Articles - S

TitlePagesPublicationCodeDatePublisherSystem (Setting)
Scenario The S S Horizon26-41PDF Forgotten SymphonyMar 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)At Sea
Boardgame S-P-O-N-G-E: Fight the EvilBoardgame S-P-O-N-G-E: Fight the Evil2001 Self PublishedS-P-O-N-G-E: Fight the Evil
Background S. Petersen's Field Guide to Creatures of the Dreamlands8-63Softback S. Petersen's Field Guide to Creatures of the DreamlandsCHA51071989 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Dreamlands)
Background S. Petersen's Field Guide to Cthulhu Monsters6-63Softback S. Petersen's Field Guide to Cthulhu MonstersCHA51051988 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card A Sabbatical in FranceAdventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Card A Sabbatical In FranceAdventure (F)Website Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive Self PublishedMythos
Card Sabrina PhillipsAlly (F)Cards Sesqua Valley Self PublishedMythos
Rules Sack of UncertaintyOct 2019Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Sacraments of Evil69-89Softback Sacraments of EvilCHA23451993 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)England; Lloigor
Background The Sacred Cod31Magazine The Arkham Gazette2Nov 2013 Sentinel Hill PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sacred Ewe of the Black GoatOct 2022Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background The Sacred Flame of Bubastis117-125Magazine Worlds of Cthulhu4Jan 2006 Pegasus PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Sacred Indian AltarLocation (F)Cards Scooby Doo Set 2Mar 1999 Self PublishedMythos
Card Sacred Indian TempleLocation (F)Cards Scooby Doo Set 2Mar 1999 Self PublishedMythos
Scenario Sacred Waters110-113Softback Cthulhu ApocalypsePELGT402015 Pelgrane PressTrail of CthulhuEngland; 1936
Card Sacrificial Altar, Of Star-Born StoneSupport (R)Cards Forbidden Relics2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Boardgame Sacrificial Fire Mini ExpansionBoardgame Sacrificial Fire Mini Expansion2019 Renegade Game StudiosGates of Delerium
Card Sacrificial GateEvent (C)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Sacrificial GateEvent (F)Cards Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Sacrificial GateEvent (F)Cards Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Sacrificial GateEvent (F)Cards Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Sacrificial GateEvent (F)Cards Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Sacrificial OfferingsEvent (U)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Sacrificial OfferingsEvent (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Safari HunterCharacter (F)Cards Ancient HorrorsCT172008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Safe HouseSupport (F)Cards The CacophonyCT392010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Safe House, Dark2014Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Scenario Safe Space2020Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Scenario Safe SpacePDF Safe SpaceNov 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Arkham
Card The Safe WorldAdventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Card The Safe WorldAdventure (F)Website Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive Self PublishedMythos
Scenario Safely Behind BarsSoftback Tales of Terror (II)PAG21021996 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules The Saffron Book5Magazine The Unspeakable Oath22Jan 2013 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Fiction The Saga of Abdul Alhazred383-415Softback The NecronomiconCHA60342002 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Sage AdviceeZine Chaosium Digestv18n07Feb 1997 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Sage Advice43-44PDF Tales of Terror (III) Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Sage Advice1997Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules SagesB:12-13Boxed Call of CthulhuCHA2301-X1983 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sages106-107Hardback Call of CthulhuCHA2317-H1986 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sages for the GameB:89Boxed Call of CthulhuCHA2009-X1981 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Sailing on the Sellen River62-73Softback Dreams of the Yellow KingPZO901112016 Paizo PublishingPathfinder
Rules Sailing Stormy SeasWebsite House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Scenario Sailing to the Moon27-33Softback The Dreaming StoneCHA23681997 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Dreamlands)Dreamlands
Background Saint Bartholomew's Abbey3-21Softback The AbbeyCHA00882004 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Dark Ages)
Card Saint Vincents' HospitalLocation (F)Cards Rosemary's Baby Self PublishedMythos
Scenario Saint's PeakPDF Saint's PeakDec 2023 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Spain; 1926; Azathoth
Scenario Salem 169213-23Softback Devil's ChildrenPAG10011993 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [1692]Massachusetts; May; 1692
Scenario Salem 169213-26PDF Devil's Children2004 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Now), Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [1692]Massachusetts; 1692; May
Card Sally Pearson's BungalowLocation (F)Cards Sesqua Valley Self PublishedMythos
Scenario Salo's GloryPDF Salo's GloryFXC-112020 Stygian FoxCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [Future]Deep Space
Scenario A Salt On Cop House2020Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Washington
Scenario The Saltwater InheritancePDF The Saltwater InheritanceJun 2019 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)England; 1925
Card Salvatore NeriCharacter (F)Cards Terror in VeniceCT612013 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Background Salve, Citizens!7-14Softback The 7th Edition Guide to Cthulhu InvictusGGP18012018 Golden Goblin PressCall of Cthulhu (Invictus)
Card Sam ArcherCharacter (F)Cards The Wailer BelowCT372010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Sam SpadeAlly (C)Website Serena's Dojo1999 Self PublishedMythos
Card Sam Stingey's CabinLocation (F)Cards Scooby Doo Set 3 Self PublishedMythos
Rules Samantha "Siren" KanePDF Villains for Modern Horror - Book 3Sep 2023 RPG GamerCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Card Samantha GraceCharacter (F)Cards The Thing from the ShoreCT232009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Samantha Heidrichs77-83Softback Utatti AsfetCHA23601996 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Germany; 1991
Scenario Sample Adventure: The Dark Heist38-48Softback Dark MirrorCHA03382007 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)1920s
Rules Sample Fire-Arms and ExplosivesSoftback Keeper's KitCHA51101992 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Sample Gear and Prices216-221Softback Call of CthulhuCHA23361992 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sample Mythos and Supernatural Entities84-91Hardback Harlem Unbound12017 Darker Hue StudiosCthulhu Confidential, Call of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sample Non-Player Characters and Creatures *59-60PDF Madness and MayhemGSP020042015 Game Soapbox ProductionsMadness and Mayhem
Scenario Sample Scenario64-79PDF Codex AlchemicaMay 2024 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Samuel "Sam" WalkerPDF Sidekicks for Modern Horror - Book 1Sep 2023 RPG GamerCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Card Samuel WinsorAlly (F)Cards UnlimitedCAO1306-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Rules Samurai - Firearms and BestiaryPDF Samurai Firearms and BestiaryJun 2018 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [Sengoku Period]
Rules Samurai - Weapons of Feudal JapanPDF Samurai - Weapons of Feudal JapanMar 2018 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [Sengoku Period]
Rules Samurai: A MonographPDF Samurai: A MonographMar 2018 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [Sengoku Period]
Card San Francisco ChronicleLocation (R)Website Serena's Dojo1999 Self PublishedMythos
Card San Francisco City HallLocation (C)Website Serena's Dojo1999 Self PublishedMythos
Card San Giorgio on AlgaSupport (F)Cards Terror in VeniceCT612013 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card San Marco BasilicaSupport (F)Cards Terror in VeniceCT612013 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Background San Rafael193-208Softback Down Darker TrailsCHA231512017 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Darker Trails)
Card San ServoloSupport (F)Cards Terror in VeniceCT612013 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario The Sanatorium70-88Softback Mansions of MadnessCHA23271990 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New England
Scenario The Sanatorium72-89Softback Mansions of MadnessCHA231102007 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New England
Card Sanctify the StoneEvent (U)Cards Forbidden Relics2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Fiction Sanctum74-75Softback Mortal RemainsWDF230022009 WildFire GamesCthulhuTech
Boardgame Sanctum of TwilightBoardgame Sanctum of TwilightMAD262018 Fantasy Flight GamesMansions of Madness
Card Sand DwellersMonster (C)Cards Legends of the NecronomiconCAO1303-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Scenario Sandgrown38-48Softback The Dead White WorldPELGT192011 Pelgrane PressTrail of CthulhuEngland; 1936
Scenario Sandgrown101-109Softback Cthulhu ApocalypsePELGT402015 Pelgrane PressTrail of CthulhuEngland; 1936
Scenario Sands of Time30-36Softback The Fungi From YuggothCHA23051984 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Egypt; 1929
Scenario The Sands of Time77-84Softback Day of the BeastCHA23741998 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Egypt; 1929
Scenario Sands of Time50-56Softback Curse of CthulhuCHA33061990 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Egypt; 1929
Boardgame SandyBoardgame Hastur Rising2022 Petersen GamesCthulhu Wars
Card Sandy DuncanAlly (F)Cards Scooby Doo Set 1 Self PublishedMythos
Card Sandy PetersenAlly (C)Cards New AeonCAO1311-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Rules Sandy Petersen's Rules of Game DesignMagazine Ye Booke of Tentacles42003 The Chaos SocietyCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card The Sanguine WatcherCharacter (F)Cards Shadow of the MonolithCT522012 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Sanguis Omnia VincetC:165-202Boxed Horror on the Orient ExpressCHA231302014 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Invictus)Turkey
Scenario Sanguis Omnia VincetB:137-166Hardback Horror on the Orient ExpressCHA23130-SET2020 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Invictus)Turkey
Rules Sanity64-70Softback Cthulhu Dark AgesCHA231432015 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Dark Ages)
Rules SanityA:26-31Boxed Call of CthulhuCHA2301-X1983 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sanity28-36Hardback Call of CthulhuCHA2317-H1986 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sanity154-169Hardback Keeper RulebookCHA231352015 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules SanityB:23-27Boxed Call of CthulhuCHA2009-X1981 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules SanityB:16-17Boxed Call of Cthulhu Starter SetCHA23158-X2018 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sanity78-89PDF APOCTHULHUcr61002020 Cthulhu RebornAPOCTHULHU
Rules Sanity64-75Softback Agents HandbookAPU81072016 Arc Dream PublishingDelta Green
Rules Sanity75-76Hardback Keeper TipsCHA51202021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sanity46-57Softback Call of Cthulhu d208864400002002 Wizards of the CoastCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sanity and Insanity68-74Softback The LaundryCB712002010 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (Laundry)
Rules Sanity and Insanity68-79Softback Call of CthulhuCHA23861999 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sanity and Insanity75-87Softback Call of CthulhuCHA231062005 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sanity and Insanity46-52Softback Call of CthulhuCHA23361992 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sanity and More SanityeZine Chaosium Digestv02n06May 1993 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sanity and SorceryPDF Sanity and Sorcery2018 Self PublishedLasers and Feelings (Sanity and Sorcery)
Rules Sanity and SpellseZine Chaosium Digestv02n05May 1993 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Boardgame Sanity CheckBoardgame Sanity Check2019 Steve Jackson GamesMunchkin
Boardgame Sanity Check Promo CardBoardgame Sanity Check Promo CardFeb 2020 Steve Jackson GamesMunchkin
Novelty Sanity Flowchart1PDF Sanity FlowchartDec 2023 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sanity Point Costs116-117Magazine Bayt al Azif3Nov 2020 Bayt al Azif IncCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sanity RuleseZine Chaosium Digestv01n09Mar 1993 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sanity TrackerPDF Sanity TrackerMay 2019 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sanity, Insanity and Roleplaying the Investigator20-32Softback Taint of MadnessCHA23541995 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario SantaPDF SantaDec 2019 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Rules Santa ClausDec 2022Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Santa Fe, NM14PDF Hometown Horrors Volume TwoOct 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Scenario The Sap Keeps Running, Part 139-42Softback The Primal StateCHA03442007 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Vermont
Scenario The Sap Keeps Running, Part 243-46Softback The Primal StateCHA03442007 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Vermont
Scenario The Sap Keeps Running, Part 370-72Softback The Primal StateCHA03442007 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Vermont
Scenario The Sap Keeps Running, Part 4108-124Softback The Primal StateCHA03442007 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Vermont
Background Sara ConnorsWebsite Mists of the Aeons Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Card Saracenic RitualsSupport (C)Cards Forbidden Relics2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card SarahAlly (F)Cards Sesqua Valley Self PublishedMythos
Background Sarah Hardcastle68-74Magazine The Black Seal4Aut 2023 Sixtystone PressCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Rules Sarah MillerPDF Sidekicks for Modern Horror - Book 5Sep 2023 RPG GamerCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Card Sarah Van ShawCharacter (F)Cards Words of PowerCT542012 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Sarah's Friends5-19Magazine Protodimension6Aut 2010 Kinstaff MediaCall of Cthulhu (Now)London; January; Zombie
Scenario The Sarcophagus210-217Softback Chthonian StarsWDF250202011 WildFire GamesTraveller (Chthonian Stars)Solar System
Scenario Sarkomand30-46Softback The Sense of the Sleight of Hand ManAPU80012013 Arc Dream PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Dreamlands)Dreamlands
Card SarkomandLocation (C)Cards DreamlandsCAO1307-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Scenario Sarnath228-247Softback The Sense of the Sleight of Hand ManAPU80012013 Arc Dream PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Dreamlands)Dreamlands
Card SarnathSupport (F)Cards Denizens of the UnderworldCT622014 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Sarnath SigilSpell (C)Cards Cthulhu RisingCAO1302-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Scenario Satanists on the Graeg41Magazine The Black Seal1Nov 2001 Brichester University PressCall of Cthulhu (Now), Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Wales
Card Satchel of the VoidSupport (F)Cards Initiations of the FavoredCT422011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Saturday the 14th4-15PDF Saturday the 14thAug 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Maine; June; 1980
Card SaturnaliaEvent (R)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario Saturnalia *2022Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Alaska
Card Saturnian WineSupport (R)Cards Forgotten Cities2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Novelty Saturnince CalicePDF Cthulhu Maps - Dead Light and Other Dark TurnsJun 2023 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Saucer Attack 1928!: The Dunwich 'Horror'4-5Magazine The Unspeakable Oath21Jul 2012 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Atomic)
Background SaucerWatch112-125Softback Delta GreenPAG10051997 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Card Savage DreamAdventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Card The Savage DreamAdventure (F)Website Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive Self PublishedMythos
Scenario Savage Lands170-193Softback Secrets of KenyaCHA231092007 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Kenya; Formless Spawn of Tsathoggua
Rules The Savage Practice of War96-114Softback Investigator's Guide to the Secret WarMPS01031CS2013 Modiphius EntertainmentSavage Worlds (Achtung!), Call of Cthulhu (Achtung!)
