of War Past | 86-101 | Halloween Horror Returns! | CHA0347 | 2007 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Tennessee; Halloween |
Shadows of Yesterday, Part 1 | | Chaosium Digest | v27n02 | Dec 1998 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | France |
Shadows of Yesterday, Part 2 | | Chaosium Digest | v27n03 | Dec 1998 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | France |
Shadows of Yesterday, Part 3 | | Chaosium Digest | v27n04 | Dec 1998 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | France |
Shadows of Yith | | Shadows of Yith | | Jun 2024 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Shadows Over Holywood | B:91-92 | Call of Cthulhu | CHA2009-X | 1981 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shadows Over Normandie | | Shadows Over Normandie | 58303 | 2015 | Devil Pig Games | Shadows Over Normandie | |
Shadowy Figure | Character (F) | Words of Power | CT54 | 2012 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Shadrack and Pettifogg: Solicitors and Estate Agents | 28-29 | The Whisperer | 1 | Sum 1999 | Severn Valley Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shadyvill | | Shadyvill | | 2006 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
The Shaft | 3-14 | The Shaft | | 2007 | Self Published | The World of Darkness | |
Shag the World | Adventure (F) | Chaosium Digest | v22n12 | Jan 1998 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Shag the World! | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Shag The World! | Adventure (F) | Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Shaggai Map | | Shaggai Map | CW-M11 | 2019 | Petersen Games | Cthulhu Wars | |
Shaggai Mental Possession | Spell (U) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Shake the Disease | 144-146 | APOCTHULHU | cr6100 | 2020 | Cthulhu Reborn | APOCTHULHU | |
Shakedown! | Event (R) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shall Humanity Survive? | 201 | Ramblings of a Twisted Muse | CHA0314 | 2005 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shallow Roadside Grave | 40 | The Unspeakable Oath | 16/17 | Mar 2001 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Illinois |
Shamanism | 42-52 | Mythos Magic | CHA0341 | 2007 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Shambler Between Worlds | | The Shambler Between Worlds | | Dec 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Arkham; 1920s |
Shambler from the Stars | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Shambler from the Stars | 15-23 | Mysteries of the Worm | CHA6037 | 2009 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shambling Zombie | Character (C) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shambling Zombie | Event (F) | Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shambling Zombie | Event (F) | Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shamus | Character (U) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shanghai | 171-207 | The Complete Masks of Nyarlathotep | CHA2361 | 1996 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | China; 1925 |
Shanghai | 189-230 | Masks of Nyarlathotep | CHA23118 | 2010 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | China; 1925 |
Shanghai | E:1-31 | Masks of Nyarlathotep | CHA2307-X | 1984 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | China; 1925 |
Shanghai | 107-137 | Masks of Nyarlathotep | CHA3304 | 1989 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | China; 1925 |
Shanghai Bullets | 22-41 | Stunning Eldritch Tales | PELGT02 | 2008 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | China; Star Vampire |
Shannon's Photo | 2006 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shantak and Y'golonac | 1-3 | Shantak and Y'golonac | | 2002 | Wizards of the Coast | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shantak Mount | Character (U) | Masks of Nyarlathotep | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shantaks | Monster (C) | Dreamlands | CAO1307-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Shantaks | Monster (C) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Shape Shifting Horrors | 1 | Shape Shifting Horrors | | Apr 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Boston |
Shared Brilliance | 2020 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | San Francisco |
Sharer of Pain | Oct 2015 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shariil Sophast | Ally (R) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Sharing Nightmares | 7-13 | Doors to Darkness | CHA23148 | 2015 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sharpshooter | Character (C) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shattered Aeons | | Shattered Aeons | AHC25 | 2018 | Fantasy Flight Games | Arkham Horror: The Card Game | |
Shattered Earth, Poison Sky | 63-84 | Shadows Over Stillwater | CHA23156 | 2019 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Darker Trails) | New Mexico; Serpentman |
The Shattered Hole | 59-61 | Protodimension | 22 | Win 2015 | Kinstaff Media | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Flying Polyp |
She Just Couldn't Stay Away (No, No) | 8-19 | The Unspeakable Oath | 20 | Jun 2011 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
She Walks by Night | | Serendipity's Circle | 13 | Win 1997 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | London |
Sheela-na-gig | 126-153 | The Golden Dawn | PAG1004 | 1996 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | England; 1899; April |
Sheer Force of Will | Event (U) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sheer Force of Will | Event (F) | Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shell-shocked: A WWII Tale of Terror | | Chaosium Digest | v26n12 | Dec 1998 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (WWII) | England; Autumn; 1940 |
Shenandoah | 1-42 | Shenandoah | CHA0377 | 2009 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Missouri; 1927 |
Shepherd of Moths | 5-18 | From Beyond | | Nov 2023 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | 1920s |
Shepherd/Shepherdess of the Black Goat | Oct 2022 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Shepherds | Character (F) | The Sleeper Below | CT63 | 2014 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sheriff Buckner | Ally (C) | Serena's Dojo | | 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
Sheriff Ezekiel Graves | | Villains for Modern Horror - Book 1 | | Sep 2023 | RPG Gamer | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
The Shifting Sands of War | 30-42 | Guide to North Africa | MUH01052CS | 2014 | Modiphius Entertainment | Savage Worlds (Achtung!), Call of Cthulhu (Achtung!) | |
Shifting Spells | 22-23 | The Unspeakable Oath | 12 | Jun 1995 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shimmering Seas | | Shimmering Seas | | Jun 2019 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Pacific Ocean |
Shining Trapezohedron | Artifact (U) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Shining Trapezohedron Marker Pack | | Shining Trapezohedron Marker Pack | CW-E15 | 2017 | Petersen Games | Cthulhu Wars | |
Shining Trapezohedron, The Darkest Jewel | Support (R) | Forbidden Relics | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Ship of Clouds | Event (C) | Dreamlands | CAO1307-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Ship Outta Luck | 2020 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Pacific Ocean; June; 1942; Deep One |
The Ship That Waits | 120-150 | Once Men | CHA0356 | 2008 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Once Men) | Lesser Race |
Ships and Space Travel | 10-19 | The Promethean Highway | | Feb 2024 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [2902] | |
Ships of the Desert | 54-70 | Guide to North Africa | MUH01052CS | 2014 | Modiphius Entertainment | Call of Cthulhu (Achtung!), Savage Worlds (Achtung!) | |
Shipwreck | Event (R) | Dreamlands | CAO1307-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Shiver | 2020 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Alaska |
Shock and Awe | 2017 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Georgia state |
A Shock in the Lightest Night | 114-123 | Beyond the Mountains of Madness | CHA2380 | 1999 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Antarctica; November; 1933 |
Shocking Transformation | Event (U) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shocking Transformation | Event (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Shoggites | Sep 2020 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shoggoth | Monster (U) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Shoggoth | | Ken Writes About Stuff | v1n9 | Dec 2013 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | |
Shoggoth | Monster (F) | Antarctica | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Shoggoth Local #1 | Sep 2020 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shoggoth Lord | Monster (R) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Shoggoth o' War | Sep 2020 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shoggoth Seeds | Sep 2020 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shoggoth Slave | Character (C) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shoggoth Unbound | Character (C) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shoggoth-Twsha | Character (C) | Masks of Nyarlathotep | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shoggoths Don't Kill People, Guns Do | 28-29 | Dagon | 11 | Jan 1986 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shopping and Equipment | 75-78 | World War Cthulhu: London | CB71941 | 2016 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (WWII) | |
Shopping in London | A:70-80 | Cthulhu Britannica: London Box Set | CB7354 | 2014 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Shore Road Mystery | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Shore Road Mystery | Adventure (F) | Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Shores of Death | 77-123 | Assault on the Mountains of Madness | MUH050029 | 2013 | Modiphius Entertainment | Call of Cthulhu (Achtung!), Savage Worlds (Achtung!) | Antarctica; 1945 |
Short Answers to Simple Questions | | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
A Short Bestiary of Feline Foes | 33-36 | Cathulhu | 60-KAT01 | 2014 | Sixtystone Press | Call of Cthulhu (Catthulhu) | |
Short Fuse | Event (R) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Short Fuse | Event (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Short Idea for a Dreamlands Game | | Chaosium Digest | v09n08 | Feb 1995 | Chaosium | Arkham Horror | |
Short Story | | Tales of Terror (I) | | 1990 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Short Story | 16 | Tales of Terror (III) | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Short Story | 1990 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
A Short Tour Around Mare Nostrum | 20-60 | Cthulhu Invictus | CHA23115 | 2009 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shortsighted Librarian | Character (F) | The Terror of the Tides | CT22 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Shoshana Hatch | Character (F) | Ebla Restored | CT55 | 2012 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Shotgun | Artifact (C) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Shotgun | Support (U) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shotgun | Support (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Shotgun Blast | Event (C) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shotgun Blast | Character (F) | Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shotgun Blast | Character (F) | Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shotgun Blast | Character (F) | Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shotgun Blast | Character (F) | Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shotgun Blast | Event (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Shotguns | 76-85 | Investigator Weapons Volume 1: The 1920s and 1930s | 60-IHB01 | 2012 | Sixtystone Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shotguns | 134-147 | Investigator Weapons Volume 2: Modern Day | 60-IHB02 | 2015 | Sixtystone Press | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Shouyokai | Oct 2019 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Show Must Go On | 3-9 | The Show Must Go On | | Sep 2023 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | The Netherlands; 1930s |
Show of Loyalty | Event (R) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shower Gel | 2020 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Pennsylvania |
The Shragged Man | 11-12 | The Black Seal | 3 | Nov 2003 | Brichester University Press | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
The Shriek of Cities | Support (R) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shrieking Byakhee | Character (F) | Conspiracies of Chaos | | 2006 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shrieking Byakhee | Character (F) | Conspiracies of Chaos | CT14e | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Shrieking Shack | | Mark of the Beast | CHA6062 | 2016 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
A Shrieking Violet | | A Shrieking Violet | | Aug 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Chicago; 1920 |
Shrine of the Moirai | | Arkham Nights 2019 Promo Cards | | 2019 | Fantasy Flight Games | Arkham Horror: The Card Game | |
Shrine to Yig | Support (F) | Murmurs of Evil | CT35 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
A Shrine Under the Sea | | Cthulhu Maps - A Shrine Under the Sea | 013 | 2021 | Lovemaps | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Shrivelling | Spell (C) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Shriven and Resolute | Support (F) | The Breathing Jungle | CT49 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Shub-Niggurath | Monster (U) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Shub-Niggurath | Character (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Shub-Niggurath | Character (F) | The Thousand Young | CT65 | 2015 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Shub-Niggurath | Character (F) | The Cacophony | CT39 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Shub-Niggurath Always Rings Twice | | Shub-Niggurath Always Rings Twice | | 2023 | Bolt Thrower Press | Tunnels and Trolls | Fantasy World |
Shub-Niggurath Promo Card | | Shub-Niggurath Promo Card | | 2012 | Fantasy Flight Games | Elder Sign | |