Track Savannah04:00Recording Eternal Lies SuitePELGT172010 Pelgrane PressTrail of Cthulhu
Scenario Savannah, Georgia51-80Softback Eternal LiesPELGT342013 Pelgrane PressTrail of CthulhuGeorgia state; 1930s
Scenario Save Innsmouth1-8Softback Save Innsmouth2016 Just Crunch GamesThe Cthulhu HackInnsmouth
Card Save the PlanetAdventure (F)PDF Eric Johnson Mythos Collection Self PublishedMythos
Scenario Save the Whales!89-91Magazine Worlds of Cthulhu4Jan 2006 Pegasus PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Save the World DeckWebsite Thastygliax's Vault Self PublishedMythos
Card Save the World!Adventure (C)Cards Legends of the NecronomiconCAO1303-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Background Save the World!eZine Chaosium Digestv21n04Aug 1997 ChaosiumMythos
Background Save the World!Website A Web Page from a Friend Self PublishedMythos
Background Save the World! DeckWebsite Robo's Mythos CCG Web Page Self PublishedMythos
Card Savio CorviCharacter (F)Cards Terror in VeniceCT612013 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Sawbucks6Magazine The Unspeakable Oath19Mar 2011 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario "Say a Little Prayer For Me"2021Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Massachusetts
Scenario The Scales of TimePDF The Scales of TimeDec 2017 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Tennessee
Card Scales, What Scales?Adventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Card Scales, What Scales?Adventure (F)Website Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive Self PublishedMythos
Card Scalethorn AsylumSupport (F)Cards The Path to Y'ha-nthleiCT242009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card ScalpelSupport (F)Cards The Gleaming SpiralCT442011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card ScandalEvent (F)Cards The Gleaming SpiralCT442011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Scanlon's Daughter223-241Softback Down Darker TrailsCHA231512017 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Darker Trails)Texas; 1870; Yig
Scenario Scarabs of SekhmetSoftback Terror of OctobernomiconGGP22012022 Golden Goblin PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Egypt
Scenario The Scarecrow398-404PDF 40 Adventures for Call of Cthulhu2002 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)New Hampshire; 1990s
Scenario The Scarecrow1-7PDF The Scarecrow1991 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)New Hampshire; 1990s
Scenario The Scarecrow7-14eZine Opifex Bimonthly13May 1998 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)New Hampshire; 1990s
Scenario The ScarecrowSoftback Tales of Terror (II)PAG21021996 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New Hampshire; 1990s
Scenario The ScarecrowPDF The ScarecrowMay 2018 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New Hampshire; 1990s
Scenario Scarlet Fever6Magazine The Unspeakable Oath5May 1992 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Scarlet Fever8PDF Tales of Terror (III) Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Scarlet Fever1992Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Boardgame Scarlett HayesBoardgame Scarlett Hayes2019 CMON LimitedCthulhu: Death May Die
Rules Scary Monsters and Super Creeps18-22Magazine Different Worlds44Nov 1986 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now), Call of Cthulhu (Atomic)
Rules Scary Tales177-184PDF Horror Companion2023 Pinnacle Entertainment GroupSavage Worlds
Card ScavengingEvent (C)Cards Forgotten Cities2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario Scenario81-91Softback Mysteries of the RajCHA03912010 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)India
Background Scenario Background10-16Softback Sun Spots42017 Weird 8Call of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Scenario Hooks93-99Hardback Harlem Unbound12017 Darker Hue StudiosCall of Cthulhu (Classic), Cthulhu Confidential
Scenario Scenario Seeds108-113Softback Reign of TerrorCHA231492017 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons)
Scenario Scenario Spines79-88Softback The Armitage FilesPELGT102010 Pelgrane PressTrail of Cthulhu
Scenario Scenario Suggestions64-70Softback Cthulhu by GaslightCHA33031988 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)
Scenario Scenario SuggestionsA:50-55Boxed Cthulhu by GaslightCHA2314-X1986 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)
Novelty Scenario Upgrade Pack: In the ShadowsPDF Scenario Upgrade Pack: In the Shadowscr10012015 Cthulhu RebornCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Novelty Scenario Upgrade Pack: The Stars Are Right!PDF Scenario Upgrade Pack: The Stars Are Right!cr10022017 Cthulhu RebornCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Scenario Scene Four - Return to the Marshes35-44PDF The Pennywell Hangmen2008 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New York; December; 1923
Fiction Scene of the Crime42-43Softback Dark PassionsWDF232002008 WildFire GamesCthulhuTech
Scenario Scene One - Hotel Algonquin11-18PDF The Pennywell Hangmen2008 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New York; December; 1923
Scenario Scene Three - Hedges Cottage27-34PDF The Pennywell Hangmen2008 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New York; 1923; December
Scenario Scene Two - The Pennywell Barracks19-26PDF The Pennywell Hangmen2008 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New York; December; 1923
Card A Scheme of ByakheesCharacter (F)Cards The Mark of MadnessCT662015 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Rules The Schism256-325Softback Handler's GuideAPU81132018 Arc Dream PublishingDelta Green
Card SchitzophreniaEvent (C)Cards Cthulhu RisingCAO1302-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card SchizophreniaEvent (U)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card SchizophreniaEvent (F)Cards Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Scholar from YithCharacter (F)Cards The Key and the GateCT602013 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card The Scholar's MistressTome (C)Website Serena's Dojo1999 Self PublishedMythos
Card Scholarly PlagiaristCharacter (F)Cards The Horror Beneath the SurfaceCT202009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Rules The School of NighteZine Ken Writes About Stuffv2n7Sep 2014 Pelgrane PressNone
Scenario The Schoolmarm's Ghost7-33PDF The Schoolmarm's GhostApr 2024 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Oregon; 1877
Scenario Schrodinger's Dilemma *2005Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Background Science and TechnologyJan 2001Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (End Time)
Rules Science Fiction Double Feature1-4PDF Science Fiction Double Feature2011 Gratis GamesCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Card Scientific TextSupport (F)Cards Secrets of ArkhamCT322010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Scientist from YithCharacter (F)Cards The Key and the GateCT602013 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Scion of Vulcan67-96Softback The Legacy of Arrius LurcoMRP00092011 Miskatonic River PressCall of Cthulhu (Invictus)Greece
Background Scions of the Forgotten14-47Softback Ancient EnemiesWDF231002010 WildFire GamesCthulhuTech
Card Scooby DeeAlly (F)Cards Scooby Doo Set 3 Self PublishedMythos
Card Scooby DooAlly (F)Cards Scooby Doo Set 2Mar 1999 Self PublishedMythos
Card Scooby Doo and a Mummy TooAdventure (F)Cards Scooby Doo Adventures Self PublishedMythos
Card Scooby Dooby Doo!Adventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Card Scooby Dooby Doo!Adventure (F)Website Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive Self PublishedMythos
Card Scooby DumAlly (F)Cards Scooby Doo Set 3 Self PublishedMythos
Card Scooby SnacksArtifact (F)Cards Scooby Doo Set 1 Self PublishedMythos
Rules Scope of Magic8-12Magazine White Wolf29Oct 1992 White Wolf GamesCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background ScotlandWebsite Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card ScotophobiaEvent (C)Cards LimitedCAO1300-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card ScotophobiaEvent (R)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card ScotophobiaEvent (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Scouring the EarthEvent (R)Cards Masks of Nyarlathotep2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card ScrabbleArtifact (F)Cards Rosemary's Baby Self PublishedMythos
Scenario The Scramble for Buranda83-102Softback Unconventional DiplomacyCB712082014 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (Laundry)Sub-Saharan Africa
Rules Scream in the Dark: Vampires509-510Magazine Stardatev3n6Jan 1987 Reluctant PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Scream of the MandrakePDF The Scream of the MandrakeJun 2021 Type40Call of Cthulhu (Classic)England
Scenario The Screaming Horror of Creech Hill1-7PDF The Screaming Horror of Creech Hill2006 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)England
Card Screaming of the SpheresEvent (R)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Scriabin's Ninth SonataEvent (C)Website Serena's Dojo1999 Self PublishedMythos
Rules The Scribe Vampires of the Monkey Head Nebula (NGC 2174)Feb 2021Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Scritch Scratch4-21Softback Scritch ScratchCHA231572018 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)England
Card Scrolls of DimensionTome (F)Cards Rosemary's Baby Self PublishedMythos
Card Sculptor of Time and SpaceAdventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Card Scurrying Rat-ThingCharacter (R)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario The Scuttling90-107Softback Sacraments of EvilCHA23451993 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)Atlantic Ocean; 1890s
Card Scylla's WellSupport (F)Cards Into TartarusCT512011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Sea ChangeEvent (U)Cards Masks of Nyarlathotep2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario Sea CircleSoftback More Tales of Terror PAG21052000 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Sea DevilCharacter (U)Cards Forgotten Cities2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario Sea Food405-442PDF 40 Adventures for Call of Cthulhu2002 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)Maine; 1996; Deep One
Scenario Sea Food1-38PDF Sea Food1996 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)Maine; 1996; Deep One
Scenario Sea Food5-37eZine Opifex Bimonthly31996 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)Maine; 1996; Deep One
Card Sea Mythos and MonstersTome (F)Cards Scooby Doo Set 3 Self PublishedMythos
Scenario The Sea of Dreams6-7Magazine The Whisperer4Spr 2001 Severn Valley PressCall of Cthulhu (Dreamlands)Dreamlands
Background A Sea of Sand and Stone11-23Softback Guide to North AfricaMUH01052CS2014 Modiphius EntertainmentSavage Worlds (Achtung!), Call of Cthulhu (Achtung!)
Background Sea Travel43Softback Green and Pleasant LandCHA23201987 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Sea WormsCharacter (F)Cards Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Seal of IsisArtifact (C)Cards LimitedCAO1300-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card Seal of IsisEvent (U)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Seal the SoulEvent (F)Cards The Order of the Silver TwilightCT332010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Boardgame The Seals of CthulhuBoardgame The Seals of Cthulhu2020 Thing 12 GamesThe Seals of Cthulhu
Scenario Seams of PerilPDF Seams of Perilcr3005g2017 Cthulhu RebornCall of Cthulhu (Convicts)Australia
Scenario The Séance2001Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card SeaplaneEvent (R)Cards Cthulhu RisingCAO1302-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card Search and SeizureEvent (C)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card The Search for AtlantisAdventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Card The Search For AtlantisAdventure (F)Website Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive Self PublishedMythos
Boardgame The Search for KadathBoardgame The Search for KadathAHC392019 Fantasy Flight GamesArkham Horror: The Card Game
Scenario The Search for the Forbidden Door4-24PDF The Search for the Forbidden DoorNov 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Hawaii; Autumn; 1926
Scenario Search For the Lost City40-41Magazine Games Master International13Aug 1991 NewsfieldShadowrun
Scenario Search For the Lost City40-41Magazine Games Master International14Sep 1991 NewsfieldShadowrun
Card Search WarrantEvent (R)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Track The Search/What Now?4:24Recording Horror on the Orient Express MusicAOCD70042005 A O MusicCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Searching for Cthulhu in Nightmare House35Magazine Space Gamer71Nov 1984 Steve Jackson GamesCall of Cthulhu (Classic), Nightmare House
Card Searching For Laban ShrewsburyAdventure (F)Cards UnlimitedCAO1306-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Card Searching for the LostAdventure (C)Website Serena's Dojo1999 Self PublishedMythos
Card Searching the ReservesEvent (F)Cards Murmurs of EvilCT352010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Seaside Attraction2022Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Wales; 1943
Boardgame Season 2 ExpansionBoardgame Season 2 ExpansionDMD0022019 CMON LimitedCthulhu: Death May Die
Boardgame Season 4 ExpansionBoardgame Season 4 Expansion2023 CMON LimitedCthulhu: Death May Die
Scenario Season of GrowthPDF Season of GrowthDec 2023 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)1990s
Scenario Season of the Witch192-203Softback H.P. Lovecraft's DreamlandsCHA23942004 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Dreamlands)Arkham; Dreamlands
Scenario Season of the Witch77-87Softback H.P. Lovecraft's DreamlandsCHA33021988 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Dreamlands)Arkham; Dreamlands
Scenario Season of the WitchB:38-49Boxed H.P. Lovecraft's DreamlandsCHA2315-X1986 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Dreamlands)Arkham; Dreamlands
Boardgame Season of the WitchBoardgame Season of the WitchMAD022011 Fantasy Flight GamesMansions of Madness
Scenario Season's Greetings31-38Fanzine Serendipity's Circle6Win 1995 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now), Bureau 131990s
Fiction Seattle Drivers222-223Softback CthulhuTechWDF230002007 WildFire GamesCthulhuTech
Card Sebastion BlakeCharacter (F)Cards Denizens of the UnderworldCT622014 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Sebek's Chosen OneCharacter (C)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card The Second ChancersCharacter (F)Cards The Breathing JungleCT492011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario The Second CircleSoftback Tales of Terror (I)1990 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Second Circle16-17PDF Tales of Terror (III) Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Second Circle1990Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Second CircleWebsite RPG Archive Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Second ComingPDF Second Comingcr5208Nov 2023 Cthulhu RebornCthulhu EternalNew Orleans; 1920s
Fiction Second DeathPDF Goat MotherCHA60602015 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card The Second DragonStory (F)Cards The Shifting SandsCT472011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Rules Second Edition SuggestionsWebsite House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Background The Second Era78-79Softback Once MenCHA03562008 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Once Men)
Card Second Psychiatric HospitalLocation (U)Cards New AeonCAO1311-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Scenario The Second Saga35-51Softback The Ravenar SagasCHA03482008 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Dark Ages)Iceland
Scenario A Second Theseus97-128Softback The Legacy of Arrius LurcoMRP00092011 Miskatonic River PressCall of Cthulhu (Invictus)Greece; Greater Race
Scenario The Second WaveeZine Chaosium Digestv22n06Oct 1997 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Second Wave1997Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Secondary Infection27-47Magazine The Unspeakable Oath25Jul 2018 Pagan PublishingDelta GreenNew York
Rules Secondary Locations80-82PDF Whispers of the Dead3May 2022 Staggered Amusement MachineDelta Green
Scenario Secret Agendas79-100Softback Black Bag JobsCB712022011 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (Laundry)Arkham; 2000s
Background Secret and Occult Societies60-110Softback Keeper's Guide to the Secret WarMPS01032CS2013 Modiphius EntertainmentCall of Cthulhu (Achtung!), Savage Worlds (Achtung!)
Novelty A Secret BunkerPDF Cthulhu Maps - A Secret Bunker0362022 LovemapsCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Boardgame Secret CthulhuBoardgame Secret Cthulhu2019 Self PublishedSecret Cthulhu
Rules Secret Cults102-120Softback The Keeper's Companion Vol 1CHA23882000 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Secret Cults35-52Softback Keeper's CompendiumCHA23441993 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background The Secret Doctrine24-27Fanzine Polaris1Sum 1987 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Secret FileSupport (R)Cards Forbidden Relics2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Secret GenealogiesAdventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Card Secret HandshakeEvent (F)Cards The Order of the Silver TwilightCT332010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Background Secret Histories39-138Softback Cthulhu Live: Lost Souls00052000 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Novelty A Secret LabPDF Cthulhu Maps - A Secret Lab0462022 LovemapsCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Secret Motivations in Call of Cthulhu, Or, Why Curiosity Killed the CateZine Chaosium Digestv27n08Feb 1999 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Secret MurdersSupport (R)Cards Masks of Nyarlathotep2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Boardgame The Secret NameBoardgame The Secret NameAHC302019 Fantasy Flight GamesArkham Horror: The Card Game
Fiction The Secret NamePDF Goat MotherCHA60602015 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Secret of Black RockWebsite Mists of the Aeons Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Arkham; August; 1922; Mi-Go
Scenario The Secret of Castronegro128-141Softback Cthulhu ClassicsCHA33011989 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New Mexico; October
Scenario The Secret of Castronegro46-59Softback Cthulhu CompanionCHA23041983 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New Mexico; October
Scenario The Secret of Castronegro166-179Hardback Call of CthulhuCHA2317-H1986 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New Mexico; October
Scenario The Secret of Knossos6-29Magazine Worlds of Cthulhu1Aug 2004 Pegasus PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Crete
Scenario The Secret of Marseilles31-57Softback King of ChicagoCHA23481994 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)France; Chicago; Deep One
Card The Secret of Power and Glory is Yours!Adventure (U)Cards Expeditions of Miskatonic UniversityCAO1301-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Scenario The Secret of Rolthin Abbey23-53Softback Strange Tales of Dread & Wonder #1CHA03292006 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Serpentman
Fiction The Secret of Sebek110-124PDF Mysteries of the WormCHA60372009 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Secret of SilcestrePDF The Secret of SilcestreMay 2021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Dark Ages)England; 1002
Card The Secret of the North WoodsStory (F)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card The Secret of the North WoodsStory (F)Cards Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card The Secret of the North WoodsStory (F)Cards Secrets of ArkhamCT322010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Fiction The Secret of the Tomb2-8PDF Mysteries of the WormCHA60372009 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Secret PassagewayEvent (C)Website Serena's Dojo1999 Self PublishedMythos
Card Secret ResearchSupport (F)Cards Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario Secret Santa6-33PDF Secret SantaNov 2021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)England; December; 1919
Scenario Secret SantaPDF Albion's Ruin Vol 1Nov 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)England; December; 1919
Card Secret Service AgentCharacter (F)Cards Aspirations of AscensionCT432011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Secret Shopper *36-38Magazine The Unspeakable Oath24Jul 2014 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Scenario Secret Shopper *2013Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)November
Background Secret Societies108-120Softback Secrets of KenyaCHA231092007 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Secret Societies54-58Softback Mysteries of MoroccoCHA03062004 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Secret Societies42-43Softback Mysteries of IrelandCHA04082012 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Secret Societies for CoCeZine Chaosium Digestv12n10Jan 1996 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Secret Song of Lake BillingsPDF The Secret Song of Lake BillingsNov 2023 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Virginia; Summer
Card Secret StilettoSupport (F)Cards The Antediluvian DreamsCT212009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Boardgame The Secret WarBoardgame The Secret War2016 Modiphius EntertainmentThe Secret War
Background Secret War DocumentsPDF Secret War DocumentsMPS01044G2014 Modiphius Entertainment[None Listed]
Background The Secret War in North Africa19-34PDF The Serpent and the SandsMUH00103302023 Modiphius EntertainmentAchtung! Cthulhu
Card Secretive ZoogCharacter (F)Cards In Memory of DayCT272009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Background Secrets186-197Softback Chthonian StarsWDF250202011 WildFire GamesTraveller (Chthonian Stars)
Background Secrets and Lies24-29Softback Guide to North AfricaMUH01052CS2014 Modiphius EntertainmentCall of Cthulhu (Achtung!), Savage Worlds (Achtung!)
Background Secrets and Spies46-57Softback Zero Point, Part 3 - Code of HonourMUH0512572017 Modiphius EntertainmentCall of Cthulhu (Achtung!), Savage Worlds (Achtung!)
Fiction The Secrets No One Knows (1968)Softback Tales from Failed AnatomiesARCTFFASC Arc Dream PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Card The Secrets of ArkhamStory (F)Cards Secrets of ArkhamCT322010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Secrets of BubastisEvent (R)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Background Secrets of Dunwich22-27Softback Return to DunwichCHA23301991 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Secrets of Dunwich37-63Softback H.P. Lovecraft's DunwichCHA88022002 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Secrets of Milton KeynesMagazine The Blasphemous Tome4.5Jun 2019 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Scenario Secrets of Milton KeynesMagazine The Blasphemous Tome5.5Aug 2020 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Scenario Secrets of the Glen4-21PDF Secrets of the GlenMay 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Scotland
Scenario Secrets of the Kremlin38-61Softback Glozel Est Authentique!T-51984 Theatre of the Mind EnterprisesCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Russia; February; 1931; Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath
Scenario Secrets of the Kurlies85-97Softback Walker in the WastesPAG10021994 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Japan; 1929
Boardgame Secrets of the Lost TombBoardgame Secrets of the Lost Tomb2015 Everything Epic GamesSecrets of the Lost Tomb
Boardgame Secrets of the OrderBoardgame Secrets of the Order2021 Fantasy Flight GamesArkham Horror
Card Secrets of the Silver TwilightAdventure (U)Cards Legends of the NecronomiconCAO1303-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Scenario The Secrets of the WatchersMagazine Valkyrie141996 Partizan PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)England
Scenario Secrets Out of Time78-95Magazine Virtual Lore21993 The CabilCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Mexico
Background Secrets, Mysteries, Legends, and Rumors123-125Softback Return to DunwichCHA23301991 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Security Best Practice Guide149-156Softback The LaundryCB712002010 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (Laundry)
Card SedanetteSupport (U)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card SedanetteSupport (F)Cards Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card SedatedSupport (C)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Sedated Support (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Seduction of the TombsEvent (C)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario See No Evil113-127Magazine The Unspeakable Oath16/17Mar 2001 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)New York
Scenario See No Evil, Speak No EvilPDF See No Evil, Speak No EvilSep 2024 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Norway; 2023
Card SeedsSupport (U)Cards Forgotten Cities2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Fiction The Seeds of Corruption3-10Softback Punktown2018 Miskatonic River PressCall of Cthulhu (Cyberpunk)
Card Seeing the LightEvent (U)Cards Forgotten Cities2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Seeker of MysteriesCharacter (U)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Seeker of MysteriesCharacter (F)Cards Secrets of ArkhamCT322010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Seeker of the ProfaneCharacter (F)Cards Conspiracies of Chaos2006 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Seeker of the ProfaneCharacter (F)Cards Conspiracies of ChaosCT14e2011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Seeker of the SonglinesCharacter (F)Cards Shadow of the MonolithCT522012 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Background Seeking Eternity in InnsmouthWebsite House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Card Seeking Everlasting Life IAdventure (U)Cards Legends of the NecronomiconCAO1303-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card Seeking Everlasting Life IIAdventure (U)Cards Legends of the NecronomiconCAO1303-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Rules The SeerOct 2015Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Seer of the GateCharacter (F)Cards The Mark of MadnessCT662015 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Sefton AsylumLocation (U)Cards LimitedCAO1300-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Rules Sehkheferu, the Forgotten Pharoah4-5PDF A Grimoire of Terror! MUH00103222022 Modiphius EntertainmentAchtung! Cthulhu
Scenario Seized by SugarPDF Seized by SugarOct 2024 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Halloween
Scenario Seizing the Tablets181-192Softback Walker in the WastesPAG10021994 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Turkey; 1931
Scenario SeizureeZine Chaosium Digestv35n07Jan 2002 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Atomic)Arkham; 1962
Scenario Seizure1-10PDF Seizure2005 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [1962]Arkham; 1962
Scenario SeizureWebsite RPG Archive Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Atomic)Arkham; 1962
Background Selections from the Livre d'Ivon156-158Hardback The Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion (Limited)60-MONC-082016 Sixtystone PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Selections from the Livre d'Ivon141-143Softback The Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion (Unlimited)60-MONC-03 (?)2016 Sixtystone PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario SELF PRESERVATION2016Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)1990s
Scenario The Self-Actualizing Man *101Softback Taint of MadnessCHA23541995 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New York; 1990s
Rules Self-Guiding Bullets?77-81Magazine Protodimension13Aut 2012 Kinstaff MediaCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Card Self-SlaughterEvent (C)Cards Forgotten Cities2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario Sell YourselfPDF Sell YourselfApr 2024 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)New York; July; 2008
Rules The SemelparitesOct 2021Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Senator Nathaniel RhodesCharacter (F)Cards The Order of the Silver TwilightCT332010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Background Send in the Clones DeckWebsite Thastygliax's Vault Self PublishedMythos
Background Send in the Marines!388-406Softback The Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion (Unlimited)60-MONC-03 (?)2016 Sixtystone PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Send in the Marines!502-521Hardback The Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion (Limited)60-MONC-082016 Sixtystone PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Senior AssociateCharacter (U)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario Senior Project98-136Softback Ramblings of a Twisted MuseCHA03142005 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Arkham; 1933; Dimensional Shambler
Card A Sense About ThingsAdventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Unknown Sense No. 6Fanzine Dagon12Apr 1986 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man5-37Magazine Worlds of Cthulhu6Jan 2009 Pegasus PressCall of Cthulhu (Dreamlands)Dreamlands; 1925
Background Sensitive Cases Division3-7PDF Sensitive Cases DivisionAug 2023 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sensitivity31-32Hardback Keeper TipsCHA51202021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Sent Through Time and HellAdventure (F)Cards Rosemary's Baby Self PublishedMythos
Scenario Sentence ServedNov 2009Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Sentinel HillLocation (U)Cards Expeditions of Miskatonic UniversityCAO1301-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card Sentinel HillSupport (F)Cards Dunwich Denizens2006 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Sentinel HillSupport (F)Cards Dunwich DenizensCT15e2011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario The SentinelsHardback Darkspace2023 Kabuki KaiserCthulhu Dark
Scenario Separation Anxiety7-12Softback Fear's Sharp Little Needles30052018 Stygian FoxCall of Cthulhu (Now)Ohio
Card SeplophobiaEvent (F)Cards Rosemary's Baby Self PublishedMythos
Rules Sepulchral ShoggothSep 2020Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sepulchral ShoggothsPDF Sepulchral ShoggothsAug 2021 Last Mile Game LogisticsCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Sequence2018Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Rules Sequence of Play56-93Softback Skirmish: Commander's SetMUH0504542016 Modiphius EntertainmentSavage Worlds (Achtung!), Call of Cthulhu (Achtung!)
Background The Seraphim ClubPDF The Seraphim ClubNov 2023 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Serena WhateleyAlly (R)Website Serena's Dojo1999 Self PublishedMythos
Scenario Serendipity6-7Softback MinionsCHA23651997 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Fiction Serendipity268Softback Eldritch SkiesBPI75002012 Battlefield PressEldritch Skies
Scenario Serene and PrimalWebsite RPG Archive Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Great Race of Yith
Card Sergeant DonnellyCharacter (F)Cards Words of PowerCT542012 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Serial KillerEvent (C)Cards New AeonCAO1311-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Background Serifos, Greece25PDF Hometown Horrors Volume TwoOct 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Background Sermon Grant, antiquarian, occultist and gentleman adventurer4-6Magazine The Black Seal1Nov 2001 Brichester University PressCall of Cthulhu (Now), Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Scenario Sermon of SludgePDF Sermon of SludgeAug 2021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [1973]Los Angeles; Summer; 1973
Background Serpent FolkeZine Ken Writes About Stuffv2n4Jun 2014 Pelgrane PressTrail of Cthulhu
Card Serpent from YothCharacter (C)Cards Masks of Nyarlathotep2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Serpent from YothCharacter (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Serpent PeopleMonster (C)Cards New AeonCAO1311-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Card Serpent PeopleMonster (C)Cards LimitedCAO1300-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Rules Serpent PeopleeZine Chaosium Digestv19n10Jun 1997 ChaosiumMythos
Background The Serpent People (and Their Penguins) Have Invaded New York!!!Website Robo's Mythos CCG Web Page Self PublishedMythos
Background The Serpent People (and Their Penguins) Have Invaded New York!!!Website A Web Page from a Friend Self PublishedMythos
Background Serpent People and their PenguinseZine Chaosium Digestv21n07Sep 1997 ChaosiumMythos
Background The Serpent People are Everywhere!!eZine Chaosium Digestv20n11Aug 1997 ChaosiumMythos
Background The Serpent People Are Everywhere!!!Website Robo's Mythos CCG Web Page Self PublishedMythos
Background The Serpent People Are Everywhere!!!Website A Web Page from a Friend Self PublishedMythos
Background Serpent People with Guns! Mythos DeckeZine Chaosium Digestv20n06Jul 1997 ChaosiumMythos
Rules SerpopardsJan 2022Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card SerranianLocation (C)Cards DreamlandsCAO1307-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Card Servant from Out of TimeCharacter (R)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Servant from Out of TimeCharacter (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Servant of GlaakiMonster (F)Cards UnlimitedCAO1306-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Card Servant of GlaakiCharacter (F)Cards Aspirations of AscensionCT432011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Servant of God91-110Softback Tales of the CaribbeanGGP16032016 Golden Goblin PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Cuba
Card Servant of NodensCharacter (F)Cards Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Servant of NodensCharacter (C)Cards Forbidden Relics2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Servant of NodensCharacter (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Servant of the Black StoneMonster (C)Website Serena's Dojo1999 Self PublishedMythos
Card Servant of the KeyCharacter (U)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Background Servant of the NightWebsite House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Card Servant of the OathCharacter (U)Cards Forbidden Relics2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Servant to the Elder ThingsCharacter (F)Cards Lost RitesCT562012 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Servants of the Lake56-75Softback Doors to DarknessCHA231482015 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Kingsport; 1920s; Glaaki
Novelty Servants of the LakePDF Cthulhu Maps - Servants of the LakeJun 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Servants of the Silver TwilightMonster (C)Cards New AeonCAO1311-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Card Servants of Zen TuoMonster (F)Cards Scooby Doo Set 1 Self PublishedMythos
Scenario Served Cold144-167Hardback Mythos ExpeditionsPELGT372014 Pelgrane PressTrail of CthulhuGreenland
Card Service NoticeSupport (R)Cards Forgotten Cities2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Servitor of the Outer GodsMonster (F)Cards UnlimitedCAO1306-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Rules Servitors of the Spider-God, Atlach-NachaNov 2002Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Set a TrapEvent (F)Cards Scooby Doo Set 2Mar 1999 Self PublishedMythos
Card Seth Bishop RuinsLocation (R)Cards Expeditions of Miskatonic UniversityCAO1301-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Background Setting18-33Softback Chthonian StarsWDF250202011 WildFire GamesTraveller (Chthonian Stars)
Rules Setting Creation322-371PDF Raiders of R'lyeh Gamemaster's Guide and Complete Rules2017 Cipher BureauRaiders of R'lyeh
Rules Setting Cthulhu in the Wild WesteZine Chaosium Digestv02n03Apr 1993 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Darker Trails)
Background Setting Lore20-28PDF The Promethean HighwayFeb 2024 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [2902]
Rules Setting Rules37-56PDF Horror Companion2023 Pinnacle Entertainment GroupSavage Worlds
Rules Setting Specific Backgrounds5PDF The Promethean HighwayFeb 2024 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [2902]
Rules Setting Specific Items, Armor, Weapons7PDF The Promethean HighwayFeb 2024 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [2902]
Card The Setting SunSupport (F)Cards Twilight HorrorCT262009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Rules Setting the Scene75-92PDF Five PointsMYL303012016 Mystic Throne EntertainmentDark Streets
Rules Setting the Stage121-133Softback Cthulhu Live00041999 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Setting the Stage95-105Softback Cthulhu LiveCHA65021997 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Setting the Standard: Corrupt PowereZine Chaosium Digestv27n01Dec 1998 ChaosiumMythos
Rules Settings244-259Softback Call of Cthulhu d208864400002002 Wizards of the CoastCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Fiction Settler's Wall16-36Softback The NecronomiconCHA60121996 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Fiction Settler's Wall25-53Softback The NecronomiconCHA60342002 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Settling in TriumphAdventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Rules A Settling of Snow1-8PDF A Settling of SnowSep 2023 The Black FortressA Settling of Snow
Card Seven Cryptical Books of H'san (Chinese)Tome (R)Cards Legends of the NecronomiconCAO1303-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card Seven Cryptical Books of H'san (English)Tome (U)Cards LimitedCAO1300-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card Seven Cryptical Books of HsaanSupport (F)Cards The Sleeper BelowCT632014 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Background The Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan429-435Softback The Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion (Unlimited)60-MONC-03 (?)2016 Sixtystone PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background The Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan556-562Hardback The Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion (Limited)60-MONC-082016 Sixtystone PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan, Lost MasterpieceSupport (R)Cards Masks of Nyarlathotep2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Fiction The Seven Geases9-33Softback The Tsathoggua CycleCHA60292003 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Seven Grinches GrinchingDec 2001Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)December
Card The Seven Hundred StepsSupport (F)Cards In Memory of DayCT272009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Seven is DarkerWebsite Delta Green Anomalies Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Japan
Scenario Seven Sister HillsPDF Seven Sister HillsJul 2021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Midwest
Scenario Seven Woodcut Blocks2006Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)United Kingdom
Scenario The Seventh Circle3-52Softback The Seventh CirclePELG0142014 Pelgrane PressTrail of Cthulhu, Fear Itself
Card The Seventh GateStory (F)Cards The Shifting SandsCT472011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario The Seventh Gateway of the Mirage16Magazine The Unspeakable Oath12Jun 1995 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Seventh Gateway of the MirageWebsite Unknown Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Seventh House On The LeftLocation (F)Cards UnlimitedCAO1306-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Card The Seventh House On The LeftSupport (F)Cards Kingsport Dreams2006 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card The Seventh House On The LeftSupport (F)Cards Kingsport DreamsCT13e2011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario The Seventh Turn15-36Softback The Legacy of Arrius LurcoMRP00092011 Miskatonic River PressCall of Cthulhu (Invictus)Rome
Scenario Seventh-Innings SlaughterHardback Behind Enemy Lines2022 Modiphius EntertainmentAchtung! CthulhuIllinois; July; 1942
Card The Seventy StepsSupport (F)Cards In Memory of DayCT272009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario The Severn Bank Giant35-44eZine Demonground11Mar 2001 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)England
Background The Severn ValleyMagazine Valkyrie161998 Partizan PressCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Fiction Sex Worker112-113Softback Ancient EnemiesWDF231002010 WildFire GamesCthulhuTech
Card Sgt Logan TerryCharacter (F)Cards For the Greater GoodCT642015 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Rules ShaawanokiOct 2015Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Shades of GolgothaPDF Ruins of Golgotha2006 ADP SystemsCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Dreamlands
Fiction Shades of Gray130-131Softback Vade MecumWDF230012008 WildFire GamesCthulhuTech
Scenario Shades of Tomorrow Lost6-29Softback More Adventures in Arkham CountryMRP00072010 Miskatonic River PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Kingsport; Vulthoom
Card ShadowMonster (F)Cards Rosemary's Baby Self PublishedMythos
Scenario Shadow and Illusion3-14PDF Shadow and IllusionApr 2024 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Chicago; 1920s
Card Shadow CompanyCharacter (F)Cards The Thing from the ShoreCT232009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Shadow EaterCharacter (F)Cards Aspirations of AscensionCT432011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Rules The Shadow Eater4-5PDF Sanctum Secorum36bJun 2018 Sanctum MediaDungeon Crawl Classics
Card A Shadow From the PastAdventure (F)PDF Eric Johnson Mythos Collection Self PublishedMythos
Fiction The Shadow from the Steeple198-216PDF Mysteries of the WormCHA60372009 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Shadow Harvest30-49Softback Tails of ValorGGP19112019 Golden Goblin PressCall of Cthulhu (Cathulhu), Call of Cthulhu (Catthulhu)Egypt; 25th Century BC
Boardgame Shadow HuntersBoardgame Shadow Hunters2017 Devil Pig GamesShadows Over Normandie
Scenario The Shadow in the TreeWebsite Cthulhu Hardboiled Campaign Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Los Angeles; 1928; January
Scenario The Shadow in the TreePDF The Shadow in the Tree2003 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Los Angeles; January; 1928
Scenario Shadow Kingdoms1-23PDF Shadow Kingdoms2006 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Dark Ages)England; February; 2010
Boardgame The Shadow of a Dark GodBoardgame The Shadow of a Dark God2001 Warp Spawn GamesThe Shadow of a Dark God
Rules The Shadow of Krampus1-5PDF The Shadow of Krampus2012 Spectrum GamesMacabre Tales
Scenario The Shadow of Mahogany Row62-70Softback As Above, So BelowCB712092015 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (Laundry)
Boardgame Shadow of MiskatonicBoardgame Shadow of Miskatonic2020 Self PublishedShadow of Miskatonic
Scenario Shadow of the Alamo9-16PDF The Shadow Over the Sierra MadreOct 2024 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Darker Trails)Texas
Scenario Shadow of the Crawling Chaos4-28PDF Shadow of the Crawling ChaosMUH0010337Aug 2024 Modiphius EntertainmentAchtung! CthulhuCaribbean; 1941; Winter
Boardgame Shadow of the Elder GodsBoardgame Shadow of the Elder GodsLGL3002015 Laboratory GamesShadow of the Elder Gods
Rules The Shadow of the Fleshless Ones8-10Magazine Protodimension21Aut 2014 Kinstaff MediaDark Conspiracy, Conspiracy Rules
Scenario Shadow of the Irminsul5-24PDF Shadow of the IrminsulJun 2023 Twin Engine PublishingCthulhu EternalGermany; 1920s
Fiction Shadow of the Past45-74Softback The Strange Cases of Rudolph PearsonCHA60422007 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Fiction Shadow of the Sleeping God85-100Softback The Tsathoggua CycleCHA60292003 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Shadow on the SeaM1-M8Magazine Different Worlds47Aut 1987 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Atlantic Ocean; 1920s; Deep One; Dagon
Scenario Shadow on the SeaPDF Shadow on the SeaNov 2020 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)England; 1920s
Card The Shadow out of TimeStory (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Shadow over CairoEvent (P)Cards Eldritch Edition Promo2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario Shadow Over Cancun281-282Softback CthulhuTechWDF230002007 WildFire GamesCthulhuTechMexico
Scenario The Shadow Over Darkbank65-74Softback Green and Pleasant LandCHA23201987 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)England
Scenario The Shadow Over Holywood160-168Softback Secrets of Los AngelesCHA231112007 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Los Angeles; July; 1928; Deep One
Background The Shadow Over Innsmouth15-23Softback Escape from InnsmouthCHA23381992 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Shadow Over Innsmouth15-20Softback Escape from InnsmouthCHA23711997 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Fiction The Shadow Over Innsmouth34-87Softback The Innsmouth CycleCHA60172006 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Shadow Over InnsmouthSoftback The Shadow Over InnsmouthFeb 2023 Steve Jackson GamesChoose CthulhuInnsmouth
Scenario The Shadow Over Kafiristan43-58Softback Black Bag JobsCB712022011 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (Laundry)Afghanistan; 2000s
Scenario The Shadow Over ProvidenceSoftback The Shadow Over ProvidenceCHA231632019 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Providence; August; 1928
Scenario The Shadow Over ProvidencePDF The Shadow Over ProvidenceCHA23183Sep 2023 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Providence; August; 1928
Scenario The Shadow Over Sidmouth19-22Fanzine Dagon14Sep 1986 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)England; 1920s
Scenario Shadow Over Stockton12-19Magazine Vortext1Spr 1991 Vortex PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Now)Missouri; 1988
Scenario The Shadow Over Washington4-36Softback The Shadow Over WashingtonPELGOC07D2018 Pelgrane PressCthulhu ConfidentialWashington DC; Great Race of Yith
Rules The Shadow PeopleOct 2014Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Shadow ShadesOct 2014Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Shadow SorceressCharacter (F)Cards The Terror of the TidesCT222009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Shadow TeamCharacter (F)Cards Spawn of Madness2006 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Shadow TeamCharacter (F)Cards Spawn of MadnessCT12e2011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Shadow WarConspiracy (F)Cards Touched by the AbyssCT582012 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Shadow-spawned Hunting HorrorCharacter (R)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Shadow-spawned Hunting HorrorCharacter (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Rules ShadowboxOct 2015Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Shadowed ReefSupport (U)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Shadowed ReefSupport (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Shadowed WoodsSupport (U)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Shadowed WoodsSupport (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card ShadowfistAdventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Card ShadowfistAdventure (F)Website Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive Self PublishedMythos
Card Shadows and ReflectionsSupport (U)Cards Forbidden Relics2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Unknown Shadows by the Fireside14-17Magazine Book of Dark Wisdom2Win 2003 Elder Sign PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Shadows FallSupport (C)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Shadows Melt AwaySupport (C)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario The Shadows of Frog's Yoghurt4-8Softback The Black Sun1.7Spr 1985 Games WorkshopCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Fantasy World
Scenario Shadows of Leningrad2-35Softback Age of Cthulhu Vol. III: Shadows of Leningrad70032010 Goodman GamesCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Russia; Winter; 1927
Card Shadows of Nephren-KaStory (F)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Shadows of Nephren-KaStory (F)Cards Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Background Shadows of Polynesia5-8Magazine The Arkham Gazette2Nov 2013 Sentinel Hill PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Shadows of the Old Subway1-23PDF Shadows of the Old SubwayDec 2023 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic), GURPS (Horror)New York; 1918
Scenario Shadows of Tomorrow62-99Softback Interface 19.40MUH050027AC2015 Modiphius EntertainmentInterface Zero, Savage Worlds (Achtung!), Call of Cthulhu (Achtung!)Germany; 1941; 2090; Mi-Go
Scenario Shadows of War Past86-101Softback Halloween Horror Returns!CHA03472007 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Tennessee; Halloween
Scenario Shadows of Yesterday, Part 1eZine Chaosium Digestv27n02Dec 1998 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)France
Scenario Shadows of Yesterday, Part 2eZine Chaosium Digestv27n03Dec 1998 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)France
Scenario Shadows of Yesterday, Part 3eZine Chaosium Digestv27n04Dec 1998 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)France
Scenario Shadows of YithPDF Shadows of YithJun 2024 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Scenario Shadows Over HolywoodB:91-92Boxed Call of CthulhuCHA2009-X1981 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Boardgame Shadows Over NormandieBoardgame Shadows Over Normandie583032015 Devil Pig GamesShadows Over Normandie
Card Shadowy FigureCharacter (F)Cards Words of PowerCT542012 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Background Shadrack and Pettifogg: Solicitors and Estate Agents28-29Magazine The Whisperer1Sum 1999 Severn Valley PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario ShadyvillPDF Shadyvill2006 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Scenario The Shaft3-14PDF The Shaft2007 Self PublishedThe World of Darkness
Card Shag the WorldAdventure (F)eZine Chaosium Digestv22n12Jan 1998 ChaosiumMythos
Card Shag the World!Adventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Card Shag The World!Adventure (F)Website Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive Self PublishedMythos
Boardgame Shaggai Map Boardgame Shaggai Map CW-M112019 Petersen GamesCthulhu Wars
Card Shaggai Mental PossessionSpell (U)Cards New AeonCAO1311-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Background Shake the Disease144-146PDF APOCTHULHUcr61002020 Cthulhu RebornAPOCTHULHU
Card Shakedown!Event (R)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Fiction Shall Humanity Survive?201Softback Ramblings of a Twisted MuseCHA03142005 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Shallow Roadside Grave40Magazine The Unspeakable Oath16/17Mar 2001 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Illinois
Background Shamanism42-52Softback Mythos MagicCHA03412007 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Shambler Between WorldsPDF The Shambler Between WorldsDec 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Arkham; 1920s
Card Shambler from the StarsAdventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Fiction The Shambler from the Stars15-23PDF Mysteries of the WormCHA60372009 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Shambling ZombieCharacter (C)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Shambling ZombieEvent (F)Cards Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Shambling ZombieEvent (F)Cards Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card ShamusCharacter (U)Cards Forgotten Cities2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario Shanghai171-207Softback The Complete Masks of NyarlathotepCHA23611996 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)China; 1925
Scenario Shanghai189-230Softback Masks of NyarlathotepCHA231182010 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)China; 1925
Scenario ShanghaiE:1-31Boxed Masks of NyarlathotepCHA2307-X1984 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)China; 1925
Scenario Shanghai107-137Softback Masks of NyarlathotepCHA33041989 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)China; 1925
Scenario Shanghai Bullets22-41Softback Stunning Eldritch TalesPELGT022008 Pelgrane PressTrail of CthulhuChina; Star Vampire
Scenario Shannon's Photo2006Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Shantak and Y'golonac1-3PDF Shantak and Y'golonac2002 Wizards of the CoastCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Shantak MountCharacter (U)Cards Masks of Nyarlathotep2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card ShantaksMonster (C)Cards DreamlandsCAO1307-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Card ShantaksMonster (C)Cards LimitedCAO1300-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Scenario Shape Shifting Horrors1PDF Shape Shifting HorrorsApr 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Boston
Scenario Shared Brilliance2020Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)San Francisco
Rules Sharer of PainOct 2015Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Shariil SophastAlly (R)Cards New AeonCAO1311-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Rules Sharing Nightmares7-13Softback Doors to DarknessCHA231482015 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card SharpshooterCharacter (C)Cards Forgotten Cities2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Boardgame Shattered AeonsBoardgame Shattered AeonsAHC252018 Fantasy Flight GamesArkham Horror: The Card Game
Scenario Shattered Earth, Poison Sky63-84Softback Shadows Over StillwaterCHA231562019 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Darker Trails)New Mexico; Serpentman
Scenario The Shattered Hole59-61Magazine Protodimension22Win 2015 Kinstaff MediaCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Flying Polyp
Scenario She Just Couldn't Stay Away (No, No)8-19Magazine The Unspeakable Oath20Jun 2011 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Scenario She Walks by NightFanzine Serendipity's Circle13Win 1997 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)London
Scenario Sheela-na-gig126-153Softback The Golden DawnPAG10041996 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)England; 1899; April
Card Sheer Force of WillEvent (U)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Sheer Force of WillEvent (F)Cards Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario Shell-shocked: A WWII Tale of TerroreZine Chaosium Digestv26n12Dec 1998 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (WWII)England; Autumn; 1940
Scenario Shenandoah1-42Softback ShenandoahCHA03772009 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Missouri; 1927
Scenario Shepherd of Moths5-18Hardback From BeyondNov 2023 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)1920s
Rules Shepherd/Shepherdess of the Black GoatOct 2022Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card The ShepherdsCharacter (F)Cards The Sleeper BelowCT632014 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Sheriff BucknerAlly (C)Website Serena's Dojo1999 Self PublishedMythos
Rules Sheriff Ezekiel GravesPDF Villains for Modern Horror - Book 1Sep 2023 RPG GamerCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Rules The Shifting Sands of War30-42Softback Guide to North AfricaMUH01052CS2014 Modiphius EntertainmentSavage Worlds (Achtung!), Call of Cthulhu (Achtung!)