Shub-Niggurath, She with a Thousand Young | Character (R) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shub-Niggurath, The All-Mother | Character (R) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shub-Niggurath, The Black Goat of the Woods | Character (R) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Shudde M'ell | Character (F) | The Gleaming Spiral | CT44 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Shuggob, Ghoul Sage | Character (F) | Sleep of the Dead | CT30 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Shuggoth Shuffle Promo Card | | Shuggoth Shuffle Promo Card | | Apr 2008 | Steve Jackson Games | Munchkin | |
Shugoron, Beloved of the Tcho-Tcho | Character (U) | Masks of Nyarlathotep | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Shunned House | Location (R) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Shunned House | Adventure (F) | Eric Johnson Mythos Collection | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Shurgas Mine | 1-15 | Shurgas Mine | | Dec 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Colorado; 1924 |
Shuttle Icarus | Event (U) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Sibilant Cry | Event (F) | Written and Bound | CT53 | 2012 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sick Again | 68-123 | Control Group | APU8137 | 2019 | Arc Dream Publishing | Delta Green | Arizona; November; 2012 |
Sick Building Syndrome | | More Tales of Terror | PAG2105 | 2000 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Siege on Saxemberg | 19-32 | Assault on the Mountains of Madness | MUH050029 | 2013 | Modiphius Entertainment | Savage Worlds (Achtung!), Call of Cthulhu (Achtung!) | Antarctica; 1945 |
Sieur Piriou Louis | Character (F) | The Key and the Gate | CT60 | 2013 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
A Sight for Sore Eyes | Event (F) | Screams from Within | CT38 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sight Unseen | | Sight Unseen | SKP0833 | 2008 | Skirmisher Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Arkham |
The Sights of the City | 21-57 | The Cairo Guidebook | CHA2351 | 1995 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sigil of Doom | Support (F) | For the Greater Good | CT64 | 2015 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sigil of the Order | Support (F) | The Order of the Silver Twilight | CT33 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sign of Barzai | Spell (C) | Legends of the Necronomicon | CAO1303-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Sign of Dynamite | | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Sign of Eibon | Spell (C) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Sign of Kish | Spell (U) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Sign of the Red Boar Inn | 7-13 | Colonial Terrors | CHA0405 | 2011 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [1760s] | Massachusetts; 1768 |
The Signal | 101-120 | Black Bag Jobs | CB71202 | 2011 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (Laundry) | 2000s |
The Signal Sirens | | Creatures for Modern Horror - Book 1 | | Sep 2023 | RPG Gamer | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
The Signal Smugglers | 2020 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Signal to Noise | 3-28 | Signal to Noise | | Jun 2023 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Pennsylvania; 1989; October |
Signing the Book | Event (U) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Signs Following | 2022 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Alabama |
Signs of Blood | | Signs of Blood | | Dec 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [1970s] | Ohio; 1975 |
Signs of Carcosa | | Signs of Carcosa | EH06 | 2016 | Fantasy Flight Games | Eldritch Horror | |
Signs Writ in Scarlet | 108-137 | Sacraments of Evil | CHA2345 | 1993 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | London; 1890s |
Silas Marsh | | Out of the Void Investigator Pack | | 2023 | Fantasy Flight Games | Arkham Horror: The Card Game | |
Silas Marsh Promo Cards | | The Deep Gate | NAH13 | 2018 | Fantasy Flight Games | Arkham Horror: The Card Game | |
The Silence Mill | 44-78 | Out of the Woods | PELGT43 | 2017 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | France; 1930s |
The Silence of Eastpoint | 1-5 | The Silence of Eastpoint | | 2020 | Self Published | Dungeons and Dragons | Fantasy World |
The Silence of Thousands Shall Quell the Refrain | 20-35 | Red Eye of Azathoth | REAz | 2011 | Kobold Quarterly | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [1287AD] | Japan; 1287 |
A Silence of Three Parts | 2018 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
A Silent Dawn in the Desert | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
A Silent Dawn In The Desert | Adventure (F) | Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Silent Hill Area and History | 7-24 | Silent Hill | | 2009 | Tribal Morgue Studios | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Silent Hill Characters | 35-56 | Silent Hill | | 2009 | Tribal Morgue Studios | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Silent Mover | Character (F) | Never Night | CT50 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Silent Night | 3-18 | Christmas in Kingsport | CHA0334 | 2006 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Arkham; December; 2001; Tcho-Tcho |
Silent Night | 2021 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Virginia; December |
Silent Night, Gory Night | | The Grindhouse: Holiday Special | | Nov 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | New England; 1978; December |
Silent Scream | 90-104 | Goatswood and Less Pleasant Places | CHA2393 | 2001 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | England; Y'Golonac |
The Silent Service | 2014 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
The Silk Road | 321-333 | Secrets of Japan | CHA2392 | 2005 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Silks of Irem | 31-35 | The Island of Ignorance | GGP1301 | 2013 | Golden Goblin Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Silva Nigra | 27-43 | Extrico Tabula | CHA0354 | 2008 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Invictus) | Germany; Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath |
The Silver Key | Artifact (C) | Dreamlands | CAO1307-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Silver Key | Support (F) | Search for the Silver Key | CT29 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Silver Lance | Support (F) | Perilous Trials | CT41 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Silver Tablet | | The Silver Tablet | MAD03 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Mansions of Madness | |
Silver Twilight Collector | Character (F) | The Order of the Silver Twilight | CT33 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Silver Twilight Emissary | Character (C) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Silver Twilight Enforcer | Character (F) | The Order of the Silver Twilight | CT33 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Silver Twilight Indoctrination | Event (C) | Forbidden Relics | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Silver Twilight Lodge | Location (U) | Legends of the Necronomicon | CAO1303-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Silver Twilight Lodge | Support (C) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Silver Twilight Lodge | Support (F) | The Order of the Silver Twilight | CT33 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Silver Twilight Temptress | Character (F) | The Horror Beneath the Surface | CT20 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Silver Twilight Turncoat | Character (C) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Silver Twilight Turncoat | Character (F) | Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Silvio Fragments | 5-6 | Book of Dark Wisdom | 1 | Sum 2003 | Elder Sign Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Simon Orne | Ally (R) | Legends of the Necronomicon | CAO1303-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Simple Kindness | Event (U) | Masks of Nyarlathotep | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Simplon-Orient Express Operations | A:4-14 | Horror on the Orient Express | CHA2331-X | 1991 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Simplon-Orient Express Operations | A:19-32 | Horror on the Orient Express | CHA23130 | 2014 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Simply Red | 112-121 | Blood Brothers 2 | CHA2340 | 1992 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Summer; 1980s; Psycopath |
Simpson's Halloween | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Simulacrum Unbound | D:127-168 | Horror on the Orient Express | CHA23130 | 2014 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Turkey; 2013 |
The Simulacrum Unbound | B:299-334 | Horror on the Orient Express | CHA23130-SET | 2020 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Turkey; 2013 |
Sin Nombre | | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Sinai Palimpsest | 2022 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Egypt |
Sine Qua Nona | | Serendipity's Circle | 16 | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Sinful Inheritance | 4-13 | The Sinful Inheritance | | Dec 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | London; 1886 |
Sinful Season | 1-19 | Sinful Season | | 2014 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | New York; September; 2012 |
Sing Sing | | Sing Sing | | 2006 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New York State; 1921 |
The Singer from Dhol | 35-62 | Worlds of Cthulhu | 2 | Feb 2005 | Pegasus Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Maine; 1920 |
The Singing Flesh-Beasts of St Simon | 57-66 | The Pastores | CHA0313 | 2005 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Dark Ages) | France |
A Single Glimpse | Event (C) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
A Single Glimpse | Event (F) | Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
A Single Glimpse | Event (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Single Origin | 2018 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
A Single Path | Event (F) | The Horror Beneath the Surface | CT20 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sinister Clerk | Character (F) | Perilous Trials | CT41 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Sinister Secret of Peppermarsh | 159-166 | The Dread House | HDG8000 | 2017 | Hammerdog Games | Dungeons and Dragons, Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [13th to 15th C], Pathfinder | 1951 |
Sinister Seeds | 153-157 | Escape from Innsmouth | CHA2338 | 1992 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sinister Seeds | 159-164 | Escape from Innsmouth | CHA2371 | 1997 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sinister Seeds | 124-126 | Cthulhu Casebook | CHA3305 | 1990 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sink Hole | 443-458 | 40 Adventures for Call of Cthulhu | | 2002 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Florida; 1990s |
Sink Hole | 1-16 | Sink Hole | | 1999 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Florida; 1990s |
SinkHole | 7-22 | Opifex Bimonthly | 23 | Jan 2000 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Florida; 1990s |
Sinkhole! | Event (F) | That Which Consumes | CT45 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sinking the Lotus | Event (U) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Sinne Eater | Feb 2009 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sins of My Youth | 18-22 | Fear's Sharp Little Needles | 3005 | 2018 | Stygian Fox | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Hound of Tindalos |
Sins of the Daughter | 48-53 | Dark Passions | WDF23200 | 2008 | WildFire Games | CthulhuTech | |
The Sins of the Father | | The Sins of the Father | | Dec 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Canada; 2005 |
The Sintered Man Cometh | 2016 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | China |
Sir John Scott | Character (F) | For the Greater Good | CT64 | 2015 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sir William Brinton, Fearless Explorer | Character (R) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Siren Weed | Oct 2014 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Siren's Bane | 60-66 | Forgotten Symphony | | Mar 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Sirens of Dagon | Oct 2022 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sirens of Hell | Event (F) | Whispers in the Dark | CT34 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sirius | Event (C) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Sister Hope | Ally (F) | Rosemary's Baby | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Sister of the Sands | | Cthulhu's Dark Cults | CHA6044 | 2010 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sister Rosetta | 2005 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sister Sophia | Character (F) | The Order of the Silver Twilight | CT33 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sister Veronica | Ally (F) | Rosemary's Baby | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Sisters of Doom | | Sisters of Doom | | Oct 2023 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sisters of Sorrow | 4-14 | Sisters Of Sorrow | PELGT29 | 2012 | Pelgrane Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Atlantic Ocean |
Sisters of Sorrow | 95-111 | Dulce Et Decorun Est | PELGT32 | 2014 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | Atlantic Ocean |
Sites of Antiquity | 29-30 | Bayt al Azif | 1 | Oct 2018 | Bayt al Azif Inc | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sites of Antiquity | 45-46 | Bayt al Azif | 3 | Nov 2020 | Bayt al Azif Inc | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sites of Antiquity | 47-48 | Bayt al Azif | 2 | Sep 2019 | Bayt al Azif Inc | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Situations Vacant | 43-46 | White Dwarf | 94 | Oct 1987 | Games Workshop | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Six Characters in Search of an Archive | | Chaosium Digest | v26n12 | Dec 1998 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Darker Trails) | |
Six Cults a-Culting | Dec 2001 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | December |
Six Foot plot | 8-11 | Minions | CHA2365 | 1997 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sixteen Tons | | Serendipity's Circle | 20 | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Skeeter Man | Oct 2021 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Skeletal Jester: Avatar of Nyarlathotep | Oct 2014 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Skeletons | Monster (C) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Skeptical Pathologist/Grinning Ghoul | Investigator (C) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Skill Checks in Pulp Cthulhu | Dec 2023 | craigpay.com | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Skill Packages | | The Dark Gulf of N'kai | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Skill Tests | 6-7 | Achtung! Cthulhu Basic Rules | MUH0010342 | 2023 | Modiphius Entertainment | Achtung! Cthulhu | |