Rules Shifting Spells22-23Magazine The Unspeakable Oath12Jun 1995 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Shimmering SeasPDF Shimmering SeasJun 2019 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Pacific Ocean
Card Shining TrapezohedronArtifact (U)Cards LimitedCAO1300-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Novelty Shining Trapezohedron Marker PackNovelty Shining Trapezohedron Marker PackCW-E152017 Petersen GamesCthulhu Wars
Card Shining Trapezohedron, The Darkest JewelSupport (R)Cards Forbidden Relics2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Ship of CloudsEvent (C)Cards DreamlandsCAO1307-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Scenario Ship Outta Luck2020Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Pacific Ocean; June; 1942; Deep One
Scenario The Ship That Waits120-150Softback Once MenCHA03562008 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Once Men)Lesser Race
Rules Ships and Space Travel10-19PDF The Promethean HighwayFeb 2024 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [2902]
Rules Ships of the Desert54-70Softback Guide to North AfricaMUH01052CS2014 Modiphius EntertainmentCall of Cthulhu (Achtung!), Savage Worlds (Achtung!)
Card ShipwreckEvent (R)Cards DreamlandsCAO1307-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Scenario Shiver2020Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Alaska
Scenario Shock and Awe2017Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Georgia state
Scenario A Shock in the Lightest Night114-123Softback Beyond the Mountains of MadnessCHA23801999 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Antarctica; November; 1933
Card Shocking TransformationEvent (U)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Shocking TransformationEvent (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Rules ShoggitesSep 2020Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card ShoggothMonster (U)Cards LimitedCAO1300-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Background ShoggotheZine Ken Writes About Stuffv1n9Dec 2013 Pelgrane PressTrail of Cthulhu
Card ShoggothMonster (F)Cards Antarctica Self PublishedMythos
Rules Shoggoth Local #1Sep 2020Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Shoggoth LordMonster (R)Cards New AeonCAO1311-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Rules Shoggoth o' WarSep 2020Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Shoggoth SeedsSep 2020Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Shoggoth SlaveCharacter (C)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Shoggoth UnboundCharacter (C)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Shoggoth-TwshaCharacter (C)Cards Masks of Nyarlathotep2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Unknown Shoggoths Don't Kill People, Guns Do28-29Fanzine Dagon11Jan 1986 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Shopping and Equipment75-78Softback World War Cthulhu: LondonCB719412016 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (WWII)
Background Shopping in LondonA:70-80Softback Cthulhu Britannica: London Box SetCB73542014 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card The Shore Road MysteryAdventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Card The Shore Road MysteryAdventure (F)Website Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive Self PublishedMythos
Scenario The Shores of Death77-123Softback Assault on the Mountains of MadnessMUH0500292013 Modiphius EntertainmentCall of Cthulhu (Achtung!), Savage Worlds (Achtung!)Antarctica; 1945
Rules Short Answers to Simple QuestionsWebsite House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Rules A Short Bestiary of Feline Foes33-36Softback Cathulhu60-KAT012014 Sixtystone PressCall of Cthulhu (Catthulhu)
Card Short FuseEvent (R)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Short FuseEvent (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Rules Short Idea for a Dreamlands GameeZine Chaosium Digestv09n08Feb 1995 ChaosiumArkham Horror
Scenario Short StorySoftback Tales of Terror (I)1990 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Short Story16PDF Tales of Terror (III) Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Short Story1990Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background A Short Tour Around Mare Nostrum20-60Softback Cthulhu InvictusCHA231152009 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Shortsighted LibrarianCharacter (F)Cards The Terror of the TidesCT222009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Shoshana HatchCharacter (F)Cards Ebla RestoredCT552012 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card ShotgunArtifact (C)Cards LimitedCAO1300-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card ShotgunSupport (U)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card ShotgunSupport (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Shotgun BlastEvent (C)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Shotgun BlastCharacter (F)Cards Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Shotgun BlastCharacter (F)Cards Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Shotgun BlastCharacter (F)Cards Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Shotgun BlastCharacter (F)Cards Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Shotgun BlastEvent (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Rules Shotguns76-85Softback Investigator Weapons Volume 1: The 1920s and 1930s60-IHB012012 Sixtystone PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Shotguns134-147Softback Investigator Weapons Volume 2: Modern Day60-IHB022015 Sixtystone PressCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Rules ShouyokaiOct 2019Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Show Must Go On3-9PDF The Show Must Go OnSep 2023 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)The Netherlands; 1930s
Card Show of LoyaltyEvent (R)Cards Forgotten Cities2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario Shower Gel2020Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Pennsylvania
Background The Shragged Man11-12Magazine The Black Seal3Nov 2003 Brichester University PressCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Card The Shriek of CitiesSupport (R)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Shrieking ByakheeCharacter (F)Cards Conspiracies of Chaos2006 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Shrieking ByakheeCharacter (F)Cards Conspiracies of ChaosCT14e2011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Fiction The Shrieking ShackPDF Mark of the BeastCHA60622016 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario A Shrieking VioletPDF A Shrieking VioletAug 2021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Chicago; 1920
Card Shrine of the MoiraiBoardgame Arkham Nights 2019 Promo Cards2019 Fantasy Flight GamesArkham Horror: The Card Game
Card Shrine to YigSupport (F)Cards Murmurs of EvilCT352010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Novelty A Shrine Under the SeaPDF Cthulhu Maps - A Shrine Under the Sea0132021 LovemapsCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card ShrivellingSpell (C)Cards LimitedCAO1300-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card Shriven and ResoluteSupport (F)Cards The Breathing JungleCT492011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Shub-NiggurathMonster (U)Cards New AeonCAO1311-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Card Shub-NiggurathCharacter (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Shub-NiggurathCharacter (F)Cards The Thousand YoungCT652015 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Shub-NiggurathCharacter (F)Cards The CacophonyCT392010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Shub-Niggurath Always Rings TwicePDF Shub-Niggurath Always Rings Twice2023 Bolt Thrower PressTunnels and TrollsFantasy World
Boardgame Shub-Niggurath Promo CardBoardgame Shub-Niggurath Promo Card2012 Fantasy Flight GamesElder Sign
Card Shub-Niggurath, She with a Thousand YoungCharacter (R)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Shub-Niggurath, The All-MotherCharacter (R)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Shub-Niggurath, The Black Goat of the WoodsCharacter (R)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Shudde M'ellCharacter (F)Cards The Gleaming SpiralCT442011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Shuggob, Ghoul SageCharacter (F)Cards Sleep of the DeadCT302009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Boardgame Shuggoth Shuffle Promo CardBoardgame Shuggoth Shuffle Promo CardApr 2008 Steve Jackson GamesMunchkin
Card Shugoron, Beloved of the Tcho-TchoCharacter (U)Cards Masks of Nyarlathotep2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card The Shunned HouseLocation (R)Cards LimitedCAO1300-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card The Shunned HouseAdventure (F)PDF Eric Johnson Mythos Collection Self PublishedMythos
Scenario Shurgas Mine1-15PDF Shurgas MineDec 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Colorado; 1924
Card Shuttle IcarusEvent (U)Cards New AeonCAO1311-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Card Sibilant CryEvent (F)Cards Written and BoundCT532012 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Sick Again68-123Softback Control GroupAPU81372019 Arc Dream PublishingDelta GreenArizona; November; 2012
Scenario Sick Building SyndromeSoftback More Tales of Terror PAG21052000 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Siege on Saxemberg19-32Softback Assault on the Mountains of MadnessMUH0500292013 Modiphius EntertainmentSavage Worlds (Achtung!), Call of Cthulhu (Achtung!)Antarctica; 1945
Card Sieur Piriou LouisCharacter (F)Cards The Key and the GateCT602013 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card A Sight for Sore EyesEvent (F)Cards Screams from WithinCT382010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Sight UnseenPDF Sight UnseenSKP08332008 Skirmisher PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Arkham
Background The Sights of the City21-57Softback The Cairo GuidebookCHA23511995 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Sigil of DoomSupport (F)Cards For the Greater GoodCT642015 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Sigil of the OrderSupport (F)Cards The Order of the Silver TwilightCT332010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Sign of BarzaiSpell (C)Cards Legends of the NecronomiconCAO1303-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Rules Sign of DynamiteWebsite House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Card Sign of EibonSpell (C)Cards LimitedCAO1300-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card Sign of KishSpell (U)Cards LimitedCAO1300-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Scenario Sign of the Red Boar Inn7-13Softback Colonial TerrorsCHA04052011 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [1760s]Massachusetts; 1768
Scenario The Signal101-120Softback Black Bag JobsCB712022011 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (Laundry)2000s
Rules The Signal SirensPDF Creatures for Modern Horror - Book 1Sep 2023 RPG GamerCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Scenario The Signal Smugglers2020Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Scenario Signal to Noise3-28PDF Signal to NoiseJun 2023 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Pennsylvania; 1989; October
Card Signing the BookEvent (U)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario Signs Following2022Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Alabama
Scenario Signs of BloodPDF Signs of BloodDec 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [1970s]Ohio; 1975
Boardgame Signs of CarcosaBoardgame Signs of CarcosaEH062016 Fantasy Flight GamesEldritch Horror
Scenario Signs Writ in Scarlet108-137Softback Sacraments of EvilCHA23451993 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)London; 1890s
Boardgame Silas MarshBoardgame Out of the Void Investigator Pack2023 Fantasy Flight GamesArkham Horror: The Card Game
Boardgame Silas Marsh Promo CardsBoardgame The Deep GateNAH132018 Fantasy Flight GamesArkham Horror: The Card Game
Scenario The Silence Mill44-78Softback Out of the WoodsPELGT432017 Pelgrane PressTrail of CthulhuFrance; 1930s
Scenario The Silence of Eastpoint1-5PDF The Silence of Eastpoint2020 Self PublishedDungeons and DragonsFantasy World
Scenario The Silence of Thousands Shall Quell the Refrain20-35Softback Red Eye of AzathothREAz2011 Kobold QuarterlyCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [1287AD]Japan; 1287
Scenario A Silence of Three Parts2018Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Card A Silent Dawn in the DesertAdventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Card A Silent Dawn In The DesertAdventure (F)Website Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive Self PublishedMythos
Background Silent Hill Area and History7-24Softback Silent Hill2009 Tribal Morgue StudiosCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Silent Hill Characters35-56Softback Silent Hill2009 Tribal Morgue StudiosCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Silent MoverCharacter (F)Cards Never NightCT502011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Silent Night3-18Softback Christmas in KingsportCHA03342006 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Arkham; December; 2001; Tcho-Tcho
Scenario Silent Night2021Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Virginia; December
Scenario Silent Night, Gory NightPDF The Grindhouse: Holiday SpecialNov 2021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)New England; 1978; December
Scenario Silent Scream90-104Softback Goatswood and Less Pleasant PlacesCHA23932001 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)England; Y'Golonac
Scenario The Silent Service2014Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Background The Silk Road321-333Softback Secrets of JapanCHA23922005 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background The Silks of Irem31-35Softback The Island of IgnoranceGGP13012013 Golden Goblin PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Silva Nigra27-43Softback Extrico TabulaCHA03542008 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Invictus)Germany; Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath
Card The Silver KeyArtifact (C)Cards DreamlandsCAO1307-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Card The Silver KeySupport (F)Cards Search for the Silver KeyCT292009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card The Silver LanceSupport (F)Cards Perilous TrialsCT412011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Boardgame The Silver TabletBoardgame The Silver TabletMAD032011 Fantasy Flight GamesMansions of Madness
Card Silver Twilight CollectorCharacter (F)Cards The Order of the Silver TwilightCT332010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Silver Twilight EmissaryCharacter (C)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Silver Twilight EnforcerCharacter (F)Cards The Order of the Silver TwilightCT332010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Silver Twilight IndoctrinationEvent (C)Cards Forbidden Relics2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Silver Twilight LodgeLocation (U)Cards Legends of the NecronomiconCAO1303-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card Silver Twilight LodgeSupport (C)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Silver Twilight LodgeSupport (F)Cards The Order of the Silver TwilightCT332010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Silver Twilight TemptressCharacter (F)Cards The Horror Beneath the SurfaceCT202009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Silver Twilight TurncoatCharacter (C)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Silver Twilight TurncoatCharacter (F)Cards Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Unknown Silvio Fragments5-6Magazine Book of Dark Wisdom1Sum 2003 Elder Sign PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Simon OrneAlly (R)Cards Legends of the NecronomiconCAO1303-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card Simple KindnessEvent (U)Cards Masks of Nyarlathotep2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Background Simplon-Orient Express OperationsA:4-14Boxed Horror on the Orient ExpressCHA2331-X1991 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Simplon-Orient Express OperationsA:19-32Boxed Horror on the Orient ExpressCHA231302014 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Simply Red112-121Softback Blood Brothers 2CHA23401992 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Summer; 1980s; Psycopath
Card Simpson's HalloweenAdventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Scenario The Simulacrum UnboundD:127-168Boxed Horror on the Orient ExpressCHA231302014 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Turkey; 2013
Scenario The Simulacrum UnboundB:299-334Hardback Horror on the Orient ExpressCHA23130-SET2020 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Turkey; 2013
Background Sin NombreWebsite House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Scenario The Sinai Palimpsest2022Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Egypt
Scenario Sine Qua NonaFanzine Serendipity's Circle16 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Sinful Inheritance4-13PDF The Sinful InheritanceDec 2021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)London; 1886
Scenario Sinful Season1-19PDF Sinful Season2014 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)New York; September; 2012
Scenario Sing SingPDF Sing Sing2006 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New York State; 1921
Scenario The Singer from Dhol35-62Magazine Worlds of Cthulhu2Feb 2005 Pegasus PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Maine; 1920
Scenario The Singing Flesh-Beasts of St Simon57-66Softback The PastoresCHA03132005 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Dark Ages)France
Card A Single GlimpseEvent (C)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card A Single GlimpseEvent (F)Cards Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card A Single GlimpseEvent (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Single Origin2018Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Card A Single PathEvent (F)Cards The Horror Beneath the SurfaceCT202009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Sinister ClerkCharacter (F)Cards Perilous TrialsCT412011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario The Sinister Secret of Peppermarsh159-166Hardback The Dread HouseHDG80002017 Hammerdog GamesDungeons and Dragons, Call of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [13th to 15th C], Pathfinder1951
Scenario Sinister Seeds153-157Softback Escape from InnsmouthCHA23381992 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Sinister Seeds159-164Softback Escape from InnsmouthCHA23711997 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Sinister Seeds124-126Softback Cthulhu CasebookCHA33051990 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Sink Hole443-458PDF 40 Adventures for Call of Cthulhu2002 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)Florida; 1990s
Scenario Sink Hole1-16PDF Sink Hole1999 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)Florida; 1990s
Scenario SinkHole7-22eZine Opifex Bimonthly23Jan 2000 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)Florida; 1990s
Card Sinkhole!Event (F)Cards That Which ConsumesCT452011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Sinking the LotusEvent (U)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario The Sinne EaterFeb 2009Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Sins of My Youth18-22Softback Fear's Sharp Little Needles30052018 Stygian FoxCall of Cthulhu (Now)Hound of Tindalos
Scenario Sins of the Daughter48-53Softback Dark PassionsWDF232002008 WildFire GamesCthulhuTech
Scenario The Sins of the FatherPDF The Sins of the FatherDec 2021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Canada; 2005
Scenario The Sintered Man Cometh2016Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)China
Card Sir John ScottCharacter (F)Cards For the Greater GoodCT642015 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Sir William Brinton, Fearless ExplorerCharacter (R)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Rules Siren WeedOct 2014Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Siren's Bane60-66PDF Forgotten SymphonyMar 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules The Sirens of DagonOct 2022Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Sirens of HellEvent (F)Cards Whispers in the DarkCT342010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card SiriusEvent (C)Cards New AeonCAO1311-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Card Sister HopeAlly (F)Cards Rosemary's Baby Self PublishedMythos
Fiction Sister of the SandsPDF Cthulhu's Dark CultsCHA60442010 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Sister Rosetta2005Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Sister SophiaCharacter (F)Cards The Order of the Silver TwilightCT332010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Sister VeronicaAlly (F)Cards Rosemary's Baby Self PublishedMythos
Background Sisters of DoomPDF Sisters of DoomOct 2023 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Sisters of Sorrow4-14PDF Sisters Of SorrowPELGT292012 Pelgrane PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Atlantic Ocean
Scenario Sisters of Sorrow95-111Softback Dulce Et Decorun EstPELGT322014 Pelgrane PressTrail of CthulhuAtlantic Ocean
Background Sites of Antiquity29-30Magazine Bayt al Azif1Oct 2018 Bayt al Azif IncCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Sites of Antiquity45-46Magazine Bayt al Azif3Nov 2020 Bayt al Azif IncCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Sites of Antiquity47-48Magazine Bayt al Azif2Sep 2019 Bayt al Azif IncCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Situations Vacant43-46Magazine White Dwarf94Oct 1987 Games WorkshopCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Six Characters in Search of an ArchiveeZine Chaosium Digestv26n12Dec 1998 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Darker Trails)
Scenario Six Cults a-CultingDec 2001Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)December
Scenario Six Foot plot8-11Softback MinionsCHA23651997 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Sixteen TonsFanzine Serendipity's Circle20 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Skeeter ManOct 2021Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Skeletal Jester: Avatar of NyarlathotepOct 2014Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card SkeletonsMonster (C)Cards LimitedCAO1300-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card Skeptical Pathologist/Grinning GhoulInvestigator (C)Cards New AeonCAO1311-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Rules Skill Checks in Pulp CthulhuDec 2023Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Skill PackagesWebsite The Dark Gulf of N'kai Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Rules Skill Tests6-7PDF Achtung! Cthulhu Basic RulesMUH00103422023 Modiphius EntertainmentAchtung! Cthulhu
Card Skillet ShowboatLocation (F)Cards Scooby Doo Set 3 Self PublishedMythos
Rules Skills73-77Softback Cthulhu InvictusCHA231152009 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Skills29-47Softback The LaundryCB712002010 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (Laundry)
Rules Skills54-79Hardback Keeper RulebookCHA231352015 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules SkillsB:12-21Boxed Call of CthulhuCHA2009-X1981 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Skills94-121Hardback Investigator's HandbookCHA231362015 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Skills43-77Hardback Raiders of R'lyeh2017 Cipher BureauRaiders of R'lyeh
Rules Skills72-107PDF Raiders of R'lyeh Gamemaster's Guide and Complete Rules2017 Cipher BureauRaiders of R'lyeh
Rules Skills *15-27PDF Madness and MayhemGSP020042015 Game Soapbox ProductionsMadness and Mayhem
Rules Skills16-37Softback Call of Cthulhu d208864400002002 Wizards of the CoastCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Skills for Dark Ages: Averoigne63-65Magazine Worlds of Cthulhu1Aug 2004 Pegasus PressCall of Cthulhu (Dark Ages)