Skillet Showboat | Location (F) | Scooby Doo Set 3 | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Skills | 73-77 | Cthulhu Invictus | CHA23115 | 2009 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Skills | 29-47 | The Laundry | CB71200 | 2010 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (Laundry) | |
Skills | 54-79 | Keeper Rulebook | CHA23135 | 2015 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Skills | B:12-21 | Call of Cthulhu | CHA2009-X | 1981 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Skills | 94-121 | Investigator's Handbook | CHA23136 | 2015 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Skills | 43-77 | Raiders of R'lyeh | | 2017 | Cipher Bureau | Raiders of R'lyeh | |
Skills | 72-107 | Raiders of R'lyeh Gamemaster's Guide and Complete Rules | | 2017 | Cipher Bureau | Raiders of R'lyeh | |
Skills * | 15-27 | Madness and Mayhem | GSP02004 | 2015 | Game Soapbox Productions | Madness and Mayhem | |
Skills | 16-37 | Call of Cthulhu d20 | 886440000 | 2002 | Wizards of the Coast | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Skills for Dark Ages: Averoigne | 63-65 | Worlds of Cthulhu | 1 | Aug 2004 | Pegasus Press | Call of Cthulhu (Dark Ages) | |
Skills for the 1920s | 48-55 | 1920s Investigator's Companion Vol. II | CHA2346 | 1994 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Skills Revisited | 177-203 | The Keeper's Companion Vol 1 | CHA2388 | 2000 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Skillz | 80-92 | CthulhuTech | WDF23000 | 2007 | WildFire Games | CthulhuTech | |
Skin Weed | Character (U) | Masks of Nyarlathotep | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Skinless One, Awful in Mind and Form | Character (U) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Skinwalker | 59-77 | Dwellers in Shadow | 0004 | Jul 1996 | Triad Entertainments | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Arizona |
Skipping Through the Universe | 28-31 | R'lyehwatch | | 2023 | Third Chair Games | R'lyehwatch | California |
The Skoptsi | 88-105 | Delta Green Countdown | PAG1008 | 1999 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Skull Island | Location (F) | Scooby Doo Set 1 | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Skullpips | | Skullpips | PCG007 | 2017 | Pleasant Company Games | Ancient Terrible Things | |
Skulls and Vortex Sanity Tracks | | Eric Johnson Mythos Collection | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Skulls Sanity Track | | Eric Johnson Mythos Collection | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Sky Galleon | Event (C) | Dreamlands | CAO1307-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Sky is Darkened as I Descent the Stairs | | Denied to the Enemy | | 2010 | Armitage House | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
The Sky is Falling | 29-32 | Nocturnum: Hollow Winds | CC02 | 1998 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
The Sky is Falling * | 113-116 | Nocturnum: d20 | CC05 | 2002 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Sky Torn Asunder | Event (R) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Slab | 2019 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Ohio |
Slander and Libel | Support (U) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Slave to the Undivided Mind | Event (F) | The Gleaming Spiral | CT44 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Slavering Gug | Character (R) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Slavering Gug | Character (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Slaves and the Lost | 146-157 | Vade Mecum | WDF23001 | 2008 | WildFire Games | CthulhuTech | |
Slaves of the Mother | 47-61 | Slaves of the Mother | PELGT31 | 2014 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | England; Summer; 1939 |
Slaves of the Mother | 160-173 | Cthulhu Apocalypse | PELGT40 | 2015 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | England; Summer; 1939 |
Slaves of Tsathoggua | 1-15 | Slaves of Tsathoggua | SoT | 2016 | Kort'thalis Publishing | Crimson Dragon Slayer | Fantasy World |
Slaves of Tsathoggua | | Trilogy of Awesome + 1 | ToA+1 | 2016 | Kort'thalis Publishing | Crimson Dragon Slayer | |
Sledgehammer | Support (F) | Screams from Within | CT38 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Sleep Experiment | | The Sleep Experiment | | 2022 | Gallant Knight Games | Tiny Cthulhu | |
The Sleep of Death, What Dreams May Come | | Valkyrie | 13 | 1996 | Partizan Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | United Kingdom; 1920s |
Sleep of Reason | Support (U) | Masks of Nyarlathotep | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sleep of Reason | Support (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Sleep of the Dead | Event (F) | Sleep of the Dead | CT30 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sleep Perchance to Dream? | | Dagon | 13 | Jun 1986 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sleep Therapist | Character (F) | Sleep of the Dead | CT30 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Sleeper | | The Sleeper | CW-F2 | 2015 | Petersen Games | Cthulhu Wars | |
Sleeper Agents | 5-34 | World War Cthulhu: Europe Ablaze | CB71940 | 2014 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (WWII) | France; 1941; Summer |
The Sleeper Awakens! | Event (F) | Spawn of Madness | | 2006 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Sleeper Awakens! | Event (F) | Spawn of Madness | CT12e | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sleepin' wit' da Fishes | Event (F) | That Which Consumes | CT45 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sleeping Pills | Support (F) | The Spawn of the Sleeper | CT19 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sleepless Nights | Event (F) | The Spawn of the Sleeper | CT19 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Sleepwalker | Character (F) | The Antediluvian Dreams | CT21 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sleepwriting | | More Tales of Terror | PAG2105 | 2000 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sleeve Gun | Jun 2022 | craigpay.com | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sleigh Ride | 105-126 | Fearful Passages | CHA2335 | 1992 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Russia; Winter; 1926 |
Sleight of Hand | Event (R) | Masks of Nyarlathotep | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sleight Return | 32-33 | The Unspeakable Oath | 18 | Dec 2010 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Sleipnir | 43-50 | The Pastores | CHA0313 | 2005 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Dark Ages) | France |
Sleipnir * | 39-46 | The Pastores | | Jul 2023 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Dark Ages) | France |
The Sleipnir Club | 49-57 | A Peculiar Pentad | OWC4006 | 2009 | Super Genius | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Slenderman | Character (F) | The Key and the Gate | CT60 | 2013 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Slime Covered Dhole | Character (F) | Initiations of the Favored | CT42 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Slime Mold | Character (F) | In Memory of Day | CT27 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
A Slip in Time? | | More Tales of Terror | PAG2105 | 2000 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
A Slither in the Dark | 96, 99, 100 | Dragon | 222 | Oct 1995 | TSR | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Slither Rats | Oct 2019 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Slithering Formless Spawn | Character (U) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
A Sliver of Starlight | | A Sliver of Starlight | | Aug 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | New York State; 1983 |
Slow Boat | 65-78 | Fearful Passages | CHA2335 | 1992 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | England; 1920s |
Slow Boat to China | 205-234 | Pulp Cthulhu | CHA23107 | 2016 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Pacific Ocean; 1931; Zombie; Hunting Horror |
Slug Horrors | Feb 2022 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Slugs and Snails | 54-67 | The Black Seal | 4 | Aut 2023 | Sixtystone Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | England |
Slumming | Event (C) | Masks of Nyarlathotep | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Slump-Fast | Sep 2008 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Small Ghouls | Character (C) | Masks of Nyarlathotep | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Small Ghouls | Character (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
A Small Price | 1-63 | Terrible New Worlds | cr6104 | 2021 | Cthulhu Reborn | APOCTHULHU | |
Small Price to Pay | Event (C) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Small Price to Pay | Event (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Small Things Forgotten | | Tales of Terror (II) | PAG2102 | 1996 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Small Time Magician | Character (F) | The Twilight Beckons | CT40 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
A Small Tremor in the Mountains | 3-16 | A Small Tremor in the Mountains | | Jul 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Iceland; 2020s |
Smartphone +2 of Shiny | 30-41 | License to Summon | CB71205 | 2012 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (Laundry) | |
Smatter Haulers & Stick Swingers | | Smatter Haulers & Stick Swingers | | May 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | London; 1890 |
The Smedley House | 53-54 | The Unspeakable Oath | 22 | Jan 2013 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Smell Like a Monster | | Smell Like a Monster | | 2022 | Petersen Games | Cthulhu Wars | |
Smiling Jack and Mr Smith | | More Tales of Terror | PAG2105 | 2000 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Smiling Jack and Mr Smith | 2000 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Smith and Wesson Model 500 Magnum | 35 | Protodimension | 2 | Aut 2009 | Kinstaff Media | Call of Cthulhu (Now), Dark Conspiracy | |
Smithsonian Institution | Location (C) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Smoglings | | Creatures for Modern Horror - Book 2 | | Sep 2023 | RPG Gamer | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Smoke Green | | Smoke Green | cr6202 | 2019 | Cthulhu Reborn | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Arkham; October; 1928 |
Smoke Green | | Smoke Green | cr5204 | 2022 | Cthulhu Reborn | Cthulhu Eternal | Arkham; October; 1928 |
Smoke on the Huangpu | | Smoke on the Huangpu | | Sep 2024 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | China; 1931 |
Smoke Serpent | Character (F) | The Thousand Young | CT65 | 2015 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Smokestack Horror | 74-88 | Halloween Horror 2 | CHA0333 | 2006 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Boston |
A Smuggler's Cave | | Cthulhu Maps - A Smuggler's Cave | 085 | 2023 | Lovemaps | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Smuggler's Cove | | Tales of Terror (I) | | 1990 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Germany |
Smuggler's Cove | 25-26 | Tales of Terror (III) | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Germany |
Smuggler's Cove | 1990 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Germany |
Smuggler's Run | 28-38 | Adventures Unlimited | 2 | Sum 1995 | Bootstrap Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | 1930s |
Smugglers | Character (F) | The Wailer Below | CT37 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Smugglers Cove | 41-44 | Colonial Terrors | CHA0405 | 2011 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [1760s] | Massachusetts; 1768 |
Smugglers Tunnels | Location (C) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Smugglers' Tunnels | 121-130 | Escape from Innsmouth | CHA2338 | 1992 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Innsmouth; February; 1928; Deep One |
The Smugglers' Tunnels | 122-131 | Escape from Innsmouth | CHA2371 | 1997 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Innsmouth; February; 1928; Deep One |
Smuggling | 56 | The Unspeakable Oath | 24 | Jul 2014 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
The Smurl Poltergeist | Oct 2005 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Snails | 2006 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Snake in Blood | | Chaosium Digest | v26n06 | Aug 1998 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Arkham; 1920s; Nyarlathotep |
Snake Island | 206-221 | The Two-Headed Serpent | CHA23125 | 2017 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Brazil; 1930s; Serpentman |
Snake Oil | 205-220 | Frontier Cthulhu | CHA6041 | 2007 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Darker Trails) | |
Snake Oil | 2021 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Canada |
Snake Oil Salesman | 4-21 | Snake Oil Salesman | | Sep 2024 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Florida; 1929; November |
Snake Totem | Support (R) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Snake's Oil | | The Snake's Oil | | Apr 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | South Dakota; 1893 |
The Snake-Den | Location (C) | Dreamlands | CAO1307-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Snakes | 103-107 | Ye Booke of Tentacles | 1 | 1998 | The Chaos Society | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Snakes Alive II: The Statistics | 52 | Games Master International | 14 | Sep 1991 | Newsfield | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Snakes Alive! | 52-54 | Games Master International | 12 | Jul 1991 | Newsfield | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Snakes on a Plane | 2016 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | In the Air; Serpentman |
Sneak Thief | Character (R) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sniper Rifle | Support (U) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Snoqualmie Falls | Location (F) | Seattle | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Snout in the Alcove | 224-232 | The Nyarlathotep Cycle | CHA6019 | 1997 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Snow Graves | Support (F) | The Mountains of Madness | CT16 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Snow-Thing | 68-79 | The Ithaqua Cycle | CHA6021 | 1998 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Snowflake Valley | 15-48 | Nocturnum: Long Shades | CC01 | 1997 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Snowflake Valley * | 35-63 | Nocturnum: d20 | CC05 | 2002 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Snowmageddon! | Jan 2019 | Reckoning of the Dead | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Maine |