Rules Skills for the 1920s48-55Softback 1920s Investigator's Companion Vol. IICHA23461994 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Skills Revisited177-203Softback The Keeper's Companion Vol 1CHA23882000 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Skillz80-92Softback CthulhuTechWDF230002007 WildFire GamesCthulhuTech
Card Skin WeedCharacter (U)Cards Masks of Nyarlathotep2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Skinless One, Awful in Mind and FormCharacter (U)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario Skinwalker59-77Softback Dwellers in Shadow0004Jul 1996 Triad EntertainmentsCall of Cthulhu (Now)Arizona
Scenario Skipping Through the Universe28-31Softback R'lyehwatch2023 Third Chair GamesR'lyehwatchCalifornia
Background The Skoptsi88-105Softback Delta Green CountdownPAG10081999 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Card Skull IslandLocation (F)Cards Scooby Doo Set 1 Self PublishedMythos
Novelty SkullpipsNovelty SkullpipsPCG0072017 Pleasant Company GamesAncient Terrible Things
Novelty Skulls and Vortex Sanity TracksPDF Eric Johnson Mythos Collection Self PublishedMythos
Novelty Skulls Sanity TrackPDF Eric Johnson Mythos Collection Self PublishedMythos
Card Sky GalleonEvent (C)Cards DreamlandsCAO1307-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Fiction The Sky is Darkened as I Descent the StairsSoftback Denied to the Enemy2010 Armitage HouseCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Background The Sky is Falling29-32Softback Nocturnum: Hollow WindsCC021998 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Background The Sky is Falling *113-116Softback Nocturnum: d20CC052002 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Card Sky Torn AsunderEvent (R)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario The Slab2019Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Ohio
Card Slander and LibelSupport (U)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Slave to the Undivided MindEvent (F)Cards The Gleaming SpiralCT442011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Slavering GugCharacter (R)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Slavering GugCharacter (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Slaves and the Lost146-157Softback Vade MecumWDF230012008 WildFire GamesCthulhuTech
Scenario Slaves of the Mother47-61Softback Slaves of the MotherPELGT312014 Pelgrane PressTrail of CthulhuEngland; Summer; 1939
Scenario Slaves of the Mother160-173Softback Cthulhu ApocalypsePELGT402015 Pelgrane PressTrail of CthulhuEngland; Summer; 1939
Scenario Slaves of Tsathoggua1-15PDF Slaves of TsathogguaSoT2016 Kort'thalis PublishingCrimson Dragon SlayerFantasy World
Scenario Slaves of TsathogguaSoftback Trilogy of Awesome + 1ToA+12016 Kort'thalis PublishingCrimson Dragon Slayer
Card SledgehammerSupport (F)Cards Screams from WithinCT382010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario The Sleep ExperimentPDF The Sleep Experiment2022 Gallant Knight GamesTiny Cthulhu
Scenario The Sleep of Death, What Dreams May ComeMagazine Valkyrie131996 Partizan PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)United Kingdom; 1920s
Card Sleep of ReasonSupport (U)Cards Masks of Nyarlathotep2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Sleep of ReasonSupport (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card The Sleep of the DeadEvent (F)Cards Sleep of the DeadCT302009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Unknown Sleep Perchance to Dream?Fanzine Dagon13Jun 1986 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Sleep TherapistCharacter (F)Cards Sleep of the DeadCT302009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Boardgame The SleeperBoardgame The SleeperCW-F22015 Petersen GamesCthulhu Wars
Scenario Sleeper Agents5-34Softback World War Cthulhu: Europe AblazeCB719402014 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (WWII)France; 1941; Summer
Card The Sleeper Awakens!Event (F)Cards Spawn of Madness2006 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card The Sleeper Awakens!Event (F)Cards Spawn of MadnessCT12e2011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Sleepin' wit' da FishesEvent (F)Cards That Which ConsumesCT452011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Sleeping PillsSupport (F)Cards The Spawn of the SleeperCT192009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Sleepless NightsEvent (F)Cards The Spawn of the SleeperCT192009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card The SleepwalkerCharacter (F)Cards The Antediluvian DreamsCT212009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario SleepwritingSoftback More Tales of Terror PAG21052000 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sleeve GunJun 2022Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Sleigh Ride105-126Softback Fearful PassagesCHA23351992 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Russia; Winter; 1926
Card Sleight of HandEvent (R)Cards Masks of Nyarlathotep2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario Sleight Return32-33Magazine The Unspeakable Oath18Dec 2010 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Scenario Sleipnir43-50Softback The PastoresCHA03132005 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Dark Ages)France
Scenario Sleipnir *39-46PDF The PastoresJul 2023 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Dark Ages)France
Background The Sleipnir Club49-57Softback A Peculiar PentadOWC40062009 Super GeniusCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card SlendermanCharacter (F)Cards The Key and the GateCT602013 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Slime Covered DholeCharacter (F)Cards Initiations of the FavoredCT422011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Slime MoldCharacter (F)Cards In Memory of DayCT272009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario A Slip in Time?Softback More Tales of Terror PAG21052000 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules A Slither in the Dark96, 99, 100Magazine Dragon222Oct 1995 TSRCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Slither RatsOct 2019Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Slithering Formless SpawnCharacter (U)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario A Sliver of StarlightPDF A Sliver of StarlightAug 2021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)New York State; 1983
Scenario Slow Boat65-78Softback Fearful PassagesCHA23351992 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)England; 1920s
Scenario Slow Boat to China205-234Softback Pulp CthulhuCHA231072016 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Pacific Ocean; 1931; Zombie; Hunting Horror
Rules Slug HorrorsFeb 2022Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Slugs and Snails54-67Magazine The Black Seal4Aut 2023 Sixtystone PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)England
Card SlummingEvent (C)Cards Masks of Nyarlathotep2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario Slump-FastSep 2008Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Small GhoulsCharacter (C)Cards Masks of Nyarlathotep2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Small GhoulsCharacter (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario A Small Price1-63PDF Terrible New Worldscr61042021 Cthulhu RebornAPOCTHULHU
Card Small Price to PayEvent (C)Cards Forgotten Cities2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Small Price to PayEvent (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Small Things ForgottenSoftback Tales of Terror (II)PAG21021996 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Small Time MagicianCharacter (F)Cards The Twilight BeckonsCT402011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario A Small Tremor in the Mountains3-16PDF A Small Tremor in the MountainsJul 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Iceland; 2020s
Rules Smartphone +2 of Shiny30-41Softback License to SummonCB712052012 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (Laundry)
Scenario Smatter Haulers & Stick SwingersPDF Smatter Haulers & Stick SwingersMay 2021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)London; 1890
Scenario The Smedley House53-54Magazine The Unspeakable Oath22Jan 2013 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Novelty Smell Like a MonsterNovelty Smell Like a Monster2022 Petersen GamesCthulhu Wars
Scenario Smiling Jack and Mr SmithSoftback More Tales of Terror PAG21052000 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Smiling Jack and Mr Smith2000Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Smith and Wesson Model 500 Magnum35Magazine Protodimension2Aut 2009 Kinstaff MediaCall of Cthulhu (Now), Dark Conspiracy
Card Smithsonian InstitutionLocation (C)Cards New AeonCAO1311-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Rules The SmoglingsPDF Creatures for Modern Horror - Book 2Sep 2023 RPG GamerCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Scenario Smoke GreenPDF Smoke Greencr62022019 Cthulhu RebornCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Arkham; October; 1928
Scenario Smoke GreenPDF Smoke Greencr52042022 Cthulhu RebornCthulhu EternalArkham; October; 1928
Scenario Smoke on the HuangpuPDF Smoke on the HuangpuSep 2024 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)China; 1931
Card Smoke SerpentCharacter (F)Cards The Thousand YoungCT652015 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario The Smokestack Horror74-88Softback Halloween Horror 2CHA03332006 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Boston
Novelty A Smuggler's CavePDF Cthulhu Maps - A Smuggler's Cave0852023 LovemapsCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Smuggler's CoveSoftback Tales of Terror (I)1990 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Germany
Scenario Smuggler's Cove25-26PDF Tales of Terror (III) Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Germany
Scenario Smuggler's Cove1990Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Germany
Scenario Smuggler's Run28-38Magazine Adventures Unlimited2Sum 1995 Bootstrap PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)1930s
Card SmugglersCharacter (F)Cards The Wailer BelowCT372010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Smugglers Cove41-44Softback Colonial TerrorsCHA04052011 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [1760s]Massachusetts; 1768
Card Smugglers TunnelsLocation (C)Cards New AeonCAO1311-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Scenario The Smugglers' Tunnels121-130Softback Escape from InnsmouthCHA23381992 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Innsmouth; February; 1928; Deep One
Scenario The Smugglers' Tunnels122-131Softback Escape from InnsmouthCHA23711997 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Innsmouth; February; 1928; Deep One
Scenario Smuggling56Magazine The Unspeakable Oath24Jul 2014 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Rules The Smurl PoltergeistOct 2005Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Snails2006Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Snake in BloodeZine Chaosium Digestv26n06Aug 1998 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Arkham; 1920s; Nyarlathotep
Scenario Snake Island206-221Softback The Two-Headed SerpentCHA231252017 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Brazil; 1930s; Serpentman
Fiction Snake Oil205-220PDF Frontier CthulhuCHA60412007 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Darker Trails)
Scenario Snake Oil2021Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Canada
Scenario Snake Oil Salesman4-21PDF Snake Oil SalesmanSep 2024 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Florida; 1929; November
Card Snake TotemSupport (R)Cards Forgotten Cities2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario The Snake's OilPDF The Snake's OilApr 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)South Dakota; 1893
Card The Snake-DenLocation (C)Cards DreamlandsCAO1307-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Unknown Snakes103-107Magazine Ye Booke of Tentacles11998 The Chaos SocietyCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Snakes Alive II: The Statistics52Magazine Games Master International14Sep 1991 NewsfieldCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Snakes Alive!52-54Magazine Games Master International12Jul 1991 NewsfieldCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Snakes on a Plane2016Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)In the Air; Serpentman
Card Sneak ThiefCharacter (R)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Sniper RifleSupport (U)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Snoqualmie FallsLocation (F)Cards Seattle Self PublishedMythos
Fiction The Snout in the Alcove224-232Softback The Nyarlathotep CycleCHA60191997 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Snow GravesSupport (F)Cards The Mountains of MadnessCT162008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Fiction The Snow-Thing68-79Softback The Ithaqua CycleCHA60211998 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Snowflake Valley15-48Softback Nocturnum: Long ShadesCC011997 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Scenario Snowflake Valley *35-63Softback Nocturnum: d20CC052002 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Scenario Snowmageddon!Jan 2019Website Reckoning of the Dead Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Maine
Card SnowmobileSupport (F)Cards For the Greater GoodCT642015 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Snows of an Early Winter2-96PDF Snows of an Early WinterOWC40072009 Super GeniusCall of Cthulhu (Now)New York; Halloween
Card Snub-Nosed .38Artifact (C)Website Serena's Dojo1999 Self PublishedMythos
Scenario Snuff2006Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules So Doctor, You Can Cure My IatrophobiaWebsite House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Scenario Soaring Elephant50-79PDF Whispers of the Dead3May 2022 Staggered Amusement MachineDelta Green
Scenario Sober Cannibals, Drunk Christians116-124PDF D-Day: The Darkest DayMUH0010317May 2024 Modiphius EntertainmentAchtung! CthulhuFrance; 1944
Scenario Social Insecurity Administration2018Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Missouri; Lloigor
Background Social Life15Softback Green and Pleasant LandCHA23201987 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Social Life52-63Softback Miskatonic UniversityCHA23521995 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Societe Royale De Geographie D'EgypteLocation (C)Cards Legends of the NecronomiconCAO1303-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Background Societies87-96Softback Secrets of San FranciscoCHA231082006 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Societies65-76Softback De ProfundisCB714012010 Cubicle 7De Profundis
Background Societies, Cults, and Mysteries102-111Softback Secrets of MoroccoCHA231052008 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background The Society Della Santa FeeZine Chaosium Digestv12n11Jan 1996 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background The Society of Horrors24-44PDF Orbis Aerden: Reign of the Accursed2019 Dead Eyed Shade GamesOrbis Aerden
Background Society of MadnessWebsite House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Card Society Page EditorCharacter (R)Cards Forbidden Relics2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Background The Sodality of St Benedict106-115Softback Cultists Under the BedCB712062013 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (Laundry)
Background SOE and Network N Training Establishments99-118Softback World War Cthulhu: The SOE HandbookCB719422015 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (WWII)
Background Sogailraugh1-4PDF Sogailraugh2006 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Dark Ages)
Scenario Sol NoctisPDF Sol NoctisApr 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New Hampshire; 1938
Card Solar EclipseEvent (F)Cards Terror in VeniceCT612013 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Soldiers of Pen and Ink6-62Softback Soldiers of Pen and InkPELGT362014 Pelgrane PressTrail of CthulhuSpain; November; 1936
Rules The Solo Investigators HandbookPDF The Solo Investigators HandbookFeb 2019 5E Solo GamebooksCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Solomon Bites the WormeZine Chaosium Digestv32n04Jul 2000 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)England; Summer
Scenario Solomon Bites the WormWebsite RPG Archive Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)England; Summer
Rules Some Notes on the Biology of the ShoggothsSep 2020Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Some Notes on the Eltdown Shards3-4Fanzine Dagon11Jan 1986 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Some Wounds Never HealMagazine Valkyrie121996 Partizan PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)United Kingdom; 1920s
Scenario Somebody Think of the Children3-26PDF Somebody Think of the ChildrenOct 2024 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)United States; 1990s
Card Someone at the WindowEvent (F)Cards Scooby Doo Set 2Mar 1999 Self PublishedMythos
Boardgame Something About CatsBoardgame Something About Cats2020 Petersen GamesCthulhu Wars
Scenario Something Else About Cats11-13Magazine The Whisperer4Spr 2001 Severn Valley PressCall of Cthulhu (Dreamlands)Dreamlands
Scenario Something Fishy at Fort Delaware: The Adventure of the Pea Patch Puzzle28-30Fanzine The Transactions of the Royal Martian Geographical Society41992 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)Delaware; 1888
Scenario Something for Christmas2006Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)New York; December
Scenario Something From Down There209-222Softback Down Darker TrailsCHA231512017 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Darker Trails)Texas; Formless Spawn of Tsathoggua
Scenario Something in Stone35Magazine The Unspeakable Oath5May 1992 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)Wales
Fiction Something in the Moonlight165-178Softback The Xothic Legend CycleCHA60131997 ChaosiumNone
Rules Something is Rotten in the Root CellarMagazine The Blasphemous Tome3Dec 2017 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Fiction Something to Hold the Door Closed77-88PDF Frontier CthulhuCHA60412007 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Darker Trails)
Track Something's Hiding in the Fourgon2:36Recording Horror on the Orient Express MusicAOCD70042005 A O MusicCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Somnambulant DreamerCharacter (F)Cards That Which ConsumesCT452011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Son of the SleeperCharacter (C)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario Son of This2013Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Egypt; March; 1919
Card Son of YebCharacter (C)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Son of YebCharacter (F)Cards Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Son of YebCharacter (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Son of Yog-SothothMonster (U)Cards Expeditions of Miskatonic UniversityCAO1301-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Fiction Sonar City83-98PDF Eldritch ChromeCHA60522013 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Cyberpunk)
Scenario Sonata For Snow2018Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Colorado
Scenario Song and Dance109-130Softback Tales of the Crescent CityGGP14012014 Golden Goblin PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New Orleans
Scenario A Song for the Devil1eZine A Letter From Yuggoth1Mar 2016 Yaqqothl PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Boston; 1920s
Card Song of CharybdisEvent (F)Cards Shadow of the MonolithCT522012 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Background Song of Harlem11-18Hardback Harlem Unbound12017 Darker Hue StudiosCall of Cthulhu (Classic), Cthulhu Confidential
Card Song of HasturSpell (R)Cards Cthulhu RisingCAO1302-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card Song of HasturEvent (C)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Song of SufferingSupport (F)Cards Words of PowerCT542012 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Song of the Spheres40-52Softback In the ShadowsCHA23571995 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Connecticut
Card Song of the SpheresSupport (F)Cards The Key and the GateCT602013 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Song of the Star WalkersPDF Song of the Star Walkers2012 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Massachusetts
Card Song of the Stellar LarvaeSpell (U)Cards New AeonCAO1311-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Scenario The Songs of Fantari43-60Softback Fatal ExperimentsCHA23281990 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Italy; Deep One
Card Sonje OlsenCharacter (F)Cards Written and BoundCT532012 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Sons of CarcosaCharacter (F)Cards The Sleeper BelowCT632014 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Sons of HermesCharacter (F)Cards Into TartarusCT512011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card SoothsayerCharacter (U)Cards Masks of Nyarlathotep2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card SoothsayerCharacter (F)Cards Secrets of ArkhamCT322010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Rules Soratorius Albion: New Spells92-94Softback Kingdom of the BlindCHA03592008 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card The Sorcerer's ApprenticeAdventure (R)Cards DreamlandsCAO1307-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Background The Sorcerer's Apprentice DeckeZine Chaosium Digestv21n07Sep 1997 ChaosiumMythos
Background The Sorcerer's Apprentice, The Expedition VersionWebsite A Web Page from a Friend Self PublishedMythos
Background The Sorcerer's Apprentice, The Strange Case of Charles Fort Version Website A Web Page from a Friend Self PublishedMythos
Fiction The Sorcerer's Jewel154-168PDF Mysteries of the WormCHA60372009 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background The Sorcerors Apprentice DeckWebsite Robo's Mythos CCG Web Page Self PublishedMythos
Scenario The Sores78-84Softback Fear's Sharp Little Needles30052018 Stygian FoxCall of Cthulhu (Now)Wales
Background Sororum ex Noëma (Sisters of Na?amah)Oct 2015Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Invictus)
Scenario Sorrow in TsavoPDF Sorrow in TsavoOct 2020 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)Kenya; 1898
Fiction The Sorrow of Search3-8Softback The Nyarlathotep CycleCHA60191997 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Sorrow's Glen57-75Softback Lurking Fears0001Jan 1990 Triad EntertainmentsCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New England; Lloigor; Ghatanothoa; Ghast
Rules A Sort of Homecoming66-89Softback Burning HorizonWDF233012011 WildFire GamesCthulhuTech
Scenario The Sosnovka RaidPDF The Sosnovka RaidApr 2021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (WWII)Russia; 1942; December
Fiction The Soul of the Devil-bought219Softback The Xothic Legend CycleCHA60131997 ChaosiumNone
Card Soul SingingSpell (C)Cards Cthulhu RisingCAO1302-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Rules Soul TakerOct 2024Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Soulful Jazz Singer/Gifted MusicianInvestigator (F)Cards UnlimitedCAO1306-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Scenario The Souls of BriarcroftPDF The Souls of BriarcroftOct 2021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)England; Halloween; 1891
Background Souls of Harlem233-257Hardback Harlem Unbound12017 Darker Hue StudiosCall of Cthulhu (Classic), Cthulhu Confidential
Scenario The Sound of Sirens2022Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Scenario Sound of the SeaPDF Sound of the SeaDec 2021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)North Sea; 1927; March
Card Sound of the WhippoorwillsEvent (C)Cards Forgotten Cities2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Fiction The SourcePDF Steampunk CthulhuCHA60542014 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Steampunk)
Scenario The Source and the End151-167Softback The Stars Are Right!CHA231002004 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Colorado; Autumn
Background Source Book243-245Hardback Raiders of R'lyeh2017 Cipher BureauRaiders of R'lyeh
Background Sourcebook1-61Softback The Mysteries of MesoamericaPAG10122009 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Sourcebook Additions130-137Hardback Call of CthulhuCHA2317-H1986 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card South Woods Memorial CemeteryLocation (C)Cards LimitedCAO1300-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card Southern Base CampLocation (F)Cards Antarctica Self PublishedMythos
Card Southern ComfortAdventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Card Southern ComfortAdventure (F)Website Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive Self PublishedMythos
Scenario Southern DiscomfortMar 2008Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)Mississippi; Summer; 1897
Scenario Southern DiscomfortPDF Southern DiscomfortEDN72012006 Eden StudiosEldritch SkiesSouth Carolina
Card Southside SpeakeasySupport (F)Cards Initiations of the FavoredCT422011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario A Souvenir of Mars48-49Magazine Challenge43Apr 1990 Games Designers WorkshopCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight), Space 1889Mars
Rules The Soviet War Machine27-34Softback Guide to the Eastern FrontMUH01053CS2014 Modiphius EntertainmentSavage Worlds (Achtung!), Call of Cthulhu (Achtung!)
Background The Sowers118-143Hardback The LabyrinthAPU81212019 Arc Dream PublishingDelta Green
Scenario The Space Between178-216Softback Nameless HorrorsCHA231332015 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Los Angeles
Scenario The Space Between171-203PDF Nameless HorrorsCHA231802023 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Los Angeles
Scenario Space Between Time73-100Softback A Time for SacrificeNCG-TFS-HC-012020 New Comet GamesCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Cuba; Mexico; 1930
Card Space MeadArtifact (U)Cards Cthulhu RisingCAO1302-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card Space Needle (Business)Location (F)Cards Seattle Self PublishedMythos
Card Space Needle (Government)Location (F)Cards Seattle Self PublishedMythos
Card Space SuitArtifact (R)Cards New AeonCAO1311-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Rules The Space-Eaters76-79Magazine Challenge46Oct 1990 Games Designers WorkshopCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Space-EatersCharacter (U)Cards Forgotten Cities2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Background Spacecraft Floorplans65Magazine Protodimension1Sum 2009 Kinstaff MediaCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Scenario SpacemanSoftback Tales of Terror (II)PAG21021996 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Spaces Between2017Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Rules Spaceships102-125Softback Chthonian StarsWDF250202011 WildFire GamesTraveller (Chthonian Stars)
Boardgame Spankham AsylumBoardgame Spankham Asylumcth0042012 Postmortem StudiosCall of Cthentacle
Scenario Spare Some Change?Softback Tales of Terror (II)PAG21021996 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Spare Some Change?1996Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Spare the Rod82-99Softback More Adventures in Arkham CountryMRP00072010 Miskatonic River PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Arkham
Scenario Spark of LifePDF Spark of LifeJun 2019 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Arkham; 1926; September
Scenario The Spawn8-39Softback The Great Old OnesCHA23211989 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New Mexico; 1920; Yig
Card Spawn from K'n-YanCharacter (R)Cards Forbidden Relics2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario The Spawn of AzathothB:53-61Boxed Spawn of AzathothCHA2316-X1986 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Tibet; 1927; Azathoth
Card Spawn of CthulhuCharacter (R)Cards Forbidden Relics2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Rules The Spawn of HaliOct 2019Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Spawn of HasturCharacter (R)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card The Spawn of MadnessEvent (F)Cards The Thing from the ShoreCT232009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Spawn of SebekCharacter (U)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario Spawn of the Black GoatWebsite Mists of the Aeons Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Minnesota
Scenario Spawn of the Deep103-111Softback Blood BrothersCHA23291990 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)1980s; Non-Mythos
Fiction Spawn of the North145-160Softback The Ithaqua CycleCHA60211998 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Spawn of the SleeperEvent (F)Cards The Spawn of the SleeperCT192009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Background The Spawn of Tleche-Naka19-23Magazine The Unspeakable Oath25Jul 2018 Pagan PublishingDelta Green
Boardgame The Spawn of Yog-SothothBoardgame The Spawn of Yog-Sothoth1988 UnknownThe Spawn of Yog-Sothoth
Scenario Spawn Toss2013Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Florida; September; Formless Spawn of Tsathoggua
Card Speak to the DeadEvent (F)Cards Whispers in the DarkCT342010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Speaker for the Black PharaohCharacter (U)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card The Speaking CellsSupport (R)Cards Forgotten Cities2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Rules Speaking with the Spirits36-40Magazine Dragon139Nov 1988 TSRCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background The Spear of DestinyeZine Ken Writes About Stuffv3n2Apr 2015 Pelgrane PressTrail of Cthulhu
Background The Spear of Destiny (Document #8353)1999Website Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Scenario The Spear of Y'Golonac1-35PDF The Spear of Y'Golonac2009 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)England; June; 2004
Rules The Spear of Y'golonac39-61Magazine Protodimension3Win 2009 Kinstaff MediaCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Scenario Special Agent *2010Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Card Special Agent CallahanCharacter (F)Cards Denizens of the UnderworldCT622014 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Special Agent ClarkstonCharacter (F)Cards Aspirations of AscensionCT432011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Background Special Agent Ivana LakeWebsite Mists of the Aeons Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Fiction Special Delivery12-13Softback Unveiled ThreatsWDF236002011 WildFire GamesCthulhuTech
Scenario Special Delivery2014Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Scenario Special Delivery 20212021Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Boston
Background Special Forces Organisation29-36Softback As Above, So BelowCB712092015 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (Laundry)
Scenario The Special Menu134-139Softback Fear's Sharp Little Needles30052018 Stygian FoxCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Background Special Occasions60Softback The London GuidebookCHA23471996 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Special Operations TeamCharacter (C)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Special OperativeCharacter (R)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Fiction Special Reports84-85Softback Ancient EnemiesWDF231002010 WildFire GamesCthulhuTech
Rules Special Shotguns1-10PDF Special Shotguns2012 Drakat GamesCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Specimen29Magazine The Unspeakable Oath10Jan 1994 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The SpecimenWebsite Unknown Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Specimen BagsSupport (F)Cards The Mountains of MadnessCT162008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Specimen RoomSupport (F)Cards Murmurs of EvilCT352010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Spectral HunterCharacter (U)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Spectral PresenceSpell (R)Website Serena's Dojo1999 Self PublishedMythos
Scenario Spectral Tides1-14PDF Spectral TidesNov 2023 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now), GURPS (Horror), Dark Places and DemogorgonsWashington; 1980s
Background A Spectre is Haunting EuropeWebsite House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Scenario Spectre of the Witch112Softback Avalon - The County of SomersetCB73522010 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (Classic)England
Card Speech MachineArtifact (F)Cards UnlimitedCAO1306-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Rules Spell Categories22-25Softback The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos MagicCHA231412017 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Spell-bound ShoggothCharacter (U)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Spell-bound ShoggothCharacter (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Rules Spells55-64Softback First Book of ThingsCHA03072004 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Spells20-32Softback Spirits & Dreams of the Viking AgeCHA03902010 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Dark Ages)
Rules Spells and Tomes111-118PDF The Serpent and the SandsMUH00103302023 Modiphius EntertainmentAchtung! Cthulhu
Rules Spells and Tomes54-59PDF Vive La ResistanceMUH0010329Jul 2023 Modiphius EntertainmentAchtung! Cthulhu
Rules Spells for Starting CharacterseZine Chaosium Digestv01n06Feb 1993 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules The Spells of KarakaleZine Chaosium Digestv19n12Jun 1997 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Dreamlands)
Rules Spells of N'tse-KaambleZine Chaosium Digestv17n02Nov 1996 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Spells, Feats, and Skills225-231Softback H.P. Lovecraft's ArkhamCHA88032003 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario SphereeZine Chaosium Digestv22n11Dec 1997 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New Orleans; March; 1974
Scenario Sphere of Influence59-74Softback Mysteries of SudanCHA03622009 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)Sudan; 1898; July; Dimensional Shambler
Card Sphere of NathArtifact (R)Cards LimitedCAO1300-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card The SphinxLocation (C)Cards Legends of the NecronomiconCAO1303-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Scenario The Sphinx Tomb90-101Softback Five Go Mad in EgyptCHA03812009 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Egypt; October; 1925
Scenario The Spider Man8-9PDF Tales of Terror (III) Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Spider Man1990Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Spider ManWebsite RPG Archive Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Spider-Man6Magazine The Unspeakable Oath3Aug 1991 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Spilsbury #948545-49Softback Fear's Sharp Little Needles30052018 Stygian FoxCall of Cthulhu (Now)London
Fiction Spin Control80-83Softback Chthonian StarsWDF250202011 WildFire GamesTraveller (Chthonian Stars)
Card Spinning the StoryEvent (U)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario The Spiral196-217Hardback God's TeethAPU81232023 Arc Dream PublishingDelta Green2016
Scenario The Spiralling27-43Magazine The Black Seal3Nov 2003 Brichester University PressCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Democratic Republic of the Congo
Card Spirit DaggerSupport (F)Cards Perilous TrialsCT412011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Spirit of a Thief16-28eZine Opifex Bimonthly21996 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Maine; 1990s
Scenario Spirit of a Thief537-553PDF 40 Adventures for Call of Cthulhu2002 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Maine; 1990s
Scenario Spirit of a Thief1-17PDF Spirit of a Thief1996 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)Maine; 1990s
Scenario Spirit of Industry47-61Softback New Tales of the Miskatonic ValleyMRP00032008 Miskatonic River PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Dunwich
Scenario Spirit of IndustrySoftback New Tales of the Miskatonic Valley30092020 Stygian FoxCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Dunwich
Scenario The Spirit of LibertyPDF The Spirit of LibertyApr 2021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)London; 1891
Card The Spirit of ManiaCharacter (F)Cards Into TartarusCT512011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Spirit of the Mountain43-47, 50-54Magazine White Dwarf99Mar 1988 Games WorkshopCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Mountain; 1920s
Scenario Spirit of the MountaineZine Fenix2016.62016 AskfageinCall of Cthulhu (Darker Trails)Mountain; 1920s
Rules The Spirits of LondonPDF The Spirits of LondonSFX-30142017 Stygian FoxCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)
Scenario Spirits Over ArkhamSoftback Spirits Over Arkham1987 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Arkham; 1920; September
Background Spirits, Shamans and Magic9-13Softback Spirits & Dreams of the Viking AgeCHA03902010 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Dark Ages)
Card Spiritual GuidanceEvent (F)Cards Screams from WithinCT382010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Rules The Spiritual World57-64Softback The 7th Edition Guide to Cthulhu InvictusGGP18012018 Golden Goblin PressCall of Cthulhu (Invictus)
Background Spiritualism and Mediumship41-47Softback Parapsycologist's HandbookCHA00852003 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight), Call of Cthulhu (Now), Call of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Splatter Punks70-83Softback Horror Stories From the Red RoomCHA04132013 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Ohio; August; 1986
Card Splendid CathuriaLocation (U)Cards DreamlandsCAO1307-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Scenario SplitPDF SplitAug 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Vermont; 2005
Fiction Spliting Hairs28-29Softback Dark PassionsWDF232002008 WildFire GamesCthulhuTech
Scenario Spoiled MilkPDF Spoiled Milkcr62032019 Cthulhu RebornCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Arkham; 1928; October
Scenario Spoiled MilkPDF Spoiled Milkcr5205Aug 2022 Cthulhu RebornCthulhu EternalArkham; October; 1928
Card Spooky Space KookMonster (F)Cards Scooby Doo Set 1 Self PublishedMythos
Rules Spore BearersOct 2019Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Sport70Softback The London GuidebookCHA23471996 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Sporting Goods27-29Softback The Gaslight Equipment CatalogueCHA03192005 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)
Background Sports23-26Softback Mysteries of IrelandCHA04082012 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Sports ScholarshipSupport (F)Cards Seekers of KnowledgeCT592012 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Rules SpoutersSep 2020Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Spreading the DiseaseSupport (R)Cards Masks of Nyarlathotep2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Background The Spring of Aceso1-2PDF The Spring of Aceso2019 Golden Goblin PressCall of Cthulhu (Invictus)
Rules Spring-Heeled Jack3-8PDF Spring-Heeled JackWitDBS22020 Saturday Morning ScenariosWhispers in the Dark
Scenario Springer Mound and the Canal56-67Softback Tatters of the KingCHA231042006 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)England; November; 1928
Card Springfield M1903Support (F)Cards The CacophonyCT392010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Background Springfield, IL11PDF Hometown Horrors Volume TwoOct 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Rules The Squad Leader1-2PDF The Squad Leader2011 Self PublishedCthulhuTech
Card The Squalid HamletStory (F)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card The Squalid HamletStory (F)Cards Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Squire Sawyer WhateleyAlly (F)Cards UnlimitedCAO1306-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Background SS Gabrielle68-74Softback Beyond the Mountains of MadnessCHA23801999 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card St AmabilisSupport (F)Cards The Unspeakable PagesCT572012 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario St AugustineB:14-27Boxed Spawn of AzathothCHA2316-X1986 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Florida; May; 1927
Scenario St Augustine, Florida69-93Softback Spawn of AzathothCHA231012005 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Florida; May; 1927
Card St Basil's CathedralLocation (F)Cards Antarctica Self PublishedMythos
Scenario St Cecilia's Blasphemous Bordello1-18PDF St Cecilia's Blasphemous BordelloDec 2021 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Darker Trails), GURPSNew Mexico
Scenario St Christopher's2019Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Card St ClaireCharacter (F)Cards The Sleeper BelowCT632014 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario St Dymphna's Orphanage: Azathoth's ChildrenPDF St Dymphna's Orphanage: Azathoth's ChildrenAug 2021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Chicago; 1920s
Card St Hubert's KeySupport (F)Cards For the Greater GoodCT642015 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario St Michael's Gate29Magazine The Unspeakable Oath22Jan 2013 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Dark Ages)London
Novelty St Midabaria Clinic1-2PDF St Midabaria ClinicJan 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario St Mormo's Home for Wayward GirlsPDF St Mormo's Home for Wayward GirlsJul 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New York State; 1920s
Scenario St Raphael'sPDF St Raphael's2002 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario St Swithun's Hole94-106Softback Avalon - The County of SomersetCB73522010 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (Classic)England; 1920s; Ghoul
Card St Toad's ChurchSupport (R)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario St Vitus's DanceeZine Codex41May 2020 The GauntletCthulhu DarkSummer; 1989
Card St. Erasmus' Home for MarinersSupport (F)Cards Kingsport Dreams2006 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card St. Erasmus' Home for MarinersSupport (F)Cards Kingsport DreamsCT13e2011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card St. John's ChurchyardLocation (R)Cards LimitedCAO1300-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Rules Stability and Sanity34-40PDF The Apocalypse MachinePELGT242011 Pelgrane PressTrail of Cthulhu
Rules Stability and Sanity35-40Softback Cthulhu ApocalypsePELGT402015 Pelgrane PressTrail of Cthulhu
Card Staff of Mano Tiki TiaArtifact (F)Cards Scooby Doo Set 3 Self PublishedMythos
Scenario Stage Fright at the Playhouse1-20PDF Stage Fright at the PlayhouseOct 2024 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Arkham; Autumn; 1923
Rules Stage Managing Live Action Play1999Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Stagecraft173-205Softback Cthulhu LiveSKP06022006 Skirmisher PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Stagecraft95-118Softback Cthulhu Live: Delta Green00072001 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Card Staid University Professor/Earnest ReporterInvestigator (F)Cards LimitedCAO1300-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Rules Stained Glass PropsWebsite Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Stained Glasses2001Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Fiction Stained Windows252-276Softback Madness on the Orient ExpressCHA60572014 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The StaircasePDF The StaircaseAug 2021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Stalingrad PlexusWebsite Delta Green Anomalies Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Ukraine
Fiction Stalker of the Wild Wind219-232Softback The Ithaqua CycleCHA60211998 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Stalking HoundCharacter (F)Cards Perilous TrialsCT412011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Boardgame The Stalking TerrorBoardgame The Stalking Terror2020 Micro RPGThe Stalking Terror
Card Stand Against the OrderAdventure (R)Cards LimitedCAO1300-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Scenario Standard Deviation *2013Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Background Standard Marine Infantry Kit64-65PDF The Interstellar Colonial Marine Corps2008 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Rising)
Scenario The Star Brothers5-25PDF The Star Brothers2019 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario The Star ChamberSoftback The Star ChamberAPU81102017 Arc Dream PublishingDelta GreenSeptember; 2018
Scenario The Star Chamber124-165Softback A Night at the OperaAPU81152018 Arc Dream PublishingDelta Green2018; September
Scenario The Star on the Shore5-73Softback The Star on the ShoreDCG-SS-HC-12017 Dark Cult GamesCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New England; 1920s
Rules Star Ridge ManorOct 2022Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Star Seed271-285Softback Shadows Over ScotlandCB73532011 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (Classic)Scotland; Colour Out of Space
Card Star Spawn of CthulhuMonster (C)Cards Cthulhu RisingCAO1302-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card Star Spawn PriestCharacter (U)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Star Stone of MnarArtifact (U)Cards LimitedCAO1300-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card Star TrekAdventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Card Star TrekAdventure (F)Website Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive Self PublishedMythos
Card Star VampireMonster (R)Cards New AeonCAO1311-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Card Star Vampire MinionCharacter (U)Cards Forbidden Relics2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Background Star VampireseZine Ken Writes About Stuffv1n11Feb 2014 Pelgrane PressTrail of Cthulhu
Scenario The Star-DevourerM1-M7Magazine Different Worlds35Jul 1984 ChaosiumChampions, Superworld, Villains and VigilantesSan Francisco; 1984; Dhole
Card Star-Summoned DholeCharacter (C)Cards Forbidden Relics2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario Starchild from AfarPDF Starchild from AfarFeb 2024 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Sweden; May; 1924
Scenario Stare of the MonsterFeb 2010Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules StarersDec 2022Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Starfall Over the Plateau of Leng2-49Softback Age of Cthulhu Vol. VIII: Starfall Over the Plateau of Leng70082014 Goodman GamesCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Arkansas; Arkham; Dreamlands; November; 1927
Scenario Starhub ZeroHardback Darkspace2023 Kabuki KaiserCthulhu Dark
Card Staring StatueEvent (F)Cards Scooby Doo Set 3 Self PublishedMythos
Background Starkmoor Hall35-?Magazine Arcane Encounters4Apr 1997 Future PublishingFeng Shui, Vampyre the Masquerade, Call of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Starport Helios3-7PDF Starport HeliosMay 2024 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [2370]Deep Space; 2370
Background The Starry WisdomeZine Ken Writes About Stuffv3n12Mar 2016 Pelgrane PressTrail of Cthulhu
Background The Starry Wisdom Cult45-56Softback Cultists Under the BedCB712062013 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (Laundry)
Background The Starry Wisdom Cult116-121Magazine Worlds of Cthulhu1Aug 2004 Pegasus PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Starry Wisdom DeaconCharacter (U)Cards Forgotten Cities2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Starry-Eyed AdherentCharacter (F)Cards The Mark of MadnessCT662015 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Background The Stars are Aligning30-31Softback Interface 19.40MUH050027AC2015 Modiphius EntertainmentCall of Cthulhu (Achtung!), Interface Zero, Savage Worlds (Achtung!)