Snowmobile | Support (F) | For the Greater Good | CT64 | 2015 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Snows of an Early Winter | 2-96 | Snows of an Early Winter | OWC4007 | 2009 | Super Genius | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | New York; Halloween |
Snub-Nosed .38 | Artifact (C) | Serena's Dojo | | 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
Snuff | 2006 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
So Doctor, You Can Cure My Iatrophobia | | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Soaring Elephant | 50-79 | Whispers of the Dead | 3 | May 2022 | Staggered Amusement Machine | Delta Green | |
Sober Cannibals, Drunk Christians | 116-124 | D-Day: The Darkest Day | MUH0010317 | May 2024 | Modiphius Entertainment | Achtung! Cthulhu | France; 1944 |
Social Insecurity Administration | 2018 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Missouri; Lloigor |
Social Life | 15 | Green and Pleasant Land | CHA2320 | 1987 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Social Life | 52-63 | Miskatonic University | CHA2352 | 1995 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Societe Royale De Geographie D'Egypte | Location (C) | Legends of the Necronomicon | CAO1303-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Societies | 87-96 | Secrets of San Francisco | CHA23108 | 2006 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Societies | 65-76 | De Profundis | CB71401 | 2010 | Cubicle 7 | De Profundis | |
Societies, Cults, and Mysteries | 102-111 | Secrets of Morocco | CHA23105 | 2008 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Society Della Santa Fe | | Chaosium Digest | v12n11 | Jan 1996 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Society of Horrors | 24-44 | Orbis Aerden: Reign of the Accursed | | 2019 | Dead Eyed Shade Games | Orbis Aerden | |
Society of Madness | | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Society Page Editor | Character (R) | Forbidden Relics | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Sodality of St Benedict | 106-115 | Cultists Under the Bed | CB71206 | 2013 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (Laundry) | |
SOE and Network N Training Establishments | 99-118 | World War Cthulhu: The SOE Handbook | CB71942 | 2015 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (WWII) | |
Sogailraugh | 1-4 | Sogailraugh | | 2006 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Dark Ages) | |
Sol Noctis | | Sol Noctis | | Apr 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New Hampshire; 1938 |
Solar Eclipse | Event (F) | Terror in Venice | CT61 | 2013 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Soldiers of Pen and Ink | 6-62 | Soldiers of Pen and Ink | PELGT36 | 2014 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | Spain; November; 1936 |
The Solo Investigators Handbook | | The Solo Investigators Handbook | | Feb 2019 | 5E Solo Gamebooks | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Solomon Bites the Worm | | Chaosium Digest | v32n04 | Jul 2000 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | England; Summer |
Solomon Bites the Worm | | RPG Archive | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | England; Summer |
Some Notes on the Biology of the Shoggoths | Sep 2020 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Some Notes on the Eltdown Shards | 3-4 | Dagon | 11 | Jan 1986 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Some Wounds Never Heal | | Valkyrie | 12 | 1996 | Partizan Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | United Kingdom; 1920s |
Somebody Think of the Children | 3-26 | Somebody Think of the Children | | Oct 2024 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | United States; 1990s |
Someone at the Window | Event (F) | Scooby Doo Set 2 | | Mar 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
Something About Cats | | Something About Cats | | 2020 | Petersen Games | Cthulhu Wars | |
Something Else About Cats | 11-13 | The Whisperer | 4 | Spr 2001 | Severn Valley Press | Call of Cthulhu (Dreamlands) | Dreamlands |
Something Fishy at Fort Delaware: The Adventure of the Pea Patch Puzzle | 28-30 | The Transactions of the Royal Martian Geographical Society | 4 | 1992 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | Delaware; 1888 |
Something for Christmas | 2006 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | New York; December |
Something From Down There | 209-222 | Down Darker Trails | CHA23151 | 2017 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Darker Trails) | Texas; Formless Spawn of Tsathoggua |
Something in Stone | 35 | The Unspeakable Oath | 5 | May 1992 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | Wales |
Something in the Moonlight | 165-178 | The Xothic Legend Cycle | CHA6013 | 1997 | Chaosium | None | |
Something is Rotten in the Root Cellar | | The Blasphemous Tome | 3 | Dec 2017 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Something to Hold the Door Closed | 77-88 | Frontier Cthulhu | CHA6041 | 2007 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Darker Trails) | |
Something's Hiding in the Fourgon | 2:36 | Horror on the Orient Express Music | AOCD7004 | 2005 | A O Music | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Somnambulant Dreamer | Character (F) | That Which Consumes | CT45 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Son of the Sleeper | Character (C) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Son of This | 2013 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Egypt; March; 1919 |
Son of Yeb | Character (C) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Son of Yeb | Character (F) | Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Son of Yeb | Character (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Son of Yog-Sothoth | Monster (U) | Expeditions of Miskatonic University | CAO1301-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Sonar City | 83-98 | Eldritch Chrome | CHA6052 | 2013 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Cyberpunk) | |
Sonata For Snow | 2018 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Colorado |
Song and Dance | 109-130 | Tales of the Crescent City | GGP1401 | 2014 | Golden Goblin Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New Orleans |
A Song for the Devil | 1 | A Letter From Yuggoth | 1 | Mar 2016 | Yaqqothl Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Boston; 1920s |
Song of Charybdis | Event (F) | Shadow of the Monolith | CT52 | 2012 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Song of Harlem | 11-18 | Harlem Unbound | 1 | 2017 | Darker Hue Studios | Call of Cthulhu (Classic), Cthulhu Confidential | |
Song of Hastur | Spell (R) | Cthulhu Rising | CAO1302-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Song of Hastur | Event (C) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Song of Suffering | Support (F) | Words of Power | CT54 | 2012 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Song of the Spheres | 40-52 | In the Shadows | CHA2357 | 1995 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Connecticut |
Song of the Spheres | Support (F) | The Key and the Gate | CT60 | 2013 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Song of the Star Walkers | | Song of the Star Walkers | | 2012 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Massachusetts |
Song of the Stellar Larvae | Spell (U) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Songs of Fantari | 43-60 | Fatal Experiments | CHA2328 | 1990 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Italy; Deep One |
Sonje Olsen | Character (F) | Written and Bound | CT53 | 2012 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sons of Carcosa | Character (F) | The Sleeper Below | CT63 | 2014 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sons of Hermes | Character (F) | Into Tartarus | CT51 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Soothsayer | Character (U) | Masks of Nyarlathotep | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Soothsayer | Character (F) | Secrets of Arkham | CT32 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Soratorius Albion: New Spells | 92-94 | Kingdom of the Blind | CHA0359 | 2008 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Sorcerer's Apprentice | Adventure (R) | Dreamlands | CAO1307-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Sorcerer's Apprentice Deck | | Chaosium Digest | v21n07 | Sep 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Sorcerer's Apprentice, The Expedition Version | | A Web Page from a Friend | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Sorcerer's Apprentice, The Strange Case of Charles Fort Version | | A Web Page from a Friend | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Sorcerer's Jewel | 154-168 | Mysteries of the Worm | CHA6037 | 2009 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Sorcerors Apprentice Deck | | Robo's Mythos CCG Web Page | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Sores | 78-84 | Fear's Sharp Little Needles | 3005 | 2018 | Stygian Fox | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Wales |
Sororum ex Noëma (Sisters of Na?amah) | Oct 2015 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Invictus) | |
Sorrow in Tsavo | | Sorrow in Tsavo | | Oct 2020 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | Kenya; 1898 |
The Sorrow of Search | 3-8 | The Nyarlathotep Cycle | CHA6019 | 1997 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sorrow's Glen | 57-75 | Lurking Fears | 0001 | Jan 1990 | Triad Entertainments | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New England; Lloigor; Ghatanothoa; Ghast |
A Sort of Homecoming | 66-89 | Burning Horizon | WDF23301 | 2011 | WildFire Games | CthulhuTech | |
The Sosnovka Raid | | The Sosnovka Raid | | Apr 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (WWII) | Russia; 1942; December |
The Soul of the Devil-bought | 219 | The Xothic Legend Cycle | CHA6013 | 1997 | Chaosium | None | |
Soul Singing | Spell (C) | Cthulhu Rising | CAO1302-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Soul Taker | Oct 2024 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Soulful Jazz Singer/Gifted Musician | Investigator (F) | Unlimited | CAO1306-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Souls of Briarcroft | | The Souls of Briarcroft | | Oct 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | England; Halloween; 1891 |
Souls of Harlem | 233-257 | Harlem Unbound | 1 | 2017 | Darker Hue Studios | Call of Cthulhu (Classic), Cthulhu Confidential | |
The Sound of Sirens | 2022 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Sound of the Sea | | Sound of the Sea | | Dec 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | North Sea; 1927; March |
Sound of the Whippoorwills | Event (C) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Source | | Steampunk Cthulhu | CHA6054 | 2014 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Steampunk) | |
The Source and the End | 151-167 | The Stars Are Right! | CHA23100 | 2004 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Colorado; Autumn |
Source Book | 243-245 | Raiders of R'lyeh | | 2017 | Cipher Bureau | Raiders of R'lyeh | |
Sourcebook | 1-61 | The Mysteries of Mesoamerica | PAG1012 | 2009 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sourcebook Additions | 130-137 | Call of Cthulhu | CHA2317-H | 1986 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
South Woods Memorial Cemetery | Location (C) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Southern Base Camp | Location (F) | Antarctica | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Southern Comfort | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Southern Comfort | Adventure (F) | Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Southern Discomfort | Mar 2008 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | Mississippi; Summer; 1897 |
Southern Discomfort | | Southern Discomfort | EDN7201 | 2006 | Eden Studios | Eldritch Skies | South Carolina |
Southside Speakeasy | Support (F) | Initiations of the Favored | CT42 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
A Souvenir of Mars | 48-49 | Challenge | 43 | Apr 1990 | Games Designers Workshop | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight), Space 1889 | Mars |
The Soviet War Machine | 27-34 | Guide to the Eastern Front | MUH01053CS | 2014 | Modiphius Entertainment | Savage Worlds (Achtung!), Call of Cthulhu (Achtung!) | |
The Sowers | 118-143 | The Labyrinth | APU8121 | 2019 | Arc Dream Publishing | Delta Green | |
The Space Between | 178-216 | Nameless Horrors | CHA23133 | 2015 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Los Angeles |
The Space Between | 171-203 | Nameless Horrors | CHA23180 | 2023 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Los Angeles |
Space Between Time | 73-100 | A Time for Sacrifice | NCG-TFS-HC-01 | 2020 | New Comet Games | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Cuba; Mexico; 1930 |
Space Mead | Artifact (U) | Cthulhu Rising | CAO1302-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Space Needle (Business) | Location (F) | Seattle | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Space Needle (Government) | Location (F) | Seattle | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Space Suit | Artifact (R) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Space-Eaters | 76-79 | Challenge | 46 | Oct 1990 | Games Designers Workshop | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Space-Eaters | Character (U) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Spacecraft Floorplans | 65 | Protodimension | 1 | Sum 2009 | Kinstaff Media | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Spaceman | | Tales of Terror (II) | PAG2102 | 1996 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Spaces Between | 2017 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Spaceships | 102-125 | Chthonian Stars | WDF25020 | 2011 | WildFire Games | Traveller (Chthonian Stars) | |
Spankham Asylum | | Spankham Asylum | cth004 | 2012 | Postmortem Studios | Call of Cthentacle | |
Spare Some Change? | | Tales of Terror (II) | PAG2102 | 1996 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Spare Some Change? | 1996 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Spare the Rod | 82-99 | More Adventures in Arkham Country | MRP0007 | 2010 | Miskatonic River Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Arkham |