Boardgame The Stars are Cruel Promo CardBoardgame The Stars are Cruel Promo CardOct 2015 Steve Jackson GamesMunchkin
Card The Stars are RightEvent (U)Cards DreamlandsCAO1307-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Card The Stars are RightEvent (R)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario The Stars are Right2001Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Arkham
Card The Stars Are RightEvent (F)Cards The Sleeper BelowCT632014 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Boardgame The Stars Are RightBoardgame The Stars Are RightSJG14322009 Steve Jackson GamesThe Stars Are Right
Scenario The Stars Are Right102-103PDF Five PointsMYL303012016 Mystic Throne EntertainmentDark StreetsNew York; 1840s
Scenario The Stars Are Right for Pizza2020Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)Rhode Island
Scenario The Stars are Righteous, Dude!Mar 2018Website Reckoning of the Dead Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)California; Shoggoth
Scenario The Stars Aren't RightPDF The Stars Aren't RightApr 2021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [Future]Solar System
Scenario Stars Over Siberia5-36PDF Stars Over SiberiaJan 2024 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Russia; 1929
Background The Stars Turn, Turn, Turn126-128PDF APOCTHULHUcr61002020 Cthulhu RebornAPOCTHULHU
Scenario The Starshrine78-103Softback Lurking Fears0001Jan 1990 Triad EntertainmentsCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Boardgame StarspawnBoardgame Starspawn2024 Petersen GamesHyperspace
Rules Starting The Campaign23-30Hardback Fearful SymmetriesPELGT452021 Pelgrane PressTrail of Cthulhu
Rules Starting Your Call of Cthulhu Campaign30-37Magazine The Unspeakable Oath22Jan 2013 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Startling DiscoveryEvent (C)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Starving ArtistCharacter (F)Cards The Mark of MadnessCT662015 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario The Starving Ones13-28Softback Children of the StormCHA03942010 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)West Virginia; 1935
Card State RepresentativeCharacter (U)Cards Forgotten Cities2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card The StatementAdventure (F)PDF Eric Johnson Mythos Collection Self PublishedMythos
Card The Statement of Randolph CarterAdventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Card The Statement Of Randolph CarterAdventure (F)Website Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive Self PublishedMythos
Card Station EismitteSupport (F)Cards Seekers of KnowledgeCT592012 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Rules Stats, Skills, and the Madness Meter12-24PDF Nemesis2006 Arc Dream PublishingNemesis
Scenario Statue of the SorcererA:5-32Softback Statue of the Sorcerer, The Vanishing ConjurerCHA23181986 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)San Francisco; June; 1925
Scenario StayFanzine Serendipity's Circle12 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Boardgame Stay Away!Boardgame Stay Away!2014 Pendragon Game StudioStay Away!
Boardgame Stay Away! Promo SetBoardgame Stay Away! Promo Set2014 Ares GamesStay Away!
Rules Stay out of the Forest on ThurdaysFeb 2021Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Stay the Night234-240Hardback The Dread HouseHDG80002017 Hammerdog GamesDungeons and Dragons, Call of Cthulhu (Now), PathfinderPennsylvania; 2017
Background The Steadfast DeckeZine Chaosium Digestv21n04Aug 1997 ChaosiumMythos
Background The Steadfast DeckWebsite Robo's Mythos CCG Web Page Self PublishedMythos
Background The Steadfast DeckWebsite A Web Page from a Friend Self PublishedMythos
Card Steal LifeSpell (R)Cards Cthulhu RisingCAO1302-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card Stealing the GloryEvent (F)Cards The Terror of the TidesCT222009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Stealth FighterArtifact (R)Cards New AeonCAO1311-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Card Stealthy ByakheeCharacter (F)Cards The Terror of the TidesCT222009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Stealthy ZoogCharacter (F)Cards Journey to Unknown KadathCT312010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Rules Steamship Creation12-41Hardback From the Tideless SeaFeb 2023 Cipher BureauRaiders of R'lyeh
Background Steering Group 41998Website Bristol Consortium Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Boardgame Stella ClarkBoardgame Stella ClarkAHC512020 Fantasy Flight GamesArkham Horror: The Card Game
Card Stella LaudenAlly (F)Cards Rosemary's Baby Self PublishedMythos
Rules Stelliform LiquivoresOct 2022Website Self PublishedDelta Green
Scenario The Stench of an Open Grave6-35PDF The Stench of an Open GraveOct 2023 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Dark Ages)England
Scenario Step into My Parlor8-27Magazine The Blasphemous Tome9Jun 2022 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)
Boardgame Step on a Non-Euclidean Brick Toy Promo CardBoardgame Step on a Non-Euclidean Brick Toy Promo CardOct 2016 Steve Jackson GamesMunchkin
Card Steve ClarneyCharacter (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Steve ClarneyAlly (U)Website Serena's Dojo1999 Self PublishedMythos
Card Steve Clarney, Soldier of FortuneCharacter (R)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario Sticks and Twigs Like Men1-25PDF Sticks and Twigs Like Men2005 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)England; 1970s
Boardgame Sticky CthulhuBoardgame Sticky Cthulhu2021 IELLOSticky Cthulhu
Scenario A Sticky SituationPDF A Sticky Situation2019 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Massachusetts; 1920s
Card A Still AfternoonEvent (F)Cards Sesqua Valley Self PublishedMythos
Card Still LifeSupport (R)Cards Forgotten Cities2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Still Life ExhibitionSupport (U)Cards Forbidden Relics2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario Still Waters40-55Softback The Great Old OnesCHA23211989 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Mississippi; Lesser Race
Scenario Stillness77-102Softback Nocturnum: Long ShadesCC011997 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu (Now)California
Scenario Stillness *87-106Softback Nocturnum: d20CC052002 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu (Now)California
Background Stilton OverloadWebsite Hastur Hobbies Self PublishedMythos
Scenario Stolen Grief3-20PDF Stolen GriefAug 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)England
Card Stone CalendarSupport (F)Cards The CacophonyCT392010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Stone DiskArtifact (F)Cards Sesqua Valley Self PublishedMythos
Card Stone DragonArtifact (U)Website Serena's Dojo1999 Self PublishedMythos
Card Stone MausoleumLocation (F)Cards Sesqua Valley Self PublishedMythos
Card Stone of the HeartEvent (U)Cards Masks of Nyarlathotep2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card The Stone on the PeakCharacter (F)Cards Dunwich Denizens2006 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card The Stone on the PeakCharacter (F)Cards Dunwich DenizensCT15e2011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card The Stone PillarLocation (F)Cards Sesqua Valley Self PublishedMythos
Scenario Stone Shifter44-47Softback MinionsCHA23651997 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario A Stone's Throw From AtlantisPDF A Stone's Throw From AtlantisApr 2021 Type40Call of Cthulhu (Classic)Spain; 1924
Scenario Stonegarden Arizona129-150Softback Shadows Over StillwaterCHA231562019 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Darker Trails)Arizona; Star Vampire; Rat Thing
Card StonehengeLocation (C)Cards Expeditions of Miskatonic UniversityCAO1301-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Scenario Stones of Doom1997Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Stones of Doom (2)1997Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Stool PigeonCharacter (R)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Scenario Stop, Thief!Oct 2008Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Stories228-243Softback Call of Cthulhu d208864400002002 Wizards of the CoastCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background The Storm Down Under126-140Softback Burning HorizonWDF233012011 WildFire GamesCthulhuTech
Scenario Storm From a TeacupPDF Storm From a TeacupAug 2021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Story Creation230-242Hardback Raiders of R'lyeh2017 Cipher BureauRaiders of R'lyeh
Rules Story Creation440-456PDF Raiders of R'lyeh Gamemaster's Guide and Complete Rules2017 Cipher BureauRaiders of R'lyeh
Scenario A Story Idea for the Black StoneeZine Chaosium Digestv03n06Aug 1993 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Deep One; Serpentman
Scenario Story Scenes42-51Softback Pax Cthuliana2017 Two Starving GnollsCall of Cthulhu (Classic)London; 1927
Rules StoryGuide Screen1-4Softback CthulhuTech GM Reference ScreenWDF236102010 WildFire GamesCthulhuTech
Rules Storytelling75-83Hardback Harlem Unbound12017 Darker Hue StudiosCall of Cthulhu (Classic), Cthulhu Confidential
Rules Storytelling Advice243-257Softback Eldritch SkiesBPI75002012 Battlefield PressEldritch Skies
Scenario Stowaways122-141Softback World War Cthulhu: Europe AblazeCB719402014 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (WWII)Mediterranean Sea; October; 1943
Scenario Straight Outta Crompton *2014Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Rules Strain and the Fraying Mind3-5PDF Strain and the Fraying Mind2019 Self PublishedChthonian Highways
Card StraitjacketSupport (F)Cards The Mark of MadnessCT662015 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Stranded on the North ShorePDF Stranded on the North ShoreDec 2021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Minnesota; March; 1925; Deep One
Card Strange AeonsEvent (R)Cards Masks of Nyarlathotep2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Boardgame Strange AeonsBoardgame Strange Aeons2009 Uncle Mike's WorldwideStrange Aeons
Scenario The Strange and Sunken Fate of Karl Heinrich1-16PDF The Strange and Sunken Fate of Karl HeinrichJul 2019 Self PublishedGURPS (Horror), Call of Cthulhu (Classic)Atlantic Ocean; June; 1937
Background Strange Britain83-118Softback Cthulhu by GaslightCHA231232012 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)
Scenario Strange Carol5-19PDF Strange CarolNov 2023 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Arkham; 1926
Scenario The Strange Case of Anthony Hanson4-20PDF The Strange Case of Anthony HansonAug 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Massachusetts; March; 2010
Card The Strange Case of Charles FortAdventure (R)Cards Cthulhu RisingCAO1302-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Scenario The Strange Case of Mr CardewPDF The Strange Case of Mr CardewOct 2020 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)England
Scenario The Strange Case of the Brown Mountain Lights61-92Softback The Phantom of Wilson CreekCHA04042013 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)North Carolina; 1927; Mi-Go
Scenario The Strange Case of the Brown Mountain Lights - 192761-87PDF The Phantom of Wilson CreekMay 2023 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)North Carolina; 1927; Mi-Go
Scenario The Strange Case of the Mising PaintingMay 2020Website Reckoning of the Dead Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New York; 1922
Scenario The Strange Case of the Rusty CorpseFanzine PerChance6Sep 1991 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)1890s; Vampire
Fiction The Strange CompanyPDF Steampunk CthulhuCHA60542014 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Steampunk)
Background Strange Company (Document #8300)1999Website Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Card Strange DelusionsSupport (F)Cards The Path to Y'ha-nthleiCT242009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Fiction The Strange Doom of Enos Harker209-213Softback The Xothic Legend CycleCHA60131997 ChaosiumNone
Scenario Strange EonseZine Chaosium Digestv04n10Nov 1993 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)California; Summer
Card The Strange High House in the MistLocation (C)Cards DreamlandsCAO1307-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Fiction The Strange Hight House in the Mist9-13Softback H.P. Lovecraft's KingsportCHA88042003 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Strange Humanoid EncounterEvent (R)Cards DreamlandsCAO1307-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Card Strange InheritanceEvent (R)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Boardgame Strange Laws Beyond Out Ken Promo CardBoardgame Strange Laws Beyond Out Ken Promo Card2016 Atlas GamesLost in R'lyeh
Card Strange LibrarianCharacter (C)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Strange LibrarianCharacter (F)Cards Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Strange LibrarianCharacter (F)Cards Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Strange LibrarianCharacter (F)Cards Arkham Edition Premium Starter Set2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Strange LibrarianCharacter (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Strange Little Girl76-92Softback Avalon - The County of SomersetCB73522010 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (Classic)England; 1920s; Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath
Fiction Strange Manuscript Found in the Vermont Woods127-143Softback The Xothic Legend CycleCHA60131997 ChaosiumNone
Rules Strange Materials1-3PDF Strange MaterialsJCG0322019 Just Crunch GamesThe Cthulhu Hack
Boardgame Strange RemnantsBoardgame Strange RemnantsEH042015 Fantasy Flight GamesEldritch Horror
Card Strange SisterhoodSupport (R)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Rules The Strange Spectacles of Dr Scolius28Magazine The Unspeakable Oath16/17Mar 2001 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Strange VisitorsCharacter (R)Cards Forbidden Relics2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Background Strange Vistas Submission Request17-19eZine Opifex Bimonthly7May 1997 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules The StrangerMagazine The Blasphemous Tome8Dec 2021 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Darker Trails)
Scenario The Stranger on the StyleMagazine The Blasphemous Tome4Dec 2018 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Stranger Shores8-14PDF Trail of Cthulhu Quickstart RulesPELGT201QSOct 2024 Pelgrane PressTrail of CthulhuRhode Island
Background Stranger's Race Vobster, Somerset82-83Magazine The Black Seal2Mar 2003 Brichester University PressCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Background Strangers in a Strange Land - British Characters27-34Softback Mysteries of the RajCHA03912010 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)
Card Strangers on a TrainAdventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Card Strangers On A TrainAdventure (F)Website Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive Self PublishedMythos
Rules Strangest Things15-17PDF Whispers of the Dead1Mar 2022 Staggered Amusement MachineDelta Green
Rules Strangest Things33-34PDF Whispers of the Dead2Apr 2022 Staggered Amusement MachineDelta Green
Rules Strangest Things83-91PDF Whispers of the Dead3May 2022 Staggered Amusement MachineDelta Green
Rules The Strangue Bible28-29Magazine The Unspeakable Oath12Jun 1995 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Strategic IndustriesSoftback Tales of Terror (II)PAG21021996 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Strategic PlanningEvent (F)Cards Denizens of the UnderworldCT622014 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario The Strawman4-12PDF The StrawmanAug 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Scenario Stray Cat StrutSoftback Tales of Terror (I)1990 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Stray Cat StrutSoftback Tales of Terror (II)PAG21021996 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Stray Cat Strut1990Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Street Chases and Mobs1-3PDF Street Chases and Mobs2012 Self PublishedYellow Dawn
Card The Street of PillarsLocation (C)Cards DreamlandsCAO1307-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Card Street of TearsLocation (C)Cards DreamlandsCAO1307-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Card Street PreacherCharacter (C)Cards Masks of Nyarlathotep2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Street ProphetCharacter (U)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Street ScholarCharacter (C)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Rules Street TalkFanzine Dagon7May 1985 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Street ToughCharacter (F)Cards Touched by the AbyssCT582012 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Street-Smart RookieCharacter (C)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Boardgame Streets of ArkhamBoardgame Streets of ArkhamMAD252017 Fantasy Flight GamesMansions of Madness
Rules Streets of Fear12Magazine Fantasy Chronicles1Jul 1985 Fantastic PublicationsCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Card StregoicavarLocation (U)Website Serena's Dojo1999 Self PublishedMythos
Rules Stress Disorders294-299Softback Delta Green: Targets of OpportunityPAG21082010 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background A Strict Protein Diet51-59Magazine Protodimension11Win 2012 Kinstaff MediaCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Card Strike the ShepherdEvent (R)Cards Forbidden Relics2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Striking TentacleEvent (F)Cards The Mark of MadnessCT662015 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario String Quartet2003Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Track Strolling About1:00Recording Horror on the Orient Express MusicAOCD70042005 A O MusicCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Stroudsberg, PAPDF Hometown Horrors Volume OneJul 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Card Struggling ArtistCharacter (F)Cards The Terror of the TidesCT222009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Strung Up!Event (F)Cards That Which ConsumesCT452011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Stuck in the SlammerSupport (C)Cards Forbidden Relics2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Student ArchaeologistCharacter (U)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Student ArchaeologistCharacter (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Student Of the ProfaneCharacter (F)Cards Spawn of Madness2006 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Student Of the ProfaneCharacter (F)Cards Spawn of MadnessCT12e2011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card A Study in DarknessAdventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Boardgame A Study in EmeraldBoardgame A Study in Emerald2013 Treefrog GamesA Study in Emerald