Spark of Life | | Spark of Life | | Jun 2019 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Arkham; 1926; September |
The Spawn | 8-39 | The Great Old Ones | CHA2321 | 1989 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New Mexico; 1920; Yig |
Spawn from K'n-Yan | Character (R) | Forbidden Relics | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Spawn of Azathoth | B:53-61 | Spawn of Azathoth | CHA2316-X | 1986 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Tibet; 1927; Azathoth |
Spawn of Cthulhu | Character (R) | Forbidden Relics | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Spawn of Hali | Oct 2019 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Spawn of Hastur | Character (R) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Spawn of Madness | Event (F) | The Thing from the Shore | CT23 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Spawn of Sebek | Character (U) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Spawn of the Black Goat | | Mists of the Aeons | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Minnesota |
Spawn of the Deep | 103-111 | Blood Brothers | CHA2329 | 1990 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | 1980s; Non-Mythos |
Spawn of the North | 145-160 | The Ithaqua Cycle | CHA6021 | 1998 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Spawn of the Sleeper | Event (F) | The Spawn of the Sleeper | CT19 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Spawn of Tleche-Naka | 19-23 | The Unspeakable Oath | 25 | Jul 2018 | Pagan Publishing | Delta Green | |
The Spawn of Yog-Sothoth | | The Spawn of Yog-Sothoth | | 1988 | Unknown | The Spawn of Yog-Sothoth | |
Spawn Toss | 2013 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Florida; September; Formless Spawn of Tsathoggua |
Speak to the Dead | Event (F) | Whispers in the Dark | CT34 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Speaker for the Black Pharaoh | Character (U) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Speaking Cells | Support (R) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Speaking with the Spirits | 36-40 | Dragon | 139 | Nov 1988 | TSR | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Spear of Destiny | | Ken Writes About Stuff | v3n2 | Apr 2015 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | |
The Spear of Destiny (Document #8353) | 1999 | delta-green.com | | | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
The Spear of Y'Golonac | 1-35 | The Spear of Y'Golonac | | 2009 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | England; June; 2004 |
The Spear of Y'golonac | 39-61 | Protodimension | 3 | Win 2009 | Kinstaff Media | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Special Agent * | 2010 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Special Agent Callahan | Character (F) | Denizens of the Underworld | CT62 | 2014 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Special Agent Clarkston | Character (F) | Aspirations of Ascension | CT43 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Special Agent Ivana Lake | | Mists of the Aeons | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Special Delivery | 12-13 | Unveiled Threats | WDF23600 | 2011 | WildFire Games | CthulhuTech | |
Special Delivery | 2014 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Special Delivery 2021 | 2021 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Boston |
Special Forces Organisation | 29-36 | As Above, So Below | CB71209 | 2015 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (Laundry) | |
The Special Menu | 134-139 | Fear's Sharp Little Needles | 3005 | 2018 | Stygian Fox | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Special Occasions | 60 | The London Guidebook | CHA2347 | 1996 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Special Operations Team | Character (C) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Special Operative | Character (R) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Special Reports | 84-85 | Ancient Enemies | WDF23100 | 2010 | WildFire Games | CthulhuTech | |
Special Shotguns | 1-10 | Special Shotguns | | 2012 | Drakat Games | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Specimen | 29 | The Unspeakable Oath | 10 | Jan 1994 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Specimen | | Unknown | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Specimen Bags | Support (F) | The Mountains of Madness | CT16 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Specimen Room | Support (F) | Murmurs of Evil | CT35 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Spectral Hunter | Character (U) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Spectral Presence | Spell (R) | Serena's Dojo | | 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
Spectral Tides | 1-14 | Spectral Tides | | Nov 2023 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now), GURPS (Horror), Dark Places and Demogorgons | Washington; 1980s |
A Spectre is Haunting Europe | | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Spectre of the Witch | 112 | Avalon - The County of Somerset | CB7352 | 2010 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | England |
Speech Machine | Artifact (F) | Unlimited | CAO1306-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Spell Categories | 22-25 | The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic | CHA23141 | 2017 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Spell-bound Shoggoth | Character (U) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Spell-bound Shoggoth | Character (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Spells | 55-64 | First Book of Things | CHA0307 | 2004 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Spells | 20-32 | Spirits & Dreams of the Viking Age | CHA0390 | 2010 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Dark Ages) | |
Spells and Tomes | 111-118 | The Serpent and the Sands | MUH0010330 | 2023 | Modiphius Entertainment | Achtung! Cthulhu | |
Spells and Tomes | 54-59 | Vive La Resistance | MUH0010329 | Jul 2023 | Modiphius Entertainment | Achtung! Cthulhu | |
Spells for Starting Characters | | Chaosium Digest | v01n06 | Feb 1993 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Spells of Karakal | | Chaosium Digest | v19n12 | Jun 1997 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Dreamlands) | |
Spells of N'tse-Kaambl | | Chaosium Digest | v17n02 | Nov 1996 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Spells, Feats, and Skills | 225-231 | H.P. Lovecraft's Arkham | CHA8803 | 2003 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sphere | | Chaosium Digest | v22n11 | Dec 1997 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New Orleans; March; 1974 |
Sphere of Influence | 59-74 | Mysteries of Sudan | CHA0362 | 2009 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | Sudan; 1898; July; Dimensional Shambler |
Sphere of Nath | Artifact (R) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Sphinx | Location (C) | Legends of the Necronomicon | CAO1303-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Sphinx Tomb | 90-101 | Five Go Mad in Egypt | CHA0381 | 2009 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Egypt; October; 1925 |
The Spider Man | 8-9 | Tales of Terror (III) | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Spider Man | 1990 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Spider Man | | RPG Archive | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Spider-Man | 6 | The Unspeakable Oath | 3 | Aug 1991 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Spilsbury #9485 | 45-49 | Fear's Sharp Little Needles | 3005 | 2018 | Stygian Fox | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | London |
Spin Control | 80-83 | Chthonian Stars | WDF25020 | 2011 | WildFire Games | Traveller (Chthonian Stars) | |
Spinning the Story | Event (U) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Spiral | 196-217 | God's Teeth | APU8123 | 2023 | Arc Dream Publishing | Delta Green | 2016 |
The Spiralling | 27-43 | The Black Seal | 3 | Nov 2003 | Brichester University Press | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Spirit Dagger | Support (F) | Perilous Trials | CT41 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Spirit of a Thief | 16-28 | Opifex Bimonthly | 2 | 1996 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Maine; 1990s |
Spirit of a Thief | 537-553 | 40 Adventures for Call of Cthulhu | | 2002 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Maine; 1990s |
Spirit of a Thief | 1-17 | Spirit of a Thief | | 1996 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Maine; 1990s |
Spirit of Industry | 47-61 | New Tales of the Miskatonic Valley | MRP0003 | 2008 | Miskatonic River Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Dunwich |
Spirit of Industry | | New Tales of the Miskatonic Valley | 3009 | 2020 | Stygian Fox | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Dunwich |
The Spirit of Liberty | | The Spirit of Liberty | | Apr 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | London; 1891 |
The Spirit of Mania | Character (F) | Into Tartarus | CT51 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Spirit of the Mountain | 43-47, 50-54 | White Dwarf | 99 | Mar 1988 | Games Workshop | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Mountain; 1920s |
Spirit of the Mountain | | Fenix | 2016.6 | 2016 | Askfagein | Call of Cthulhu (Darker Trails) | Mountain; 1920s |
The Spirits of London | | The Spirits of London | SFX-3014 | 2017 | Stygian Fox | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | |
Spirits Over Arkham | | Spirits Over Arkham | | 1987 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Arkham; 1920; September |
Spirits, Shamans and Magic | 9-13 | Spirits & Dreams of the Viking Age | CHA0390 | 2010 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Dark Ages) | |
Spiritual Guidance | Event (F) | Screams from Within | CT38 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Spiritual World | 57-64 | The 7th Edition Guide to Cthulhu Invictus | GGP1801 | 2018 | Golden Goblin Press | Call of Cthulhu (Invictus) | |
Spiritualism and Mediumship | 41-47 | Parapsycologist's Handbook | CHA0085 | 2003 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight), Call of Cthulhu (Now), Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Splatter Punks | 70-83 | Horror Stories From the Red Room | CHA0413 | 2013 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Ohio; August; 1986 |
Splendid Cathuria | Location (U) | Dreamlands | CAO1307-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Split | | Split | | Aug 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Vermont; 2005 |
Spliting Hairs | 28-29 | Dark Passions | WDF23200 | 2008 | WildFire Games | CthulhuTech | |
Spoiled Milk | | Spoiled Milk | cr6203 | 2019 | Cthulhu Reborn | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Arkham; 1928; October |
Spoiled Milk | | Spoiled Milk | cr5205 | Aug 2022 | Cthulhu Reborn | Cthulhu Eternal | Arkham; October; 1928 |
Spooky Space Kook | Monster (F) | Scooby Doo Set 1 | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Spore Bearers | Oct 2019 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sport | 70 | The London Guidebook | CHA2347 | 1996 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sporting Goods | 27-29 | The Gaslight Equipment Catalogue | CHA0319 | 2005 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | |
Sports | 23-26 | Mysteries of Ireland | CHA0408 | 2012 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sports Scholarship | Support (F) | Seekers of Knowledge | CT59 | 2012 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Spouters | Sep 2020 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Spreading the Disease | Support (R) | Masks of Nyarlathotep | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Spring of Aceso | 1-2 | The Spring of Aceso | | 2019 | Golden Goblin Press | Call of Cthulhu (Invictus) | |
Spring-Heeled Jack | 3-8 | Spring-Heeled Jack | WitDBS2 | 2020 | Saturday Morning Scenarios | Whispers in the Dark | |
Springer Mound and the Canal | 56-67 | Tatters of the King | CHA23104 | 2006 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | England; November; 1928 |
Springfield M1903 | Support (F) | The Cacophony | CT39 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Springfield, IL | 11 | Hometown Horrors Volume Two | | Oct 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
The Squad Leader | 1-2 | The Squad Leader | | 2011 | Self Published | CthulhuTech | |
The Squalid Hamlet | Story (F) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Squalid Hamlet | Story (F) | Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Squire Sawyer Whateley | Ally (F) | Unlimited | CAO1306-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
SS Gabrielle | 68-74 | Beyond the Mountains of Madness | CHA2380 | 1999 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
St Amabilis | Support (F) | The Unspeakable Pages | CT57 | 2012 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
St Augustine | B:14-27 | Spawn of Azathoth | CHA2316-X | 1986 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Florida; May; 1927 |
St Augustine, Florida | 69-93 | Spawn of Azathoth | CHA23101 | 2005 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Florida; May; 1927 |
St Basil's Cathedral | Location (F) | Antarctica | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
St Cecilia's Blasphemous Bordello | 1-18 | St Cecilia's Blasphemous Bordello | | Dec 2021 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Darker Trails), GURPS | New Mexico |
St Christopher's | 2019 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
St Claire | Character (F) | The Sleeper Below | CT63 | 2014 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
St Dymphna's Orphanage: Azathoth's Children | | St Dymphna's Orphanage: Azathoth's Children | | Aug 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Chicago; 1920s |
St Hubert's Key | Support (F) | For the Greater Good | CT64 | 2015 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
St Michael's Gate | 29 | The Unspeakable Oath | 22 | Jan 2013 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Dark Ages) | London |
St Midabaria Clinic | 1-2 | St Midabaria Clinic | | Jan 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
St Mormo's Home for Wayward Girls | | St Mormo's Home for Wayward Girls | | Jul 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New York State; 1920s |
St Raphael's | | St Raphael's | | 2002 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
St Swithun's Hole | 94-106 | Avalon - The County of Somerset | CB7352 | 2010 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | England; 1920s; Ghoul |
St Toad's Church | Support (R) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
St Vitus's Dance | | Codex | 41 | May 2020 | The Gauntlet | Cthulhu Dark | Summer; 1989 |
St. Erasmus' Home for Mariners | Support (F) | Kingsport Dreams | | 2006 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
St. Erasmus' Home for Mariners | Support (F) | Kingsport Dreams | CT13e | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
St. John's Churchyard | Location (R) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Stability and Sanity | 34-40 | The Apocalypse Machine | PELGT24 | 2011 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | |
Stability and Sanity | 35-40 | Cthulhu Apocalypse | PELGT40 | 2015 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | |
Staff of Mano Tiki Tia | Artifact (F) | Scooby Doo Set 3 | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Stage Fright at the Playhouse | 1-20 | Stage Fright at the Playhouse | | Oct 2024 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Arkham; Autumn; 1923 |
Stage Managing Live Action Play | 1999 | hyperwerx.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Stagecraft | 173-205 | Cthulhu Live | SKP0602 | 2006 | Skirmisher Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Stagecraft | 95-118 | Cthulhu Live: Delta Green | 0007 | 2001 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Staid University Professor/Earnest Reporter | Investigator (F) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Stained Glass Props | | hyperwerx.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Stained Glasses | 2001 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Stained Windows | 252-276 | Madness on the Orient Express | CHA6057 | 2014 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Staircase | | The Staircase | | Aug 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Stalingrad Plexus | | Delta Green Anomalies | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Ukraine |
Stalker of the Wild Wind | 219-232 | The Ithaqua Cycle | CHA6021 | 1998 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Stalking Hound | Character (F) | Perilous Trials | CT41 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Stalking Terror | | The Stalking Terror | | 2020 | Micro RPG | The Stalking Terror | |
Stand Against the Order | Adventure (R) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Standard Deviation * | 2013 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Standard Marine Infantry Kit | 64-65 | The Interstellar Colonial Marine Corps | | 2008 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Rising) | |
The Star Brothers | 5-25 | The Star Brothers | | 2019 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Star Chamber | | The Star Chamber | APU8110 | 2017 | Arc Dream Publishing | Delta Green | September; 2018 |
The Star Chamber | 124-165 | A Night at the Opera | APU8115 | 2018 | Arc Dream Publishing | Delta Green | 2018; September |
The Star on the Shore | 5-73 | The Star on the Shore | DCG-SS-HC-1 | 2017 | Dark Cult Games | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New England; 1920s |
Star Ridge Manor | Oct 2022 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Star Seed | 271-285 | Shadows Over Scotland | CB7353 | 2011 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Scotland; Colour Out of Space |
Star Spawn of Cthulhu | Monster (C) | Cthulhu Rising | CAO1302-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Star Spawn Priest | Character (U) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Star Stone of Mnar | Artifact (U) | Limited | CAO1300-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Star Trek | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Star Trek | Adventure (F) | Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Star Vampire | Monster (R) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Star Vampire Minion | Character (U) | Forbidden Relics | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Star Vampires | | Ken Writes About Stuff | v1n11 | Feb 2014 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | |
The Star-Devourer | M1-M7 | Different Worlds | 35 | Jul 1984 | Chaosium | Champions, Superworld, Villains and Vigilantes | San Francisco; 1984; Dhole |
Star-Summoned Dhole | Character (C) | Forbidden Relics | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Starchild from Afar | | Starchild from Afar | | Feb 2024 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Sweden; May; 1924 |
Stare of the Monster | Feb 2010 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Starers | Dec 2022 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Starfall Over the Plateau of Leng | 2-49 | Age of Cthulhu Vol. VIII: Starfall Over the Plateau of Leng | 7008 | 2014 | Goodman Games | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Arkansas; Arkham; Dreamlands; November; 1927 |
Starhub Zero | | Darkspace | | 2023 | Kabuki Kaiser | Cthulhu Dark | |
Staring Statue | Event (F) | Scooby Doo Set 3 | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Starkmoor Hall | 35-? | Arcane Encounters | 4 | Apr 1997 | Future Publishing | Feng Shui, Vampyre the Masquerade, Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Starport Helios | 3-7 | Starport Helios | | May 2024 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [2370] | Deep Space; 2370 |
The Starry Wisdom | | Ken Writes About Stuff | v3n12 | Mar 2016 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | |
The Starry Wisdom Cult | 45-56 | Cultists Under the Bed | CB71206 | 2013 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (Laundry) | |
The Starry Wisdom Cult | 116-121 | Worlds of Cthulhu | 1 | Aug 2004 | Pegasus Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Starry Wisdom Deacon | Character (U) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Starry-Eyed Adherent | Character (F) | The Mark of Madness | CT66 | 2015 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Stars are Aligning | 30-31 | Interface 19.40 | MUH050027AC | 2015 | Modiphius Entertainment | Call of Cthulhu (Achtung!), Interface Zero, Savage Worlds (Achtung!) | |
The Stars are Cruel Promo Card | | The Stars are Cruel Promo Card | | Oct 2015 | Steve Jackson Games | Munchkin | |
The Stars are Right | Event (U) | Dreamlands | CAO1307-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Stars are Right | Event (R) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Stars are Right | 2001 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Arkham |
The Stars Are Right | Event (F) | The Sleeper Below | CT63 | 2014 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Stars Are Right | | The Stars Are Right | SJG1432 | 2009 | Steve Jackson Games | The Stars Are Right | |
The Stars Are Right | 102-103 | Five Points | MYL30301 | 2016 | Mystic Throne Entertainment | Dark Streets | New York; 1840s |
The Stars Are Right for Pizza | 2020 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | Rhode Island |
The Stars are Righteous, Dude! | Mar 2018 | Reckoning of the Dead | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | California; Shoggoth |
The Stars Aren't Right | | The Stars Aren't Right | | Apr 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [Future] | Solar System |
Stars Over Siberia | 5-36 | Stars Over Siberia | | Jan 2024 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Russia; 1929 |
The Stars Turn, Turn, Turn | 126-128 | APOCTHULHU | cr6100 | 2020 | Cthulhu Reborn | APOCTHULHU | |
The Starshrine | 78-103 | Lurking Fears | 0001 | Jan 1990 | Triad Entertainments | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Starspawn | | Starspawn | | 2024 | Petersen Games | Hyperspace | |
Starting The Campaign | 23-30 | Fearful Symmetries | PELGT45 | 2021 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | |
Starting Your Call of Cthulhu Campaign | 30-37 | The Unspeakable Oath | 22 | Jan 2013 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Startling Discovery | Event (C) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Starving Artist | Character (F) | The Mark of Madness | CT66 | 2015 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Starving Ones | 13-28 | Children of the Storm | CHA0394 | 2010 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | West Virginia; 1935 |
State Representative | Character (U) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Statement | Adventure (F) | Eric Johnson Mythos Collection | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Statement of Randolph Carter | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Statement Of Randolph Carter | Adventure (F) | Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Station Eismitte | Support (F) | Seekers of Knowledge | CT59 | 2012 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Stats, Skills, and the Madness Meter | 12-24 | Nemesis | | 2006 | Arc Dream Publishing | Nemesis | |
Statue of the Sorcerer | A:5-32 | Statue of the Sorcerer, The Vanishing Conjurer | CHA2318 | 1986 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | San Francisco; June; 1925 |
Stay | | Serendipity's Circle | 12 | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Stay Away! | | Stay Away! | | 2014 | Pendragon Game Studio | Stay Away! | |
Stay Away! Promo Set | | Stay Away! Promo Set | | 2014 | Ares Games | Stay Away! | |
Stay out of the Forest on Thurdays | Feb 2021 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Stay the Night | 234-240 | The Dread House | HDG8000 | 2017 | Hammerdog Games | Dungeons and Dragons, Call of Cthulhu (Now), Pathfinder | Pennsylvania; 2017 |
The Steadfast Deck | | Chaosium Digest | v21n04 | Aug 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Steadfast Deck | | Robo's Mythos CCG Web Page | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Steadfast Deck | | A Web Page from a Friend | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Steal Life | Spell (R) | Cthulhu Rising | CAO1302-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Stealing the Glory | Event (F) | The Terror of the Tides | CT22 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Stealth Fighter | Artifact (R) | New Aeon | CAO1311-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Stealthy Byakhee | Character (F) | The Terror of the Tides | CT22 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Stealthy Zoog | Character (F) | Journey to Unknown Kadath | CT31 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Steamship Creation | 12-41 | From the Tideless Sea | | Feb 2023 | Cipher Bureau | Raiders of R'lyeh | |
Steering Group 4 | 1998 | Bristol Consortium | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Stella Clark | | Stella Clark | AHC51 | 2020 | Fantasy Flight Games | Arkham Horror: The Card Game | |
Stella Lauden | Ally (F) | Rosemary's Baby | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Stelliform Liquivores | Oct 2022 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Delta Green | |
The Stench of an Open Grave | 6-35 | The Stench of an Open Grave | | Oct 2023 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Dark Ages) | England |
Step into My Parlor | 8-27 | The Blasphemous Tome | 9 | Jun 2022 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | |
Step on a Non-Euclidean Brick Toy Promo Card | | Step on a Non-Euclidean Brick Toy Promo Card | | Oct 2016 | Steve Jackson Games | Munchkin | |
Steve Clarney | Character (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Steve Clarney | Ally (U) | Serena's Dojo | | 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
Steve Clarney, Soldier of Fortune | Character (R) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sticks and Twigs Like Men | 1-25 | Sticks and Twigs Like Men | | 2005 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | England; 1970s |
Sticky Cthulhu | | Sticky Cthulhu | | 2021 | IELLO | Sticky Cthulhu | |
A Sticky Situation | | A Sticky Situation | | 2019 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Massachusetts; 1920s |
A Still Afternoon | Event (F) | Sesqua Valley | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Still Life | Support (R) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Still Life Exhibition | Support (U) | Forbidden Relics | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Still Waters | 40-55 | The Great Old Ones | CHA2321 | 1989 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Mississippi; Lesser Race |
Stillness | 77-102 | Nocturnum: Long Shades | CC01 | 1997 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | California |
Stillness * | 87-106 | Nocturnum: d20 | CC05 | 2002 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | California |
Stilton Overload | | Hastur Hobbies | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Stolen Grief | 3-20 | Stolen Grief | | Aug 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | England |
Stone Calendar | Support (F) | The Cacophony | CT39 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Stone Disk | Artifact (F) | Sesqua Valley | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Stone Dragon | Artifact (U) | Serena's Dojo | | 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
Stone Mausoleum | Location (F) | Sesqua Valley | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Stone of the Heart | Event (U) | Masks of Nyarlathotep | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Stone on the Peak | Character (F) | Dunwich Denizens | | 2006 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Stone on the Peak | Character (F) | Dunwich Denizens | CT15e | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Stone Pillar | Location (F) | Sesqua Valley | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Stone Shifter | 44-47 | Minions | CHA2365 | 1997 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
A Stone's Throw From Atlantis | | A Stone's Throw From Atlantis | | Apr 2021 | Type40 | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Spain; 1924 |
Stonegarden Arizona | 129-150 | Shadows Over Stillwater | CHA23156 | 2019 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Darker Trails) | Arizona; Star Vampire; Rat Thing |
Stonehenge | Location (C) | Expeditions of Miskatonic University | CAO1301-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Stones of Doom | 1997 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Stones of Doom (2) | 1997 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Stool Pigeon | Character (R) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Stop, Thief! | Oct 2008 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Stories | 228-243 | Call of Cthulhu d20 | 886440000 | 2002 | Wizards of the Coast | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Storm Down Under | 126-140 | Burning Horizon | WDF23301 | 2011 | WildFire Games | CthulhuTech | |
Storm From a Teacup | | Storm From a Teacup | | Aug 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Story Creation | 230-242 | Raiders of R'lyeh | | 2017 | Cipher Bureau | Raiders of R'lyeh | |