Boardgame A Study in EmeraldBoardgame A Study in Emerald2016 Grey Fox GamesA Study in Emerald
Boardgame A Study in EmeraldBoardgame A Study in Emerald2017 Treefrog GamesA Study in Emerald
Card The Study of Apt. 7-D The BradfordLocation (F)Cards Rosemary's Baby Self PublishedMythos
Card Studying the VoidEvent (F)Cards The Key and the GateCT602013 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario The Stuff of NightmaresPDF The Stuff of NightmaresMUH0010343Nov 2023 Modiphius EntertainmentAchtung! CthulhuEurope; July; 1941
Rules The Stuff That Heroes Are Made Of28-29Magazine The Whisperer4Spr 2001 Severn Valley PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Stygian EyeSupport (F)Cards Into TartarusCT512011 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Rules Stygian HoundOct 2023Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Stygian IdolSupport (F)Cards The Spoken CovenantCT362010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario A Stylish Death43Magazine The Black Seal2Mar 2003 Brichester University PressCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Fiction Sub Rosa42-43Softback Unveiled ThreatsWDF236002011 WildFire GamesCthulhuTech
Scenario Subliminal2023Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Rules Submachine Guns86-92Softback Investigator Weapons Volume 1: The 1920s and 1930s60-IHB012012 Sixtystone PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Submachine Guns148-167Softback Investigator Weapons Volume 2: Modern Day60-IHB022015 Sixtystone PressCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Novelty A Submarine in the DepthsPDF Cthulhu Maps - A Submarine in the Depths0572022 LovemapsCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Suboptimal125-137PDF D-Day: The Darkest DayMUH0010317May 2024 Modiphius EntertainmentAchtung! CthulhuFrance; 1944
Rules Subterranean Deep OneOct 2014Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Subterranean London54-57Softback The London GuidebookCHA23471996 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Subtle InfluencesAdventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Scenario The Suburban Hamlet of West Norwood29-53Softback Five Go Mad in EgyptCHA03812009 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)London; 1925; October
Rules Suburban ZombiesOct 2021Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Background The Suburbs65-106Softback Secrets of Los AngelesCHA231112007 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules SuccoOct 2019Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Invictus)
Card Succumb To TemptationEvent (F)Cards UnlimitedCAO1306-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Boardgame Sucker Punch Promo CardBoardgame Sucker Punch Promo CardAug 2017 Steve Jackson GamesMunchkin
Scenario The Sudan84-114Softback Utatti AsfetCHA23601996 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Sudan; 1991
Card Sudden CycloneEvent (F)Cards The Thousand YoungCT652015 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario The Sudden StormPDF The Sudden StormMay 2019 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Maine
Scenario Suffer Little Children14-24Softback Day of the BeastCHA23741998 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New Hampshire; Summer; 1927
Scenario Suffer Little Children17PDF Bits and PiecesNov 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Sweden; 1920s
Scenario Suffer not a Wizard to Live15-34Softback Undying LeadersCHA03432007 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Vermont
Scenario Suffer the Child2005Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Suffer the ChildrenSoftback More Tales of Terror PAG21052000 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background The Sufferers' Guild71-82Softback The Big Book of CultsCHA03162005 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Scenario Suffering Artist2001Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Sufficient Unto the Day28-46Magazine Worlds of Cthulhu3Jun 2005 Pegasus PressCall of Cthulhu (Now)England; 2000s
Rules Suggested Further Reading/Viewing300-308PDF APOCTHULHUcr61002020 Cthulhu RebornAPOCTHULHU
Rules Suggested Rule ChangeseZine Chaosium Digestv02n01Apr 1993 ChaosiumNone
Rules Suggested Sources for Victorian Roleplayers170-173Softback Cthulhu by GaslightCHA231232012 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Gaslight)
Rules Suggestions for Effectively Running the Campaign and Several Plot Seeds5-18Softback The Primal StateCHA03442007 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules Suggestions for Keepers12-22Softback The Keeper's Companion Vol 1CHA23882000 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Suicide HourOct 2017Website Reckoning of the Dead Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Atomic)New York; Winter; 1947
Fiction The Suicide in the Study9-14PDF Mysteries of the WormCHA60372009 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Suitable for FramingSoftback Tales of Terror (II)PAG21021996 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Suited and Booted46-56Magazine The Unspeakable Oath19Mar 2011 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)London; 1920s
Boardgame The Suits: CthulhuBoardgame The Suits: Cthulhu2021 Hornet GamesThe Suits: Cthulhu
Scenario Sukakpak9-15Magazine The Unspeakable Oath21Jul 2012 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [1975]Alaska; Spring; 1975
Scenario Sukakpak1-7PDF Sukakpak2011 Self PublishedCthulhu DarkAlaska; 1975; Spring
Scenario The Sultan's Treasure28-35Magazine Adventures Unlimited5Spr 1996 Bootstrap PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)1920s; Deep One
Scenario Summer at Soundsend11-19Magazine Abyss24May 1983 Ragnarok GamesCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Summer
Card Summer ClassesEvent (F)Cards The Thing from the ShoreCT232009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Summer SolsticeEvent (U)Website Serena's Dojo1999 Self PublishedMythos
Card Summon Great CthulhuAdventure (R)Cards Legends of the NecronomiconCAO1303-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Background Summon Great CthulhuWebsite Robo's Mythos CCG Web Page Self PublishedMythos
Background Summon Great CthulhuWebsite A Web Page from a Friend Self PublishedMythos
Background Summon Great Cthulhu DeckeZine Chaosium Digestv21n07Sep 1997 ChaosiumMythos
Background Summon Great Cthulhu DeckWebsite Thastygliax's Vault Self PublishedMythos
Card Summon Spectral HunterSupport (F)Cards The Key and the GateCT602013 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Summon the SleeperSupport (F)Cards The Sleeper BelowCT632014 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Unknown Summon Web Scryer44-?Magazine Knights of the Dinner Table42Apr 2000 Kenzer and CompanyCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Unknown Summon Web Scryer74-?Magazine Knights of the Dinner Table85Nov 2003 Kenzer and CompanyCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Boardgame Summoner's GrimoireBoardgame Summoner's GrimoireSGPNP0012014 Voidspiral EntertainmentSummoner's Grimoire
Card Summoning CircleSupport (F)Cards The Terror of the TidesCT222009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario Sun and ShadowSoftback Terror of OctobernomiconGGP22012022 Golden Goblin PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Australia
Card Sun SpotsEvent (C)Cards DreamlandsCAO1307-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Novelty Sun Spots Game Master's KitPDF Sun Spots Game Master's KitW8_0052018 Weird 8Call of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card The Sun WorshipperAdventure (U)Cards Legends of the NecronomiconCAO1303-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Scenario The Sun, The Stones and the Vision17-30Softback Sun Spots42017 Weird 8Call of Cthulhu (Classic)Boston; February; 1926
Card Sunday PainterAdventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Scenario The Sundial of Amen-Tet37-56Softback Lurking Fears0001Jan 1990 Triad EntertainmentsCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New York State; September; 1923; Nyarlathotep; Gug; Hound of Tindalos
Scenario Sundown2-15PDF Sundown2011 Imaginary EmpireCall of Cthulhu (Darker Trails)Arizona; 1880
Scenario The Sunflower Masquerade Act 016-25eZine The Dark Times3May 2018 Self PublishedTrail of CthulhuArkham; October; 1935
Scenario The Sunflower Masquerade Act 114-29eZine The Dark Times4Feb 2019 Self PublishedTrail of CthulhuArkham; November; 1935
Scenario Sunken DreamsPDF Sunken DreamsJan 2020 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Massachusetts; 1920s
Card Sunken U-BoatLocation (F)Cards Scooby Doo Set 3 Self PublishedMythos
Card Sunlight on the Golden GateEvent (C)Website Serena's Dojo1999 Self PublishedMythos
Scenario Sunset on Sandy Gulch51-67Magazine Worlds of Cthulhu6Jan 2009 Pegasus PressCall of Cthulhu (Darker Trails)Sand Dweller
Scenario Super 870-87Magazine Worlds of Cthulhu2Feb 2005 Pegasus PressCall of Cthulhu (Now)New York; Y'Golonac
Rules Superheroes Vs The Cthulhu MythosPDF Superheroes Vs The Cthulhu MythosNov 2020 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Card The Supernal PrismSupport (F)Cards Terror in VeniceCT612013 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Rules Supernatural Effects119-123PDF APOCTHULHUcr61002020 Cthulhu RebornAPOCTHULHU
Card Supernatural InvestigatorCharacter (F)Cards For the Greater GoodCT642015 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Background The Supernatural West135-162Softback Down Darker TrailsCHA231512017 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Darker Trails)
Background Superstitions43-44Softback Mysteries of IrelandCHA04082012 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario SuperswarmAug 2011Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)Antarctica
Card The SupplicantCharacter (F)Cards The Mark of MadnessCT662015 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Rules Supporting Cast101-113Hardback Harlem Unbound12017 Darker Hue StudiosCthulhu Confidential, Call of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background The Supporting Cast9-10Softback The Dead White WorldPELGT192011 Pelgrane PressTrail of Cthulhu
Background The Supporting Cast77-78Softback Cthulhu ApocalypsePELGT402015 Pelgrane PressTrail of Cthulhu
Boardgame Supressed MemoriesBoardgame Supressed MemoriesMAD222016 Fantasy Flight GamesMansions of Madness
Rules SuraleOct 2021Website Self PublishedLabyrinth Lord
Card Surprise MeetingEvent (C)Cards Legends of the NecronomiconCAO1303-11996 ChaosiumMythos
Card Surprising FindEvent (F)Cards Touched by the AbyssCT582012 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card SurrealistCharacter (F)Cards The Mark of MadnessCT662015 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario The Surrey Enigma22-26Magazine White Dwarf69Sep 1985 Games WorkshopCall of Cthulhu (Classic)England; July; 1923
Rules Surveillance and Intelligence Gathering58-69Softback World War Cthulhu: Cold War - Section 46 Operations ManualCB719712016 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (Cold War)
Background Survival Horror18-19eZine The Gazebo3Nov 2012 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Fiction Survival of the Fittest124-125Softback Burning HorizonWDF233012011 WildFire GamesCthulhuTech
Card The SurvivorAdventure (F)Website House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Card The SurvivorAdventure (F)Website Unofficial Mythos Adventure Archive Self PublishedMythos
Rules Survivors15-55PDF APOCTHULHUcr61002020 Cthulhu RebornAPOCTHULHU
Rules Survivors Guilt ManifestedOct 2023Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Suspended Pending ResolutionSoftback Terror of OctobernomiconGGP22012022 Golden Goblin PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)England
Scenario Susquehanna Sasquatch!Sep 2017Website Reckoning of the Dead Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Pennsylvania; June; 1931
Fiction The Sussex Manuscript199-233Softback The NecronomiconCHA60121996 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Fiction The Sussex Manuscript301-350Softback The NecronomiconCHA60342002 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario Sutra Chanting NetworkPDF JaponismAug 2024 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Now)Japan
Rules SvecnikOct 2021Website Self PublishedLabyrinth Lord
Card Swallowed by the SeaEvent (R)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Rules Swamp15-34PDF Unexplored: Swamp and TundraMUH0010372May 2024 Modiphius EntertainmentDelta Green
Scenario Swamp Bones485-514PDF 40 Adventures for Call of Cthulhu2002 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Florida; 1990s
Scenario Swamp Bones1-30PDF Swamp Bones1996 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)Florida; 1990s
Scenario Swamp Bones23-51eZine Opifex Bimonthly8Jul 1997 Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Now)Florida; 1990s
Scenario Swamp SongPDF Swamp SongMar 2023 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)New Orleans; 1920s
Card Swarm of CobrasEvent (R)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Swarm of InsectsEvent (U)Cards DreamlandsCAO1307-11997 ChaosiumMythos
Scenario The Swarming94-103Softback Blood BrothersCHA23291990 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Michigan; Autumn; 1981; Werewolf
Rules The Swarner Virus17Magazine The Unspeakable Oath13Jan 1996 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Now)
Card Swaying BranchesCharacter (C)Cards Forgotten Cities2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Background Swearing Fealty to ProvidenceWebsite House of Tindalos Self PublishedMythos
Scenario The Sweep and the Raven145-147Hardback The Dread HouseHDG80002017 Hammerdog GamesCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [13th to 15th C], Pathfinder, Dungeons and DragonsSpain; 1679
Scenario Sweet Child of MineeZine Chaosium Digestv29n05Dec 1999 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Fiction Sweet Dreams74-75Softback Vade MecumWDF230012008 WildFire GamesCthulhuTech
Scenario Sweet Dreams Are Made of This22-26Magazine Skeleton CrewOct 1990 Argus Specialist PublicationsCall of Cthulhu (Now)New York; 1990s
Card Sweet Dreams?Event (F)Cards Twilight HorrorCT262009 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Sweet Old LadyCharacter (F)Cards The Order of the Silver TwilightCT332010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Scenario A Sweet Time of the YearPDF A Sweet Time of the YearMar 2022 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)Vermont; 1921; Autumn
Scenario SweetnessSoftback SweetnessAPU81182018 Arc Dream PublishingDelta GreenFlorida
Card Swift ByakheeCharacter (F)Cards The Mark of MadnessCT662015 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Swimming in the DeepEvent (F)Cards Terror in VeniceCT612013 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Swooping ByakheeCharacter (F)Cards The Spoken CovenantCT362010 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Background The Sword of Akmallah268-270Hardback The Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion (Limited)60-MONC-082016 Sixtystone PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background The Sword of Akmallah249-251Softback The Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion (Unlimited)60-MONC-03 (?)2016 Sixtystone PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Sword of RamasekvaSupport (U)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Background The Sword of Sneferu38-50Magazine Worlds of Cthulhu6Jan 2009 Pegasus PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background The Sword of Sneferu29-41Magazine Worlds of Cthulhu5Jan 2007 Pegasus PressCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Card Sword of St. Jerome, The Martyr's LegacySupport (R)Cards Forbidden Relics2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Sword of Y'ha-tallaSupport (C)Cards Eldritch Edition2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Sword of Y'ha-talloSupport (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Rules Swords and Arrows31-34Softback Cthulhu Through the AgesCHA231462014 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons)
Rules Sylah-qaulathPDF Sylah-qaulathMay 2021 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Scenario SylviaSoftback Tales of Terror (II)PAG21021996 Pagan PublishingCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Fiction SymbiOS56-63PDF Eldritch ChromeCHA60522013 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Cyberpunk)
Background Symbiot ArmoreZine Chaosium Digestv38n05Jul 2004 ChaosiumCall of Cthulhu (Strange Aeons) [Future]
Rules Symbiotic ShoggothsSep 2020Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)
Background Symphony of Madness74-79Softback The Whisper Out of TimePZO901122016 Paizo PublishingPathfinder
Scenario Symphony of MadnessPDF Symphony of Madness2024 Mind's VisionThe Legacy of Cthulhu
Scenario Synchronized Watches2018Website The Fairfield Project Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Delta Green)California
Card Syndicate AgentCharacter (R)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Syndicate Intelligence ReportSupport (R)Cards Forbidden Relics2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Syndicate LiaisonCharacter (F)Cards Eldritch Edition Premium Starter Set2005 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Syndicate LiaisonCharacter (U)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Syndicate LiaisonCharacter (F)Cards Call of Cthulhu The Card GameCT182008 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu LCG
Card Syndicate SupportSupport (R)Cards Unspeakable Tales2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Card Syndicate TroubleshooterCharacter (U)Cards Arkham Edition2004 Fantasy Flight GamesCall of Cthulhu CCG
Rules Synopsis of the typical 1920 De Profundis campaign77-83Softback De ProfundisCB714012010 Cubicle 7De Profundis
Card SyringeArtifact (F)Cards Rosemary's Baby Self PublishedMythos
Rules System and Combat48-63Softback The LaundryCB712002010 Cubicle 7Call of Cthulhu (Laundry)
Rules System Stuff57-73Hardback Harlem Unbound12017 Darker Hue StudiosCthulhu Confidential, Call of Cthulhu (Classic)
Rules SzepassonyFeb 2021Website Self PublishedCall of Cthulhu (Classic)