Story Creation | 440-456 | Raiders of R'lyeh Gamemaster's Guide and Complete Rules | | 2017 | Cipher Bureau | Raiders of R'lyeh | |
A Story Idea for the Black Stone | | Chaosium Digest | v03n06 | Aug 1993 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Deep One; Serpentman |
Story Scenes | 42-51 | Pax Cthuliana | | 2017 | Two Starving Gnolls | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | London; 1927 |
StoryGuide Screen | 1-4 | CthulhuTech GM Reference Screen | WDF23610 | 2010 | WildFire Games | CthulhuTech | |
Storytelling | 75-83 | Harlem Unbound | 1 | 2017 | Darker Hue Studios | Call of Cthulhu (Classic), Cthulhu Confidential | |
Storytelling Advice | 243-257 | Eldritch Skies | BPI7500 | 2012 | Battlefield Press | Eldritch Skies | |
Stowaways | 122-141 | World War Cthulhu: Europe Ablaze | CB71940 | 2014 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (WWII) | Mediterranean Sea; October; 1943 |
Straight Outta Crompton * | 2014 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Strain and the Fraying Mind | 3-5 | Strain and the Fraying Mind | | 2019 | Self Published | Chthonian Highways | |
Straitjacket | Support (F) | The Mark of Madness | CT66 | 2015 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Stranded on the North Shore | | Stranded on the North Shore | | Dec 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Minnesota; March; 1925; Deep One |
Strange Aeons | Event (R) | Masks of Nyarlathotep | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Strange Aeons | | Strange Aeons | | 2009 | Uncle Mike's Worldwide | Strange Aeons | |
The Strange and Sunken Fate of Karl Heinrich | 1-16 | The Strange and Sunken Fate of Karl Heinrich | | Jul 2019 | Self Published | GURPS (Horror), Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Atlantic Ocean; June; 1937 |
Strange Britain | 83-118 | Cthulhu by Gaslight | CHA23123 | 2012 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | |
Strange Carol | 5-19 | Strange Carol | | Nov 2023 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Arkham; 1926 |
The Strange Case of Anthony Hanson | 4-20 | The Strange Case of Anthony Hanson | | Aug 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Massachusetts; March; 2010 |
The Strange Case of Charles Fort | Adventure (R) | Cthulhu Rising | CAO1302-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Strange Case of Mr Cardew | | The Strange Case of Mr Cardew | | Oct 2020 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | England |
The Strange Case of the Brown Mountain Lights | 61-92 | The Phantom of Wilson Creek | CHA0404 | 2013 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | North Carolina; 1927; Mi-Go |
The Strange Case of the Brown Mountain Lights - 1927 | 61-87 | The Phantom of Wilson Creek | | May 2023 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | North Carolina; 1927; Mi-Go |
The Strange Case of the Mising Painting | May 2020 | Reckoning of the Dead | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New York; 1922 |
The Strange Case of the Rusty Corpse | | PerChance | 6 | Sep 1991 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | 1890s; Vampire |
The Strange Company | | Steampunk Cthulhu | CHA6054 | 2014 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Steampunk) | |
Strange Company (Document #8300) | 1999 | delta-green.com | | | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Strange Delusions | Support (F) | The Path to Y'ha-nthlei | CT24 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Strange Doom of Enos Harker | 209-213 | The Xothic Legend Cycle | CHA6013 | 1997 | Chaosium | None | |
Strange Eons | | Chaosium Digest | v04n10 | Nov 1993 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | California; Summer |
The Strange High House in the Mist | Location (C) | Dreamlands | CAO1307-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Strange Hight House in the Mist | 9-13 | H.P. Lovecraft's Kingsport | CHA8804 | 2003 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Strange Humanoid Encounter | Event (R) | Dreamlands | CAO1307-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Strange Inheritance | Event (R) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Strange Laws Beyond Out Ken Promo Card | | Strange Laws Beyond Out Ken Promo Card | | 2016 | Atlas Games | Lost in R'lyeh | |
Strange Librarian | Character (C) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Strange Librarian | Character (F) | Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Strange Librarian | Character (F) | Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Strange Librarian | Character (F) | Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Strange Librarian | Character (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Strange Little Girl | 76-92 | Avalon - The County of Somerset | CB7352 | 2010 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | England; 1920s; Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath |
Strange Manuscript Found in the Vermont Woods | 127-143 | The Xothic Legend Cycle | CHA6013 | 1997 | Chaosium | None | |
Strange Materials | 1-3 | Strange Materials | JCG032 | 2019 | Just Crunch Games | The Cthulhu Hack | |
Strange Remnants | | Strange Remnants | EH04 | 2015 | Fantasy Flight Games | Eldritch Horror | |
Strange Sisterhood | Support (R) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Strange Spectacles of Dr Scolius | 28 | The Unspeakable Oath | 16/17 | Mar 2001 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Strange Visitors | Character (R) | Forbidden Relics | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Strange Vistas Submission Request | 17-19 | Opifex Bimonthly | 7 | May 1997 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Stranger | | The Blasphemous Tome | 8 | Dec 2021 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Darker Trails) | |
The Stranger on the Style | | The Blasphemous Tome | 4 | Dec 2018 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Stranger Shores | 8-14 | Trail of Cthulhu Quickstart Rules | PELGT201QS | Oct 2024 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | Rhode Island |
Stranger's Race Vobster, Somerset | 82-83 | The Black Seal | 2 | Mar 2003 | Brichester University Press | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Strangers in a Strange Land - British Characters | 27-34 | Mysteries of the Raj | CHA0391 | 2010 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | |
Strangers on a Train | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Strangers On A Train | Adventure (F) | Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Strangest Things | 15-17 | Whispers of the Dead | 1 | Mar 2022 | Staggered Amusement Machine | Delta Green | |
Strangest Things | 33-34 | Whispers of the Dead | 2 | Apr 2022 | Staggered Amusement Machine | Delta Green | |
Strangest Things | 83-91 | Whispers of the Dead | 3 | May 2022 | Staggered Amusement Machine | Delta Green | |
The Strangue Bible | 28-29 | The Unspeakable Oath | 12 | Jun 1995 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Strategic Industries | | Tales of Terror (II) | PAG2102 | 1996 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Strategic Planning | Event (F) | Denizens of the Underworld | CT62 | 2014 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Strawman | 4-12 | The Strawman | | Aug 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Stray Cat Strut | | Tales of Terror (I) | | 1990 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Stray Cat Strut | | Tales of Terror (II) | PAG2102 | 1996 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Stray Cat Strut | 1990 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Street Chases and Mobs | 1-3 | Street Chases and Mobs | | 2012 | Self Published | Yellow Dawn | |
The Street of Pillars | Location (C) | Dreamlands | CAO1307-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Street of Tears | Location (C) | Dreamlands | CAO1307-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Street Preacher | Character (C) | Masks of Nyarlathotep | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Street Prophet | Character (U) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Street Scholar | Character (C) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Street Talk | | Dagon | 7 | May 1985 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Street Tough | Character (F) | Touched by the Abyss | CT58 | 2012 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Street-Smart Rookie | Character (C) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Streets of Arkham | | Streets of Arkham | MAD25 | 2017 | Fantasy Flight Games | Mansions of Madness | |
Streets of Fear | 12 | Fantasy Chronicles | 1 | Jul 1985 | Fantastic Publications | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Stregoicavar | Location (U) | Serena's Dojo | | 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
Stress Disorders | 294-299 | Delta Green: Targets of Opportunity | PAG2108 | 2010 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
A Strict Protein Diet | 51-59 | Protodimension | 11 | Win 2012 | Kinstaff Media | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Strike the Shepherd | Event (R) | Forbidden Relics | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Striking Tentacle | Event (F) | The Mark of Madness | CT66 | 2015 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
String Quartet | 2003 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Strolling About | 1:00 | Horror on the Orient Express Music | AOCD7004 | 2005 | A O Music | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Stroudsberg, PA | | Hometown Horrors Volume One | | Jul 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Struggling Artist | Character (F) | The Terror of the Tides | CT22 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Strung Up! | Event (F) | That Which Consumes | CT45 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Stuck in the Slammer | Support (C) | Forbidden Relics | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Student Archaeologist | Character (U) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Student Archaeologist | Character (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Student Of the Profane | Character (F) | Spawn of Madness | | 2006 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Student Of the Profane | Character (F) | Spawn of Madness | CT12e | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
A Study in Darkness | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
A Study in Emerald | | A Study in Emerald | | 2013 | Treefrog Games | A Study in Emerald | |
A Study in Emerald | | A Study in Emerald | | 2016 | Grey Fox Games | A Study in Emerald | |
A Study in Emerald | | A Study in Emerald | | 2017 | Treefrog Games | A Study in Emerald | |
The Study of Apt. 7-D The Bradford | Location (F) | Rosemary's Baby | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Studying the Void | Event (F) | The Key and the Gate | CT60 | 2013 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Stuff of Nightmares | | The Stuff of Nightmares | MUH0010343 | Nov 2023 | Modiphius Entertainment | Achtung! Cthulhu | Europe; July; 1941 |
The Stuff That Heroes Are Made Of | 28-29 | The Whisperer | 4 | Spr 2001 | Severn Valley Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Stygian Eye | Support (F) | Into Tartarus | CT51 | 2011 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Stygian Hound | Oct 2023 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Stygian Idol | Support (F) | The Spoken Covenant | CT36 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
A Stylish Death | 43 | The Black Seal | 2 | Mar 2003 | Brichester University Press | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Sub Rosa | 42-43 | Unveiled Threats | WDF23600 | 2011 | WildFire Games | CthulhuTech | |
Subliminal | 2023 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | |
Submachine Guns | 86-92 | Investigator Weapons Volume 1: The 1920s and 1930s | 60-IHB01 | 2012 | Sixtystone Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Submachine Guns | 148-167 | Investigator Weapons Volume 2: Modern Day | 60-IHB02 | 2015 | Sixtystone Press | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
A Submarine in the Depths | | Cthulhu Maps - A Submarine in the Depths | 057 | 2022 | Lovemaps | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Suboptimal | 125-137 | D-Day: The Darkest Day | MUH0010317 | May 2024 | Modiphius Entertainment | Achtung! Cthulhu | France; 1944 |
Subterranean Deep One | Oct 2014 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Subterranean London | 54-57 | The London Guidebook | CHA2347 | 1996 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Subtle Influences | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Suburban Hamlet of West Norwood | 29-53 | Five Go Mad in Egypt | CHA0381 | 2009 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | London; 1925; October |
Suburban Zombies | Oct 2021 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
The Suburbs | 65-106 | Secrets of Los Angeles | CHA23111 | 2007 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Succo | Oct 2019 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Invictus) | |
Succumb To Temptation | Event (F) | Unlimited | CAO1306-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Sucker Punch Promo Card | | Sucker Punch Promo Card | | Aug 2017 | Steve Jackson Games | Munchkin | |
The Sudan | 84-114 | Utatti Asfet | CHA2360 | 1996 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Sudan; 1991 |
Sudden Cyclone | Event (F) | The Thousand Young | CT65 | 2015 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Sudden Storm | | The Sudden Storm | | May 2019 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Maine |
Suffer Little Children | 14-24 | Day of the Beast | CHA2374 | 1998 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New Hampshire; Summer; 1927 |
Suffer Little Children | 17 | Bits and Pieces | | Nov 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Sweden; 1920s |
Suffer not a Wizard to Live | 15-34 | Undying Leaders | CHA0343 | 2007 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Vermont |
Suffer the Child | 2005 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Suffer the Children | | More Tales of Terror | PAG2105 | 2000 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Sufferers' Guild | 71-82 | The Big Book of Cults | CHA0316 | 2005 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Suffering Artist | 2001 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sufficient Unto the Day | 28-46 | Worlds of Cthulhu | 3 | Jun 2005 | Pegasus Press | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | England; 2000s |
Suggested Further Reading/Viewing | 300-308 | APOCTHULHU | cr6100 | 2020 | Cthulhu Reborn | APOCTHULHU | |
Suggested Rule Changes | | Chaosium Digest | v02n01 | Apr 1993 | Chaosium | None | |
Suggested Sources for Victorian Roleplayers | 170-173 | Cthulhu by Gaslight | CHA23123 | 2012 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Gaslight) | |
Suggestions for Effectively Running the Campaign and Several Plot Seeds | 5-18 | The Primal State | CHA0344 | 2007 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Suggestions for Keepers | 12-22 | The Keeper's Companion Vol 1 | CHA2388 | 2000 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Suicide Hour | Oct 2017 | Reckoning of the Dead | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Atomic) | New York; Winter; 1947 |
The Suicide in the Study | 9-14 | Mysteries of the Worm | CHA6037 | 2009 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Suitable for Framing | | Tales of Terror (II) | PAG2102 | 1996 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Suited and Booted | 46-56 | The Unspeakable Oath | 19 | Mar 2011 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | London; 1920s |
The Suits: Cthulhu | | The Suits: Cthulhu | | 2021 | Hornet Games | The Suits: Cthulhu | |
Sukakpak | 9-15 | The Unspeakable Oath | 21 | Jul 2012 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [1975] | Alaska; Spring; 1975 |
Sukakpak | 1-7 | Sukakpak | | 2011 | Self Published | Cthulhu Dark | Alaska; 1975; Spring |
The Sultan's Treasure | 28-35 | Adventures Unlimited | 5 | Spr 1996 | Bootstrap Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | 1920s; Deep One |
Summer at Soundsend | 11-19 | Abyss | 24 | May 1983 | Ragnarok Games | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Summer |
Summer Classes | Event (F) | The Thing from the Shore | CT23 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Summer Solstice | Event (U) | Serena's Dojo | | 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
Summon Great Cthulhu | Adventure (R) | Legends of the Necronomicon | CAO1303-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Summon Great Cthulhu | | Robo's Mythos CCG Web Page | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Summon Great Cthulhu | | A Web Page from a Friend | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Summon Great Cthulhu Deck | | Chaosium Digest | v21n07 | Sep 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Summon Great Cthulhu Deck | | Thastygliax's Vault | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Summon Spectral Hunter | Support (F) | The Key and the Gate | CT60 | 2013 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Summon the Sleeper | Support (F) | The Sleeper Below | CT63 | 2014 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Summon Web Scryer | 44-? | Knights of the Dinner Table | 42 | Apr 2000 | Kenzer and Company | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Summon Web Scryer | 74-? | Knights of the Dinner Table | 85 | Nov 2003 | Kenzer and Company | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Summoner's Grimoire | | Summoner's Grimoire | SGPNP001 | 2014 | Voidspiral Entertainment | Summoner's Grimoire | |
Summoning Circle | Support (F) | The Terror of the Tides | CT22 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sun and Shadow | | Terror of Octobernomicon | GGP2201 | 2022 | Golden Goblin Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Australia |
Sun Spots | Event (C) | Dreamlands | CAO1307-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Sun Spots Game Master's Kit | | Sun Spots Game Master's Kit | W8_005 | 2018 | Weird 8 | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Sun Worshipper | Adventure (U) | Legends of the Necronomicon | CAO1303-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Sun, The Stones and the Vision | 17-30 | Sun Spots | 4 | 2017 | Weird 8 | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Boston; February; 1926 |
Sunday Painter | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Sundial of Amen-Tet | 37-56 | Lurking Fears | 0001 | Jan 1990 | Triad Entertainments | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New York State; September; 1923; Nyarlathotep; Gug; Hound of Tindalos |
Sundown | 2-15 | Sundown | | 2011 | Imaginary Empire | Call of Cthulhu (Darker Trails) | Arizona; 1880 |
The Sunflower Masquerade Act 0 | 16-25 | The Dark Times | 3 | May 2018 | Self Published | Trail of Cthulhu | Arkham; October; 1935 |
The Sunflower Masquerade Act 1 | 14-29 | The Dark Times | 4 | Feb 2019 | Self Published | Trail of Cthulhu | Arkham; November; 1935 |
Sunken Dreams | | Sunken Dreams | | Jan 2020 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Massachusetts; 1920s |
Sunken U-Boat | Location (F) | Scooby Doo Set 3 | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Sunlight on the Golden Gate | Event (C) | Serena's Dojo | | 1999 | Self Published | Mythos | |
Sunset on Sandy Gulch | 51-67 | Worlds of Cthulhu | 6 | Jan 2009 | Pegasus Press | Call of Cthulhu (Darker Trails) | Sand Dweller |
Super 8 | 70-87 | Worlds of Cthulhu | 2 | Feb 2005 | Pegasus Press | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | New York; Y'Golonac |
Superheroes Vs The Cthulhu Mythos | | Superheroes Vs The Cthulhu Mythos | | Nov 2020 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
The Supernal Prism | Support (F) | Terror in Venice | CT61 | 2013 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Supernatural Effects | 119-123 | APOCTHULHU | cr6100 | 2020 | Cthulhu Reborn | APOCTHULHU | |
Supernatural Investigator | Character (F) | For the Greater Good | CT64 | 2015 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Supernatural West | 135-162 | Down Darker Trails | CHA23151 | 2017 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Darker Trails) | |
Superstitions | 43-44 | Mysteries of Ireland | CHA0408 | 2012 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Superswarm | Aug 2011 | talesofterror.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Antarctica |
The Supplicant | Character (F) | The Mark of Madness | CT66 | 2015 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Supporting Cast | 101-113 | Harlem Unbound | 1 | 2017 | Darker Hue Studios | Cthulhu Confidential, Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Supporting Cast | 9-10 | The Dead White World | PELGT19 | 2011 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | |
The Supporting Cast | 77-78 | Cthulhu Apocalypse | PELGT40 | 2015 | Pelgrane Press | Trail of Cthulhu | |
Supressed Memories | | Supressed Memories | MAD22 | 2016 | Fantasy Flight Games | Mansions of Madness | |
Surale | Oct 2021 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Labyrinth Lord | |
Surprise Meeting | Event (C) | Legends of the Necronomicon | CAO1303-1 | 1996 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
Surprising Find | Event (F) | Touched by the Abyss | CT58 | 2012 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Surrealist | Character (F) | The Mark of Madness | CT66 | 2015 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Surrey Enigma | 22-26 | White Dwarf | 69 | Sep 1985 | Games Workshop | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | England; July; 1923 |
Surveillance and Intelligence Gathering | 58-69 | World War Cthulhu: Cold War - Section 46 Operations Manual | CB71971 | 2016 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (Cold War) | |
Survival Horror | 18-19 | The Gazebo | 3 | Nov 2012 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Survival of the Fittest | 124-125 | Burning Horizon | WDF23301 | 2011 | WildFire Games | CthulhuTech | |
The Survivor | Adventure (F) | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Survivor | Adventure (F) | Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
Survivors | 15-55 | APOCTHULHU | cr6100 | 2020 | Cthulhu Reborn | APOCTHULHU | |
Survivors Guilt Manifested | Oct 2023 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Suspended Pending Resolution | | Terror of Octobernomicon | GGP2201 | 2022 | Golden Goblin Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | England |
Susquehanna Sasquatch! | Sep 2017 | Reckoning of the Dead | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Pennsylvania; June; 1931 |
The Sussex Manuscript | 199-233 | The Necronomicon | CHA6012 | 1996 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Sussex Manuscript | 301-350 | The Necronomicon | CHA6034 | 2002 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sutra Chanting Network | | Japonism | | Aug 2024 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Japan |
Svecnik | Oct 2021 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Labyrinth Lord | |
Swallowed by the Sea | Event (R) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Swamp | 15-34 | Unexplored: Swamp and Tundra | MUH0010372 | May 2024 | Modiphius Entertainment | Delta Green | |
Swamp Bones | 485-514 | 40 Adventures for Call of Cthulhu | | 2002 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Florida; 1990s |
Swamp Bones | 1-30 | Swamp Bones | | 1996 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Florida; 1990s |
Swamp Bones | 23-51 | Opifex Bimonthly | 8 | Jul 1997 | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | Florida; 1990s |
Swamp Song | | Swamp Song | | Mar 2023 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | New Orleans; 1920s |
Swarm of Cobras | Event (R) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Swarm of Insects | Event (U) | Dreamlands | CAO1307-1 | 1997 | Chaosium | Mythos | |
The Swarming | 94-103 | Blood Brothers | CHA2329 | 1990 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Michigan; Autumn; 1981; Werewolf |
The Swarner Virus | 17 | The Unspeakable Oath | 13 | Jan 1996 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | |
Swaying Branches | Character (C) | Forgotten Cities | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Swearing Fealty to Providence | | House of Tindalos | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
The Sweep and the Raven | 145-147 | The Dread House | HDG8000 | 2017 | Hammerdog Games | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [13th to 15th C], Pathfinder, Dungeons and Dragons | Spain; 1679 |
Sweet Child of Mine | | Chaosium Digest | v29n05 | Dec 1999 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sweet Dreams | 74-75 | Vade Mecum | WDF23001 | 2008 | WildFire Games | CthulhuTech | |
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This | 22-26 | Skeleton Crew | | Oct 1990 | Argus Specialist Publications | Call of Cthulhu (Now) | New York; 1990s |
Sweet Dreams? | Event (F) | Twilight Horror | CT26 | 2009 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Sweet Old Lady | Character (F) | The Order of the Silver Twilight | CT33 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
A Sweet Time of the Year | | A Sweet Time of the Year | | Mar 2022 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | Vermont; 1921; Autumn |
Sweetness | | Sweetness | APU8118 | 2018 | Arc Dream Publishing | Delta Green | Florida |
Swift Byakhee | Character (F) | The Mark of Madness | CT66 | 2015 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Swimming in the Deep | Event (F) | Terror in Venice | CT61 | 2013 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Swooping Byakhee | Character (F) | The Spoken Covenant | CT36 | 2010 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
The Sword of Akmallah | 268-270 | The Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion (Limited) | 60-MONC-08 | 2016 | Sixtystone Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Sword of Akmallah | 249-251 | The Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion (Unlimited) | 60-MONC-03 (?) | 2016 | Sixtystone Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sword of Ramasekva | Support (U) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
The Sword of Sneferu | 38-50 | Worlds of Cthulhu | 6 | Jan 2009 | Pegasus Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
The Sword of Sneferu | 29-41 | Worlds of Cthulhu | 5 | Jan 2007 | Pegasus Press | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sword of St. Jerome, The Martyr's Legacy | Support (R) | Forbidden Relics | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sword of Y'ha-talla | Support (C) | Eldritch Edition | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Sword of Y'ha-tallo | Support (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Swords and Arrows | 31-34 | Cthulhu Through the Ages | CHA23146 | 2014 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) | |
Sylah-qaulath | | Sylah-qaulath | | May 2021 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Sylvia | | Tales of Terror (II) | PAG2102 | 1996 | Pagan Publishing | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
SymbiOS | 56-63 | Eldritch Chrome | CHA6052 | 2013 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Cyberpunk) | |
Symbiot Armor | | Chaosium Digest | v38n05 | Jul 2004 | Chaosium | Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [Future] | |
Symbiotic Shoggoths | Sep 2020 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Symphony of Madness | 74-79 | The Whisper Out of Time | PZO90112 | 2016 | Paizo Publishing | Pathfinder | |
Symphony of Madness | | Symphony of Madness | | 2024 | Mind's Vision | The Legacy of Cthulhu | |
Synchronized Watches | 2018 | The Fairfield Project | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green) | California |
Syndicate Agent | Character (R) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Syndicate Intelligence Report | Support (R) | Forbidden Relics | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Syndicate Liaison | Character (F) | Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set | | 2005 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Syndicate Liaison | Character (U) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Syndicate Liaison | Character (F) | Call of Cthulhu The Card Game | CT18 | 2008 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu LCG | |
Syndicate Support | Support (R) | Unspeakable Tales | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Syndicate Troubleshooter | Character (U) | Arkham Edition | | 2004 | Fantasy Flight Games | Call of Cthulhu CCG | |
Synopsis of the typical 1920 De Profundis campaign | 77-83 | De Profundis | CB71401 | 2010 | Cubicle 7 | De Profundis | |
Syringe | Artifact (F) | Rosemary's Baby | | | Self Published | Mythos | |
System and Combat | 48-63 | The Laundry | CB71200 | 2010 | Cubicle 7 | Call of Cthulhu (Laundry) | |
System Stuff | 57-73 | Harlem Unbound | 1 | 2017 | Darker Hue Studios | Cthulhu Confidential, Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |
Szepassony | Feb 2021 | shoggoth.net | | | Self Published | Call of Cthulhu (Classic) | |